Looking for advice..hemochromatosis
Looking for advice...I am 37 years old. For the last two years I have been experiencing food intolerances and mouth sores. The doctors have run all the lab work possible, allergy tests, and have done a colonoscopy. Nothing has been found. The only thing that seems to help is not eating gluten. But, even with that I still have really bad diarrhea around my period. This month the diarrhea is so bad I have had bleeding hemorrhoids for a week now. Taking my breath away pain.....Please HELP...
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Good to read your much better. I especially noted the eyesight issue. Lately I have some problem but then I’m old and maybe cataracts.
My mother was from Ireland. Ireland tests for hemochromatosis because it is extremely prevalent in that population. By chance my GP put in a genetic test because he was stumped by why I have essential vibrations. Bingo. This was just discovered and I’m 77.