Living with inoperable pancreatic cancer

Posted by ajh5285 @ajh5285, Aug 26, 2023

Emphasis on living

How are you doing it? In other words, what factors do you identify as most important to staying alive? and how long have you been doing it?
I have little-no control over my current living circumstances, and know that stress probably contributes to my current malaise. I’m hoping to be able to hang on until the date of a planned move to what looks to be more congenial circumstances in another 2 weeks.

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Thanks for sharing your experiences; it does help a lot.

I especially liked your photo of Grayce. I'm attempting to add a photo of the last cat we had. We've only ever had feral cats, some of which lived with us for 17 or 18 years. Guess they decided that indoor life in the winter suited them after all. The "lady" cats only ever were called Mommie. Here's the last one. She was great buddies with York (the brown standard poodle in my Joy photo. She would sit and wait for him to return from a walk down that farm lane. Old York was remarkable in his old age in that even butterflies would accompany him on that walk down the farm track.


Thanks for sharing your experiences; it does help a lot.

I especially liked your photo of Grayce. I'm attempting to add a photo of the last cat we had. We've only ever had feral cats, some of which lived with us for 17 or 18 years. Guess they decided that indoor life in the winter suited them after all. The "lady" cats only ever were called Mommie. Here's the last one. She was great buddies with York (the brown standard poodle in my Joy photo. She would sit and wait for him to return from a walk down that farm lane. Old York was remarkable in his old age in that even butterflies would accompany him on that walk down the farm track.

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Sorry I haven't replied sooner, it has been quite the week. First off, I like the picture of your cat. I like multi colored cats, we had many on the farm. Everytime a new male cat would make a stop at our farm, there would be a new color introduced. At one time you could almost say there were "drifts" of cats greeting us at the barn. We did have some cats that were very good mousers & some even caught small rats. I always like to hear how cats & dogs get along. That had to be so neat to see her waiting for her buddy, York! We had a dog, Darius, one of many through the years. Darius was so easy going. He would lay on barn alley & the cats would lay on him or knead his back. It was all good.
Tuesday, I went in for my weekly bloodwork, but it was chaotic this time. My oncologists computer system had been hacked a week before so they were doing the best they could with no computers. I don't know if you had heard about a medical groups computer system being hacked. This was the HSHS medical group, Hospital Sisters Health System and it affected several hospitals & clinics in Wi & Ill. I know the hospital in Sheboygan had to cancel surgeries because they rely on computers for so many things. St. Vincent's in Green Bay is part of that network & they are a bigger hospital. I'm just glad I didn't need chemo this week! I think I heard that the computers are starting to come back online, one hopes.
On Wednesday, our cat, Grayce, was very sick. She had been sneezing a lot on Monday night. On Tuesday, my son had to clean up her mess, she threwup. I couldn't find her most of the day but I thought she is sleeping it off. Wednesday morning I find Grayce, her eyes are glassy, she's breathing through her mouth & very lethargic. I called our usual vet but they said I should take her to an ER vet located in Grafton or Appleton. I know those visits can be very expensive but I couldn't just let Grayce struggle to breathe. Poor Gracye was crying all the way to Grafton which is about 40 minutes. I was there about 2 hours or so. They said Grayce had a respirtory infection, but didn't know if it was viral or bactirial. I could have had x-rays done for $400 or bloodwork for $100 - $300. I asked if vet if the lungs sounded ok & she said the lungs sounded good & they sent nasal drops for congestion & pain meds. I was a wreck the last 2 days listening to Grayce breathe so heavy. I was glad I found a medicine syringe so I could give her some water from time to time, but she wanted nothing to do with food, not even tuna! Today I think is a turning point because she has been walking around & her breathing sounds much better.
Today I was finally able to bake this chocolate zucchini cake, that I wanted to make on Monday. It turned out too, tastes good!
We have been entertained by 4 sandhill cranes that think our front and back yard are theirs! I had seen them several times standing in the back yard, when I would drive in the garage. Then they would slowly start walking in the opposite direction. They started hanging out in our front yard when some field corn had gotten knocked down. The sandhill cranes had pulled some stalks that were laying on the ground onto our lawn. They then started eaten the immature corn. Those are some really big birds! The parents are always watching out for their young. They were walking across the front yard & they must have seen something that made them nervous because they started flapping their wings & just like that they were flying.
It feels like fall now but that's okay, it will warm up again. I couldn't handle the heat with the high dew point & humidity. It's hard to believe it is September. The summer months were just a blur.
Hope you are enjoying Handel and feeling okay. Wishing you well & thinking of you. Take care. Have a nice weekend!


My cancer is inoperable too
I am stage 4

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