Living with High-Risk C-Diff and Preventing Re-Infection
My name is Renee or Faithwalker007 for those who may have met me in the Chronic Pain, Neuropathy, Addiction, and other groups having to do with CRPS type 2. I am a chronic C. Difficile patient with 5 cases of C. difficile infectious colitis under my belt. The antibiotic that I’m at now to treat it is Vancomycin. I’m at the stage of recovered, but HIGH-RISK. I guess at any time another flare can hit depending on the circumstances— hospital visit, exposure to community source (the initial cause,) illness requiring antibiotic treatment, etc.
My main issue is persuading OTHERS like nurses, doctors... to exercise PREVENTION MEASURES if I need any procedures which was a contributive cause to my last and worst case.
Does anyone else have problems like this? I have nobody to talk to about this. The subject is awkward since c diff is not exactly considered a subject for dinner time or casual conversation.
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I just take a generic probiotic. Walmart brand. I also drink Clearlax (Walmart) every am (powder) and midday I eat 4-6 fiber gummies for helping to creating bulk snd helping me regulate my bowel. It’s been a little over 2years since my surgery and I have to still make sure I have fiber, stay hydrated and exercise daily. Life in my “new” normal!
What probotic do you take?
Hello, Renee. I'm Barbara. May I share my experience of c. dif with you. It all seemed to have begun with UTIs treated with antibiotics to the point that after fosfomycin I developed c. dif. I did take vancomycin but it recurred. My urologist claimed that a pessary was not being changed often enough; urology had a protocol for once a month and the gynecologist's office for every 12 weeks. The gynecologist has agreed to change the pessary every six weeks, and the urologist to not treat me with antibiotics unless necessary. After getting my last booster I ended up in the ER a second time with severe stomach pain; I was diagnosed with diverticulitis. The same medicine, Dificid, was first choice and this time I spent the $l,200 with Medicare D to purchase that prescription. It worked very well; yesterday I saw the digestive health PA who gave me some diets to study and follow. I learned two things: that a trauma l center can get lab results on c. dif within an evening, and that one can have in place an application with Merck for complimentary purchase of Dificid. I was advised by the digestive health PA that next time I require an antibiotic to ask the urologist to prescribe vancomycin along with the antibiotic for a UTI. I hope some part of this labored story may be relevant and helpful to you. It was a very challenging time, and I lost 15 pounds in the process. I hope we both can avoid a recurrence of it!
I read your comments with interest. I'm Jerry. I have a long history of trying to kill a UTI including hospitalizations, intravenous in rehab and at home etc. I am resistant to most antibiotics but bactrim which at full strength made me sick (off to the ER). Anyway I have been on a low dose of bactrim for months which I seem to tolerate. Anyway now comes C Diff most likely because of the long term use of an antibiotic which killed all the good stuff and allowed C Diff to become an issue. I have been prescribed vancomycin which I haven't taken yet.
Do I understand that you will take vancomycin along with a UTI antibotic at the same time? This seems almost contradictory. Please let me know if my understanding is correct. many thanks
Your read your story. Interesting. I too had just one episode of C-diff back in 2011 (ten days of Amoxicillin from my dentist). I was in the hospital (in Florida) for a week and the hospital started giving me Florastor. In hospital they started antibiotic therapy. When I was released, my GI gave me a ten day dose of vancomycin (compound medication form). I have been c-diff free since then. I have not taken any oral antibiotics since then and tell all my doctors about it. Fortunately, there has been no need for oral antibiotics, but I wonder about what I should do if a need arises. I kept up the Florastor, but eventually reduced and only take it if I have diarrhea. I am already an ongoing patient at Mayo so am glad to hear they are up-to-date. Just read that they have great AI colonoscopy.
I'm Jerry. It's been about a year since my last bout with an UTI. Well I'm back on the trail again. I'm currently taking Bactrin and Vancomycin together. I'm
also taking Florastor sporadically just to finish the bottle. It seems that once you get a UTI you are stuck with a never ending reoccurring infection. Does anyone know how to break the cycle?
I also have this issue and I’m desperate for help. I’ve had 7 cases of C Diff and the last 2 cases I almost died. I literally could feel I was dying. I’ve had numerous expensive infusions and so much more. All this from taking clindamycin for a tooth infection and now I develop this disease even with the common cold, fever etc. Nobody knows what to do for me and nobody understands why I start crying at the thoughts of having a reoccurrence.
Have you had an FMT? Curious because I’m told that there’s about 92% success rate.
Very legitimate concern. All you can do is mention it to them over and over again, make sure it’s in your chart, and mention it to them again. Also be careful with other meds, not just antibiotics. Check with a pharmacist about a particular drug’s association with C Diff.
@cas924 I was wondering the same thing. I had the fmt in 2019 and have been ok since.