Low PSA Score with PCa Symptoms

Posted by garye @garye, Sep 16, 2022

Hi all, I am 67 with a paternal family history of advanced PCa (my father, his father and his grandfather). I have an appointment today with a urologist as my PSA score, although 2.4, has doubled in the past few months, with LUT symptoms and weight loss of 12 pounds. I am on NSAIDs, statins and blood pressure meds; my research indicates these meds can drastically lower PSA scores ("clinically significant"). Any members diagnosed with symptoms and with low PSA?

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Because the cancer was outside the prostate, as well, I was told that radiation was my only option along with ADT which I was in for 18 months. No metastasis to bones yet, but to seminal vesicles and pelvic areas. Progession now after docetaxal, Zytiga, Casodex. Still on Lupron. Waiting to see who is going to biopsy as tumors are hard to reach. Docs aren't sure what the growing tumors are, prostate or lung which was diagnosed in both lungs last year. So far nothing has worked for me. I still have Lynparza to try as a last option.

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What about Zolodex It got my PSA down from 25 to 1.2 along with radiation of L2 lumbar spread 1 inch zapped Stage 4 castrate sensitive so it works
Can they do rapid arch radiation on you to try and clear the margins ?


Look up St Rita Saint of the impossible and ask her to intercede for you to Jesus I did when the oncologist had me almost convicted Further tests proved them wrong


They are trying to figure out what the new progressive tumors are as they are stumped. Biopsy is next, but just waiting to see who can reach the largest one in the sacral area above the prostate. Nephrostomy is helping with kidney function. Hoping the Jevtana is shrinking the tumor that's near the right kidney. I appreciate your suggestions. I have not heard of that radiation.
Definitely will look into that Saint and yes, I pray always for myself and others. Prayers work. Ty


They are trying to figure out what the new progressive tumors are as they are stumped. Biopsy is next, but just waiting to see who can reach the largest one in the sacral area above the prostate. Nephrostomy is helping with kidney function. Hoping the Jevtana is shrinking the tumor that's near the right kidney. I appreciate your suggestions. I have not heard of that radiation.
Definitely will look into that Saint and yes, I pray always for myself and others. Prayers work. Ty

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They did precision GPS located intense rad2 x on 1 inch mestatic cancer on L2 lumbar Zapped it

Can they do GPS on your large tumors


They did precision GPS located intense rad2 x on 1 inch mestatic cancer on L2 lumbar Zapped it

Can they do GPS on your large tumors

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The rad onco team isn't sure if they are prostate cancer, lung, or what. The one that has now increased to 3.6 x 2.2 cm is in the pararectal space and hard to biopsy. May have to consult with a gastroenterologist. That one showed no tracer on the PSMA scan. One of the reasons I am not a candidate for Pluvitco. The lungs can have radiation if need be, but I have already undergone brachytherapy with HDR to the prostate and seminal vesicles. Mass is inseparable from the rectum as well. Such a tough situation. If my cancer had been diagnosed back in 2009 I would have had a prostatectomy like my brother did when he was 58. He is 86 now. He has had some radiation treatments, but is in good health otherwise.


Labcorp emailed my test results this morning. No infections are present, so no prostatitis present. I was prescribed Cipro on my initial doctor's appointment last Friday as a precautionary measure, but I did not take a single one - I decided to wait on the test results, and I am glad I didn't take any as Cipro will harm the good bacteria. My PSA is still low at 2.3 ng/mL but the free PSA is 20 - it should be 25 or higher. So with my symptoms, weight loss and family history, I would assume the next steps will be a multi parametric MRI and an ultrasound. After many years of NSAIDs and statins/blood pressure meds, it's no surprise the PSA is under 4.


As expected, my urologist has ordered a mp-MRI to determine, in his words, the grade and Gleason score of what he believes is indeed cancer. If biopsies will be required after the mp-MRI results are studied, he said he would do that in the operating room at the hospital using general anesthesia. One concerning lab result, from a previous CBC last July, was the rise in alkaline phosphatase levels.


I had a PSA of 80 and no symptoms. Go figure. This is a diabolical evil entity.


When I was 66 my PSA was 2.76. When I was 68 my PSA was 5.34. I had an MRI done and it showed a 2.5 cm lesion which then was biopsy and was Gleason 3/4 7. I had a radical prosectomy September 6 this year.


When I was 66 my PSA was 2.76. When I was 68 my PSA was 5.34. I had an MRI done and it showed a 2.5 cm lesion which then was biopsy and was Gleason 3/4 7. I had a radical prosectomy September 6 this year.

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Hope your doing well post surgery. Let's hope it's 1 (procedure) and done so you can live your life. Good luck and God bless


Ask if you should get 3-month injection of Zolodex to stop testosterone even after radiation I wish I did as it came back to L2 lumbar 4 years later Now PSA back to 1.2

Also check out Orgovyx daily pill

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