Loss of taste after liver transplant

Posted by kaegee @kaegee, Dec 9, 2018

Hi everyone, my husband is 14 days post liver transplant. He has completely lost his sense of taste and even worse, nearly all food and drink (besides water) taste awful to him. Has anyone else experienced this? Do you know what medication causes it? Does it go away? What did you find you could tolerate the taste of to eat or drink?

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@kaegee - I experienced the same thing after transplant. While I was in the hospital, I asked about it because I was shocked and no one had said anything. The nurses and doctors said that it was normal. They aren’t sure why, but I guess a lot of people experience it. I ended up back in the hospital one month after transplant for malnutrition. They put a feeding tube down my nose for a few days. It was awful.
It took a few months to get some appetite for me. Just be careful, you have to force yourself to get something in your stomach. I committed to 3 Boosts per day and then tried to snack a little. I know this might not be popular but I ended up taking 1/2 cbd/thc gummy a day in the evening for a month. I talked with my surgeon and they okayed it. I only weighed 99 lbs at that point and I just couldn’t gain. Everyone kept trying to shove food in my face. Anyway that turned me around. I didn’t feel different it just helped my appetite. After one month I didn’t need it anymore.
I want to stress I had approval from my transplant doctor, otherwise I wouldn’t have gone that route and I only did it until I had some appetite back.

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Yes that's very common I had the same issues after transplant. Lasted until I got some of my anti rejection meds lowered. Mine was after a Heart Transplant. I might mention that these threads can be set up rather interestingly as sometimes the person who started the post has moved on and the thread keeps going with new folks joining in. So I myself like to read the more current ones further done in the list. Something to keep in mind as your reading thru the posts. I personally will hit the last button on really long post to get caught up on recent additions, thanks for joining in to this discussion as we all have great experiences to share with others going thru similar issues. It so nice to realize we are not alone. It appears the current conversation is with someone named cherismikes if you would like to join into that conversation.


@kaegee - I experienced the same thing after transplant. While I was in the hospital, I asked about it because I was shocked and no one had said anything. The nurses and doctors said that it was normal. They aren’t sure why, but I guess a lot of people experience it. I ended up back in the hospital one month after transplant for malnutrition. They put a feeding tube down my nose for a few days. It was awful.
It took a few months to get some appetite for me. Just be careful, you have to force yourself to get something in your stomach. I committed to 3 Boosts per day and then tried to snack a little. I know this might not be popular but I ended up taking 1/2 cbd/thc gummy a day in the evening for a month. I talked with my surgeon and they okayed it. I only weighed 99 lbs at that point and I just couldn’t gain. Everyone kept trying to shove food in my face. Anyway that turned me around. I didn’t feel different it just helped my appetite. After one month I didn’t need it anymore.
I want to stress I had approval from my transplant doctor, otherwise I wouldn’t have gone that route and I only did it until I had some appetite back.


@cherismikes, You are a good mom-caregiver. Your daughter is fortunate to have you to look after her.

My taste came back right AFTER my transplant, so my situation is different than your daughter's situation. I am only speaking from my experience that I did eat after transplant, with some different food choices.

A voice mail is a good way to get message to/from nurse. What did the nurse say about your daughter's eating and the loss of taste? Are your daughter's labs showing that she is getting the needed nutrients?

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Her potassium is a little high but then it will go low they said this will straighten out as she gets farther out from transplant. Her Magnesium a little low. But everything else is ok they adjusted one of her anti rejection by increasing it which made her bp go up for a couple days but it is back to normal her platelets have come up but hemoglobin is a little low. This is just so scary for me this was our athletic child that was a gymnast and cheer leader and always healthy eater. They say she is doing well she did have to go back into the hospital week before last she had fluid around her right lung from having acides before the liver transplant. I thought she was losing to much weight but that is the fluid still coming off. The not eating well is just so scary when she needs the nutrients to help


I know you must be relieved to have guidance from her nurse! Our transplant nurses are wonderful!

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Yes so helpful I am just catching on that I can call these people and they are so helpful.


I did they said feed her several times a day at just a few bites so I have finally feel relaxed about it she will have 2 -30gram protein shakes a day and 4 or 5 few bites meals a day until her appetite returns thank you for encouragement.

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I know you must be relieved to have guidance from her nurse! Our transplant nurses are wonderful!


@cherismikes - I'd like to welcome you to Connect. Please pass on to your daughter my sincere congratulations for her liver transplant. In spite of the lack of taste, I hope that she is making a satisfactory recovery.
When I had my transplant (liver and kidney) 13 years ago, I had lost my sense of taste before my transplant. And then it came back, but some of my food preferences did change. I only remember how good a piece of toast and a cup of coffee (that husband brought from coffee shop tasted to me.

Some thoughts I have are - Does your daughter have any food requests that might be attractive to her? Is she getting sufficient nourishment from the shakes?
Cherismikes, I am not a medical professional, just a patient like your daughter. I would also be concerned and frustrated if I felt like this after 5 weeks. If you have not already done so, I encourage you to contact her doctors in the Transplant Department where she transplanted. At Mayo, I have a nurse who is assigned to my case and I can message her thru the patient portal. Are you able to contact her transplant team? What are they saying about her sense of taste and whether it is related to medications?

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I did they said feed her several times a day at just a few bites so I have finally feel relaxed about it she will have 2 -30gram protein shakes a day and 4 or 5 few bites meals a day until her appetite returns thank you for encouragement.


Yes we have a transplant coordinator for some reason when she calls it goes straight to voice mail. Yes the shakes are great 30 grams of protein on each one. Seems like breakfast is the only meal I can get her to eat trying to get fruits and veggies in her is the hard thing her potassium levels keep yoyoing. I really just wanted to make sure she is getting the right vitamins so she heals properly.Thank you for letting me know this happens.

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@cherismikes, You are a good mom-caregiver. Your daughter is fortunate to have you to look after her.

My taste came back right AFTER my transplant, so my situation is different than your daughter's situation. I am only speaking from my experience that I did eat after transplant, with some different food choices.

A voice mail is a good way to get message to/from nurse. What did the nurse say about your daughter's eating and the loss of taste? Are your daughter's labs showing that she is getting the needed nutrients?


Yes we have a transplant coordinator for some reason when she calls it goes straight to voice mail. Yes the shakes are great 30 grams of protein on each one. Seems like breakfast is the only meal I can get her to eat trying to get fruits and veggies in her is the hard thing her potassium levels keep yoyoing. I really just wanted to make sure she is getting the right vitamins so she heals properly.Thank you for letting me know this happens.


Our daughter had transplant was wondering if there is any one thing to get her to eat better. I know that anesthesia takes your appetite away. But it has been 5 weeks.

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@cherismikes - I'd like to welcome you to Connect. Please pass on to your daughter my sincere congratulations for her liver transplant. In spite of the lack of taste, I hope that she is making a satisfactory recovery.
When I had my transplant (liver and kidney) 13 years ago, I had lost my sense of taste before my transplant. And then it came back, but some of my food preferences did change. I only remember how good a piece of toast and a cup of coffee (that husband brought from coffee shop tasted to me.

Some thoughts I have are - Does your daughter have any food requests that might be attractive to her? Is she getting sufficient nourishment from the shakes?
Cherismikes, I am not a medical professional, just a patient like your daughter. I would also be concerned and frustrated if I felt like this after 5 weeks. If you have not already done so, I encourage you to contact her doctors in the Transplant Department where she transplanted. At Mayo, I have a nurse who is assigned to my case and I can message her thru the patient portal. Are you able to contact her transplant team? What are they saying about her sense of taste and whether it is related to medications?

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