Loss of strength and signals in Trunk of the Body

Posted by j77 @j77, Oct 3, 2023

Has anyone lost strength in the trunk of their body due to Covid?Also loss of signals of belly being full or food going down in belly?

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I have found simple basic stretching and some QiGong moves (body bouncing with arms loose and feet on the floor, or swinging arms loose in simple turns from the waist) daily has helped me regain posture and core strength. Key is not doing a lot of them - I can’t having post-exertion malaise (pem) and POTS post Covid. But do them daily and add a few more moves slowly over time. The belly bulge sadly is probably from the disregulated cortisol in our bodies. My thoughts are with all long Covid suffers. How we all need a cure!!!


I have found simple basic stretching and some QiGong moves (body bouncing with arms loose and feet on the floor, or swinging arms loose in simple turns from the waist) daily has helped me regain posture and core strength. Key is not doing a lot of them - I can’t having post-exertion malaise (pem) and POTS post Covid. But do them daily and add a few more moves slowly over time. The belly bulge sadly is probably from the disregulated cortisol in our bodies. My thoughts are with all long Covid suffers. How we all need a cure!!!

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Thankyou so much for responding.I am starting pt next week.I lost so much weight at the beginning of my illness,but now I have too much weight on me because of lack of exercise because of pain.It is very frustrating.I went from walking about 7 miles every day on the trail to barely being able to walk now.When I walk it looks like I have a hotrible case of scoliosis because I don't have the core strength in the body or in the neck.My head feels like a bobblehead.The spinal surgeon found a few things with my spine and neck,but nothing major or to have surgery for.He told me he has never seen a case like mine where pretty much the muscles and nerves are not felt from the trunk.I believe that covid hides from conventional tests which makes it so hard because doctors are not seeing anything.


Thankyou so much for responding.I am starting pt next week.I lost so much weight at the beginning of my illness,but now I have too much weight on me because of lack of exercise because of pain.It is very frustrating.I went from walking about 7 miles every day on the trail to barely being able to walk now.When I walk it looks like I have a hotrible case of scoliosis because I don't have the core strength in the body or in the neck.My head feels like a bobblehead.The spinal surgeon found a few things with my spine and neck,but nothing major or to have surgery for.He told me he has never seen a case like mine where pretty much the muscles and nerves are not felt from the trunk.I believe that covid hides from conventional tests which makes it so hard because doctors are not seeing anything.

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Please know that Covid does strange things to our bodies, and doctors are struggling as we are to figure out what to do about it. I have also found docs outside the Mayo Covid Clinic don't appreciate this and try to "fix" or aggressively treat the symptom -- making them worse. Our central nervous system is fighting a phantom disease for some reason. We need to retrain it out of flight-flight. The pain and exhaustion come from that. Although I have been frustrated at times as how long this misery has gone on -- more than 15 months for me -- I now appreciate the Mayo recommendation of a very slow and steady building up of muscle, activity, and strength again -- basically retraining body and brain with much positive self-talk that I can do things again without my central nervous system freaking out (and seemingly sending me back to square one). I have found the book "Cured: Strengthen Your Immune System and Heal Your Life" by Jeffrey Redinger a god-send and continuing source of hope. I have it filled with post-its and am on my 3rd (albeit slow) rereading. We can heal ourselves! It takes patience, nutrient-dense foods, stress management, and movement. If I only had strngth for one arm lift, it was one today, and hopefully two tomorrow. Please believe, and go slow. You will regain strength. You already knew how before Covid to do that. You need to find the post-Covid past to the same end. God bless.


Please know that Covid does strange things to our bodies, and doctors are struggling as we are to figure out what to do about it. I have also found docs outside the Mayo Covid Clinic don't appreciate this and try to "fix" or aggressively treat the symptom -- making them worse. Our central nervous system is fighting a phantom disease for some reason. We need to retrain it out of flight-flight. The pain and exhaustion come from that. Although I have been frustrated at times as how long this misery has gone on -- more than 15 months for me -- I now appreciate the Mayo recommendation of a very slow and steady building up of muscle, activity, and strength again -- basically retraining body and brain with much positive self-talk that I can do things again without my central nervous system freaking out (and seemingly sending me back to square one). I have found the book "Cured: Strengthen Your Immune System and Heal Your Life" by Jeffrey Redinger a god-send and continuing source of hope. I have it filled with post-its and am on my 3rd (albeit slow) rereading. We can heal ourselves! It takes patience, nutrient-dense foods, stress management, and movement. If I only had strngth for one arm lift, it was one today, and hopefully two tomorrow. Please believe, and go slow. You will regain strength. You already knew how before Covid to do that. You need to find the post-Covid past to the same end. God bless.

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Thankyou for your response!You do have to retrain the body and the nervous system to get it out of the constant fight ir flight.It is so frightening when you are so healthy and have complete control over your body one day and than the next day not at all.I am going to get the book you read.Maybe it will help me too.Thanks!


Thankyou Joanma!That does give me some hope!

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I just went to Whole Foods and bought the supplement 5-HTP (hydroxytryptophan) which aids in serotonin production. It’s worth the try. Maybe it’ll give my body a boost.


I just went to Whole Foods and bought the supplement 5-HTP (hydroxytryptophan) which aids in serotonin production. It’s worth the try. Maybe it’ll give my body a boost.

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Oh!I might have to get some too.I would be happy if anything helped!I am trying to exercise just to keep moving,but my midsection is still so weak.I am going to have the doctor check for polymyositis and myositis.Thanks again for all of the information!


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Rats. The gist: residual spike protein has been found in the gut and they believe that may cause the over-production of interferon causing inflammation that contributes to cells not being able to absorb and circulate serotonin. May not help all types of long Covid but may help the brain fog, energy crashes, and fatigue type. More research going on to see if treatment with serotonin or tryptophan helps alleviate symptoms. Tryptophan does interact with other meds and conditions so do read up before trying it and talk to your doctor if you can try for short period (never more than 3 weeks). This is first integrated explanation of all that I have — and there are tests (low serotonin, virus in stools, and/or high interferon levels). God bless.

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