LT Covid and Blood Type connection

Posted by summerof42 @summerof42, Jul 20, 2023

I'm blood type A and have numerous (too many unbearable) symptoms after getting Covid, twice. First in '20 and then in Nov '21. Now down to 89 lbs and withering away with no help from any Doctors or Hospitals - to include Mayo.

For the past few years it was reported on many occasions that Blood Type A is more prone, than Blood type O in catching Covid in addition to becoming more ill; ditto for the vaccine.

I've been keeping a record of folks I know or even run into in a conversation if they became really ill with Covid or have Long Term Covid and quite ill. Sure, enough about 80% are Blood Type A.

So I was curious about folks on this forum and Blood Type and if it holds true. My first thought when I came across the info was Doctors should immediately address folks with Blood Type A with the appropriate medication when catching Covid, or being careful about the vaccines, based on Blood Type.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

Isn’t O the commonest type?

O-, LC since end of Jan. 2021.


A- here. Long-hauler since Aug '21. Have had covid twice. No vaccines. Dr gave me ivermectin but I think it was too long after covid started (7 wks) to have any impact.


I am type O negative . I am fully vaccinated with boosters. My first Covid infection was January 2022- no prescription meds given. I was out of town and went to an urgent care clinic where the PA told me even though i met the criteria for medication due to age, since i was otherwise healthy, she was not prescribing it! I took over the counter meds and had what mimicked the flu- fever, cough, congestion. I was extremely fatigued for months after. After that i started experiencing a rapid heart rate with minimal exertion. Next infection was December 2022. Luckily i was at home and called my doctor who prescribed Paxlovid. Within 24 hours of starting the medication i was feeling much better. I still have issues with increased heart rate with minimal activity and have “brain fog. »


B negative. Had covid in April 2022.


I’m O negative - universal donor. I think you may be onto something connecting blood type and symptoms. I got it in early 2020, and have been a long hauler since. My initial infection was confusion and memory loss, followed 2 weeks later by fatigue that lasted a month, then nerve pain. I never got lung issues. My long haul issues for the past 3 years were memory and lack of appetite. Then a few weeks ago I had a seizure and have been diagnosed as epileptic. Covid is no joke.

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Type O Covid twice and long term with vertigo but developed myelodisplasia .

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