Low PSA Score with PCa Symptoms

Posted by garye @garye, Sep 16, 2022

Hi all, I am 67 with a paternal family history of advanced PCa (my father, his father and his grandfather). I have an appointment today with a urologist as my PSA score, although 2.4, has doubled in the past few months, with LUT symptoms and weight loss of 12 pounds. I am on NSAIDs, statins and blood pressure meds; my research indicates these meds can drastically lower PSA scores ("clinically significant"). Any members diagnosed with symptoms and with low PSA?

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Have you looked into Pluvitco?

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First I hear of it My medical oncologist is holding me off other stuff as I and castrate sensitive oilomatestic one site since radiated L2 lumbar only and Zolodex is keeping PSA 1.2 for 1/1/2 years now

I did look a seer.cancer.gov and the stats say we only have 35% chance of 5 years Do you know more on that ? My doctors say multiple years and multiple therapies


First I hear of it My medical oncologist is holding me off other stuff as I and castrate sensitive oilomatestic one site since radiated L2 lumbar only and Zolodex is keeping PSA 1.2 for 1/1/2 years now

I did look a seer.cancer.gov and the stats say we only have 35% chance of 5 years Do you know more on that ? My doctors say multiple years and multiple therapies

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I have read so many trials that predict overall survival but really don't think it's set in stone because everyone is different. Some of those trials have very small numbers of participants. There is a current SLASH study accepting eligible applicants now. For me I just try to stay optimistic and in the moment. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. You have to meet set criteria. Don't let those figures become deciding factors for you. Make the most out of every good day. I am hoping my next biopsy reveals more treatment options. Good luck to you.


I have read so many trials that predict overall survival but really don't think it's set in stone because everyone is different. Some of those trials have very small numbers of participants. There is a current SLASH study accepting eligible applicants now. For me I just try to stay optimistic and in the moment. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. You have to meet set criteria. Don't let those figures become deciding factors for you. Make the most out of every good day. I am hoping my next biopsy reveals more treatment options. Good luck to you.

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Thanks for very comforting message The stats must be for all cases. I am oliomatestic one site and castrate sensitive with MRI and PET showing low disease so somehow I need to know I am not in that only 30% will make 5 years category. This draws from PMA Positive Mental Attitude Looking for stats that better represent my condition which has been same for 1 1/2 years now
My oncologists said only when you become castrate resistive will we look at enzalutamide or darolutimide or ?? as they give me no advantage today just side effects. Anyone have a stats site that breaks out case types sensitive and resistive and where cancer has spread since prostate radiation done 5 years ago


I have read so many trials that predict overall survival but really don't think it's set in stone because everyone is different. Some of those trials have very small numbers of participants. There is a current SLASH study accepting eligible applicants now. For me I just try to stay optimistic and in the moment. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. You have to meet set criteria. Don't let those figures become deciding factors for you. Make the most out of every good day. I am hoping my next biopsy reveals more treatment options. Good luck to you.

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Refresh me Having a biopsy where? Has it metastasized?
You did have prostate removed or radiated out?


Refresh me Having a biopsy where? Has it metastasized?
You did have prostate removed or radiated out?

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Because the cancer was outside the prostate, as well, I was told that radiation was my only option along with ADT which I was in for 18 months. No metastasis to bones yet, but to seminal vesicles and pelvic areas. Progession now after docetaxal, Zytiga, Casodex. Still on Lupron. Waiting to see who is going to biopsy as tumors are hard to reach. Docs aren't sure what the growing tumors are, prostate or lung which was diagnosed in both lungs last year. So far nothing has worked for me. I still have Lynparza to try as a last option.


Thanks for very comforting message The stats must be for all cases. I am oliomatestic one site and castrate sensitive with MRI and PET showing low disease so somehow I need to know I am not in that only 30% will make 5 years category. This draws from PMA Positive Mental Attitude Looking for stats that better represent my condition which has been same for 1 1/2 years now
My oncologists said only when you become castrate resistive will we look at enzalutamide or darolutimide or ?? as they give me no advantage today just side effects. Anyone have a stats site that breaks out case types sensitive and resistive and where cancer has spread since prostate radiation done 5 years ago

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I had my blood and recently tissue from my prostate biopsy sent to Foundation One for CRIS test, genome DNA. I did not respond to abiraterone. Nor will I to enzalutamide or similar. If you can do the DNA test, I recommend. It's tough after being told you are castration resistant.


I had my blood and recently tissue from my prostate biopsy sent to Foundation One for CRIS test, genome DNA. I did not respond to abiraterone. Nor will I to enzalutamide or similar. If you can do the DNA test, I recommend. It's tough after being told you are castration resistant.

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Wow 5 yrs ago when my biopsies were Gleason 9 and 10 in 11 cores I then sent my blood to a NY lab for $600 who told me I had aggressive Prostate' cancer 4kscoretest com look into it week turnaround

So we rushed the robotic surgery which was stopped as it would have made me incontinent as the cancer was close to the apex of bladder

So 2 months later I did 40 radiations including 5 rapid arch for the margins

Lymp nodes taken at attempted surgery were clear.

DNA wow expensive


Wow 5 yrs ago when my biopsies were Gleason 9 and 10 in 11 cores I then sent my blood to a NY lab for $600 who told me I had aggressive Prostate' cancer 4kscoretest com look into it week turnaround

So we rushed the robotic surgery which was stopped as it would have made me incontinent as the cancer was close to the apex of bladder

So 2 months later I did 40 radiations including 5 rapid arch for the margins

Lymp nodes taken at attempted surgery were clear.

DNA wow expensive

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I have a Medicare Advantage plan which covered expense. I have a very high copay for current chemo, however, and not sure it's working. Healthcare shouldn't break the bank. Shameful


My wife is USA/Cdn we have her mom trying to get on Medicaid She has to use up all $$$$ first in a Buffalo assisted living home

I am 78 and on OHIP Ontario Hospital At 65 almost everything is covered

Zoledex at $1,200 every 3 months is 100% covered As is all hospital and doctor visits or surgeries

some drugs copay is 20% but few My younger wife works for in health care Great plan 85% coverage ALL drugs that OHIP may not cover So blessed

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