Lifespan vs. Healthspan: How well do you want to age?
A very interesting doctor whose Podcast/YouTube channel I have been listening to is Peter Attia, MD. He is a 'longevity doctor' & he talks a lot about your healthspan (the quality of your aging) as is corresponds to your lifespan (your chronological age). Most people would prefer a long healthspan as opposed to a long lifespan that is not of the quality we would desire. He is very technical but I appreciate his ideas. Just thought I'd suggest him to the group. 🙂 {Megyn Kelly had a great interview with him on her YouTube channel.}
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Hello Lela @lelalofgren, What a great question for a discussion. I've watched a few of Dr. Peter Attia's YouTube videos and can really relate to his explanations, especially his videos on Intermittent fasting and strength training. I thought I would share links to his site and YouTube channel for you since you are a new member and have to wait for a short period of time before being able to post links.
-- YouTube Channel:
-- Website:
Here are a couple of related discussions to the question of lifespan vs. healthspan:
-- Strength training: How-to video collection:
-- Low-carb healthy fat living. Intermittent fasting. What’s your why?:
Do you mind sharing what brought you to Connect? Do you have other questions?
Wow, thanks, John! I'll look at those links and videos. I just discovered Dr. Attia & have become very interested in his research. I've watched Dr. Mark Hyman & like him, too. I believe I found out about Connect from the Mayo Intranet Home Page. I like Yammer & thought Connect would be great, too.
I have heard nothing negative about Intermittent Fasting; it just doesn't jive well with a crazy hospital schedule! Although it is true: where there's a will, there's a way.
I wonder what the group things about Intermittent Fasting?!
Absolutely! Another doctor to read is Ezekiel Emmanuel on aging. Health span is a good term
@lelalofgren you may be interested to know that there is a group here on Mayo Clinic Connect dedicated to intermittent fasting and health fat, low carb eating. Check it out here:
- LCHF Living & Intermittent Fasting
Do you practice intermittent fasting? What is your health span goal?
Thanks, Colleen! No, I do not practice IF, but I am considering it. It is hard to do on a 'hospital schedule'. : - )