Living with lung cancer - Introduce yourself & come say hi

Welcome to the Lung Cancer group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with lung cancer or caring for someone with lung cancer. Let's learn from each other and share stories about living well with cancer, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I'm Colleen, and I'm the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you'll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentors and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
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Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Cancer Support Group.


I have heard that sugar is very bad for cancer is that true?

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Thank you. I think this study suggests that we can always improve our diet and should when fighting cancer. We eat a lot of hidden sugars, salts and fats in our diet due to processed foods. I agree that thinking about it all the time can be detrimental to health but understanding what you're eating and how it affects our bodies....I believe that's an important step in getting and staying healthy. Combine that with proven medical advice from ones doctor and it can help. I actually needed to lose weight and after losing 30 pounds and changing my diet....all of my blood tests and other tests show marked improvement in my overall health.


I have heard that sugar is very bad for cancer is that true?

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Regarding diet and cancer all of my doctors have suggested a diet low in sugar, lots of vegetables (especially cruciferous ....oh my don't know that spelling), fruits, easy on red meat, etc. Guidelines to give your body the best chance of being healthy and non toxic (by avoiding pesticides and other carcinogens in food). It certainly can't hurt you. The changes I made to my diet have improved my health and well being a great deal and that makes it easier to withstand side effects from treatment and make my body stronger to fight cancer. No sense giving cancer a 'leg up' as it were. Since medical science doesn't actually have a clear picture on why some people get cancer and others don't, I think it's wise to give your body every chance to be as strong as possible.


I have heard that sugar is very bad for cancer is that true?

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Cindy- Check where the study was done and by whom. Check this out. There is a lot of controversy about it.


I have heard that sugar is very bad for cancer is that true?

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Please check any rumors with your physician. I have had cancer for 20 years and there are no special diets. Now if you have other ailments along with cancer that might be a different story. People love to give advice and opinions when they find out that you have cancer. You have to silence them some how.


I am so despondent. My Opdivo infusions have been very successful; however, I have developed colitus and my infusions have been postponed until it is resolved. I have fear and anxiety because of the lack of treatment opportunities that directly affect my lung cancer. All the healthful eating I have done must cease because it affects colitus. The lectures about this is just a bump in the road are not helping. I don't know how to handle this setback.

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Welcome to Connect :
I have been following your lung cancer journey. It’s undescribable how the diagnosis can affect us.
I understand somewhat because I am a 10 year lung cancer survivor.
It’s remarkable how much research has advanced since my diagnosis ! As if this year there are more than 1100 therapies
for lung cancer! WoW.
Do not give Up! You are in the best place with your Mayo Team!
One important part of my healing was when I met Dr Amit Sood and was introduced to his Paced Breathing Research Study! By learning how to change my brain, with a meditation program for cancer patients, with practice and a workbook and support from an oncology nurse calling me every week I soon learned how to rethink
a lot of things! You can Google Dr Amit Sood’s TED X Talk and watch his great insights.
This helped me save my life. Supportfrom one person is huge!
I have kept active and I feel this this has greatly improved my quality of lifr.

Let’s stay connected! All my rst!

linda wortmans


I have heard that sugar is very bad for cancer is that true?

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Research shows that cancer thrives in an environment that is high in sugar. Almost every anti-cancer diet will suggest limiting sugar in your diet. If you study it you'll find that sugar is bad for pretty much everything. There are hidden sugars that we don't even know we're eating in so many processed foods, even healthy things like yogurt. I've been on an anti-cancer diet for two years and that includes limiting sugar and all of my blood tests show improvement just from that one change....watching out for that sugar.


I have heard that sugar is very bad for cancer is that true?


I'm so sorry that you have had to wait to start your journey. The VA works on a different level than any other health care provider. Perhaps counseling to help you through this waiting time. I have found waiting is the fertilizer for our fears. Anticipation is definitely not a friend. Keep us up dated!


My husband has been diagnosed with lung cancer. We are waiting for approval from the VA before they can even talk treatment. The waiting is so hard


Hi @llwortman @burrkay @alicantina1 @merilee @alvinw @shortshot80 @mryzuch @amws @pearlgee @cheris @annette1 @cheris @windwalker @lesbatts @major @bestcare and @sistergoldenhair

I'd like to invite you to the new group dedicated to discussions about lung cancer. It's a space where we can ask questions, share tips and learn from each other. Whether you in treatment or caring for someone with lung cancer, or you're a lung cancer survivor, please join us.

Pull up a chair and tell us a bit about yourself.

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Hi I am Rita, my husband has been diagnosed with lung cancer, we don't know what stage yet. He has a very large mass on his right lung, looks like way over half of his lung.they have already done a biopsy. We are waiting for him to get approved by the VA before they can do the tests to stage it. He needs an MRI and a pet scan. Everything is tied up with the VA right now and the waiting is so hard. I am so scared. He has trouble breathing, coughing hard and coughing up blood. Pain in his chest, tired and weak. He just turned 63. I lost my first husband of 24 year's to a car accident, was alone for 12 years then met Blake my second chance at life. We were married 7/11/15

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