Liver transplant - Let's support each other

Posted by lmctif @lmctif, Oct 29, 2018

What topics do people who are waiting for a liver transplant want to talk about? Who has had a liver transplant and wants to talk about?

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My bride is pending approval. She was going to get her hair color updated and a friend said not advised as the chemicals in the process can cause problems. Any input


Hi, I’m new on here. My mom was given the gift of a liver August 4th and she’s been really going through it. If anyone can help with suggestions I can do to help her. She’s been having bad heartburn/nausea when eating and having abdominal pains. She’s been to the hospital for the pains already but they didn’t see anything worrisome. Her appetite is very low and was wondering if that’s common? Any suggestions can help, thank you in advanced.

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Congratulations. My husband is 9 months from his liver transplant. He started to feel so much better about 2 months after the surgery, then a month or so later started to develop more discomfort and other symptoms, such as itching. Tests do not indicate a major problem but his energy level and discomfort are very difficult. I think perhaps the worry that the problems are due to pending rejection or biliary shutdown only makes thing worse. We are having faith that if we can just struggle through this it will get better.
Tell your mom, and yourself, that you are not alone.


Welcome to our group. I will be celebrating my 3rd transversary on the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, in 2 weeks. Please let your Mum know that it does get better. Her appetite will return and believe it or not the pain does go away. I still experience some pain. Not all the time but it depends on what I eat and when. I just "push" through it and make sure to walk. I'm not going to say it's a cake walk. I've had a very rough time of it. But it did get better. Now I feel amazing. In the beginning I questioned if I had even done the right thing, was it worth it. Well 3 years later the answer is "ABSOLUTELY" stay strong it will get better. Try prayer it really does work. 🙏😊💞


Hi, I’m new on here. My mom was given the gift of a liver August 4th and she’s been really going through it. If anyone can help with suggestions I can do to help her. She’s been having bad heartburn/nausea when eating and having abdominal pains. She’s been to the hospital for the pains already but they didn’t see anything worrisome. Her appetite is very low and was wondering if that’s common? Any suggestions can help, thank you in advanced.

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Low appetite is very common. I went from 180 to 130. Your mom has to think positively, she a very major surgery and now she has to work through a major recovery. My advice is to thankful you are alive and take one day at a time. Tom


Hi, I’m new on here. My mom was given the gift of a liver August 4th and she’s been really going through it. If anyone can help with suggestions I can do to help her. She’s been having bad heartburn/nausea when eating and having abdominal pains. She’s been to the hospital for the pains already but they didn’t see anything worrisome. Her appetite is very low and was wondering if that’s common? Any suggestions can help, thank you in advanced.


gaylea1, you r 💯 on it. It just takes years/times to get your body/mind back after TP. Hang in there🌻🌈💚


Hi Jen!! I am less than 6 months since LTP and I can 't truly answer your question. I will say that physically you should begin getting better daily. The 2 month mark was a time that exercise and sleep becoming a part of my regiment again. However, growing and healing pains also were becoming a part of me.
I feel great most of the time and really would like to be back to normal. However, physical and mental fatigue are a struggle. I can tell you that it is great to have venues like this to vent and to recieve support/encouragement.
Congratulations on your gift of life.


I’m 7 weeks post transplant and I just wonder if I will ever truly feel better and get back to my old self.

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Hi, @jennybouch. Wow! You have certainly jumped into the liver transplant support with a perfectly good question❤️. First of all, I want to extend my virtual handshake or hug in a sincere welcome. My transplant was 14 years ago and I can safely assure you that you are not alone with this question. At 7 weeks you are still in recovery from surgery, and your body needs time to heal and to adjust to medicines. Most of us, myself include, were very ill prior to our transplantation. Plus, there are individual differences with pretransplant health concerns in addition to our failing organ(s).
Jenny, what part of your recovery is most troubling to you? We are here to listen and to share our experiences. You are not alone.


I’m 7 weeks post transplant and I just wonder if I will ever truly feel better and get back to my old self.


It feels like a dull pain. It could be muscles, scar tissue but everytime I carry 15lbs or more I feel like something will pop. Yesterday my RA doctor said my RA isn't acting up and he suspects it's this weird phenomenon that happens with Trac. That gives you a lot of severe pain. Has anyone experience this???

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@nrbecerril, Hi ! Welcome! Congratulations on your recent liver transplant!!!
I had a liver and kidney transplant in 2009. I did not have pain in the area of my liver transplant surgery after my initial surgery healing, but I did have some pain/discomfort in
my lower left abdomen where my new kidney is located. I remember asking about it at my 1st year checkup, and learned that it was scar tissue and that if I kept up with gentle exercises, it would do no harm and would go away in time. It did! However when my husband and I joined a gym, I became over zealous and the pain plus returned. Intuitively, I reduced my level of exercise, and all was well again.

Are you possible over lifting or exerting? Are you able to ease up for a while? Or do you have a job that requires lifting? Have you mentioned this to your liver transplant team?

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