Living with Oxygen

Posted by purplespoonie @purplespoonie, Jul 14, 2023

Hi gang,

I have been home from the hospital for one month after spending Mar - June in the hospital with COVID. I tested positive on Feb, 18th. Things were mild in the beginning but on Mar 1st. I took a turn for the worst and was admitted. I was in the ICU on a ventilator for almost two weeks. I stayed an additional two weeks to get my oxygen level down to 10L. I was finally discharged to my first rehab to work on reducing my oxygen level and to get my trach removed and start to learn to walk and swallow again. I stayed in that rehab for a month. I was finally discharged to another rehab once my oxygen level was down to 5L with activity. I went to a second and more intense inpatient rehab for 3 more weeks. They allowed me to go home but I still have to go to another facility for pulmonary rehab 2 times per week. I am still on 5L. 24 hours per day.

Well, I need advice about the new normal. I am looking to re-enter the workforce. I have been a stay-at-home parent for the past 20 years. I have battled Rheumatoid Arthritis for the past 18 years. I have always been able to keep myself active with volunteer work. I have good days and bad days. But, with an invisible illness, it is easier not to disclose for employment. However, now that I am tied to an oxygenator at home and tanks while out and about. I am more self-conscious about being seen as not being able to keep up. I know that I do not have the same stamina that I once had but I know that I could be a model employee. I need to work for Full time for health insurance. I am being realistic by pursuing remote opportunities.

Has anyone else had to interview or change careers because of long COVID? Has anyone interviewed with a nasal cannula?

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