Living with Parkinson's Disease - Meet others & come say hi
Welcome to the Parkinson's Disease group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with Parkinson's or caring for someone with Parkinson's. Let's learn from each other and share stories about living well with Parkinson's, coping with the bumps and offering tips.
Chances are you'll to be greeted by fellow member and volunteer patient Mentor, Teresa (@hopeful33250), when you post to this group.
We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Parkinson's Disease Support Group.
I am looking forward to being with this group. I am 74 and diagnosed this past year with Parkinson's. I have leg and hand tremors, soft speech and difficult movement. I am married and my husband is very helpful. Will be keeping in touch. Thanks
Of the three tests
Mentioned my best suggestion to you is to get the DAT scan. And maybe even in a brain MRI that will tell you whether you have any dementia or anything going on. Perhaps that’s why the doctor wants to do the EEG and the CT scan I don’t know, but I would suggest getting that scan. The DAT scan telsl you which side of your brain is affected by Parkinson’s as well show how much dopamine your brain has left
I went to the Neurologist for the first time last week to discuss my symptoms. The doctor wants me to submit to a series of tests: EEG, CT Scan and a Datscan (which seems really long and invasive, and in any case is expensive). My question is: What is the point?? Isn't the treatment for a new Parkinson's patient somewhat standard? I would rather be treated than tested.
Do you know the possible adverse effects of focused ultrasound treatment on vision?
Hola lagiaconda decaimiento quiere decit cansado, falta de energia, sentirse debil me siento asi despues que tomo la carvidopa levodopa espero te vaya bien con tu tratamiento. Gracias
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Buenos días, Evita.
Hablo español pero me falta mucho vocabulario. ¿Qué quieres decir con "decaimiento"? No sé si la traducción al inglés es correcta aquí "decay". A mí me detectaron Parkinson's al principio de marzo 2024. Estoy navegando, manejando e investigando la enfermedad. Gracias.
Tiene ammantadine con carvidopa levodopa?. o rasageline?
Hola a todas las personas que tienen este padecimiento a mi me detectaron parkindon hsce un año hasta ahora me va bien con carvidopa levodopa pero este medicamento me da mucho sueño y decaimiento. A alguna otra persona le pasa lo mismo?
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Serious "challenges" I've confronted:
1) Severe migraines;
2) Severe depression;
3) Severe foot arthritis; and
4) Parkinson's disease
The two changes that have alleviated symptoms and vastly improved my mood are doing away with sugar and processed foods, and engaging in water aerobics. Try getting your husband into a pool several times weekly, if at all possible. I spent a chunk of my retirement on installing a smallish pool in my back yard; but without it, my quality of life would have descended into lifelessness. Water gives one the illusion of weightlessness and the real ability to move in ways one never dreamed. I would have happily spent 90% of my retirement on my pool!
Will this come to me by email or will I have to. return to this site for answers .If so it will be very inconvenient.