Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Hi, everyone! Are you like me and not walking? I’m not really Not walking, but i sure don’t really walk far. This photo is of Crested Butte from the top of Mt. Crested Butte. And No, we didn’t walk up! I thought about walking down but my DIL said I’d be run over by mountain bikes. And now were home and back to unexciting walks. Just wondering if @lioness is still walking!!

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I was - until the recent monsoons hit. If the current thunderstorm ends soon, I'll head out for a neighborhood walk.


Hi, everyone! Are you like me and not walking? I’m not really Not walking, but i sure don’t really walk far. This photo is of Crested Butte from the top of Mt. Crested Butte. And No, we didn’t walk up! I thought about walking down but my DIL said I’d be run over by mountain bikes. And now were home and back to unexciting walks. Just wondering if @lioness is still walking!!

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@becsbuddy I have been trying to walk most mornings, before it gets too smoky when the winds change direction. I am really hoping that soon my health challenges will be less, the air clearer, and my energy will carry me along on morning walks! Had briefly considered doing the walks early evening, but the air quality is just too bad.


@becsbuddy I have been trying to walk most mornings, before it gets too smoky when the winds change direction. I am really hoping that soon my health challenges will be less, the air clearer, and my energy will carry me along on morning walks! Had briefly considered doing the walks early evening, but the air quality is just too bad.

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You are a trouper! We don't have nearly as much smoke as you do, but I am still limited to 30 minutes or so, in an N95 mask. I think the mask is cutting my walks short because it is so irritating not to take deep, refreshing breaths as I walk, but...I wonder if we're ever going to be rid of the D%^& things?


You are a trouper! We don't have nearly as much smoke as you do, but I am still limited to 30 minutes or so, in an N95 mask. I think the mask is cutting my walks short because it is so irritating not to take deep, refreshing breaths as I walk, but...I wonder if we're ever going to be rid of the D%^& things?

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@sueinmn, @gingerw, @becsbuddy and all
How's the 'energizer bunny', Sue this morning? Did you finish the sanding before the air quality kept you inside? Also, how's that daughter's arm healing? I hope it's all better now and I missed it while I had my head under my pillow. Hope all is well....

I've sent my antique dealer friend a note to see when she can meet me at my storage unit that I'm closing this month. No more unit payments! Too expensive!! and, it makes no sense anymore, since I still haven't gotten my renovations finished. I'm getting the plumbing work started again, that's good and will empty lots of space in my 2nd bedroom where I'm storing all the purchased vanities, sinks, etc. It's important to have another bed available. I'd love to set it up in Rob's condo since it's a pretty old, handmade mahoghany double bed I'm hoping he'll decide to keep. Then, I have a place to stay if I need to evacuate during work.

I'm using some of the furniture I'm keeping in the 3rd bedroom making myself a sitting room so I can get out of my bedroom if I need to stay upstairs after hospital or whatever. I love my bedroom w/recliner, tv, etc and windows with the live oaks...but need to get out of the BR for healthier outlook.

Plumbers are tearing down walls and cast iron pipe from upstairs 2 baths to downstairs 1/2 bath and dining room. It's going to be a mess, pretty big, and cost an arm, so, closing the storage unit will help pay the plumbers!

I'm also thinking all this will make it easier when/if I move into a retirement apartment that's much smaller. Trying to think it through.......Tired. Time to rest a bit, then downstairs to ck on my flying feathered friends and hang the new skeeter zapper. Goody!
Be well and know you are sooooo blessed. elizabeth


@sueinmn, @gingerw, @becsbuddy and all
How's the 'energizer bunny', Sue this morning? Did you finish the sanding before the air quality kept you inside? Also, how's that daughter's arm healing? I hope it's all better now and I missed it while I had my head under my pillow. Hope all is well....

I've sent my antique dealer friend a note to see when she can meet me at my storage unit that I'm closing this month. No more unit payments! Too expensive!! and, it makes no sense anymore, since I still haven't gotten my renovations finished. I'm getting the plumbing work started again, that's good and will empty lots of space in my 2nd bedroom where I'm storing all the purchased vanities, sinks, etc. It's important to have another bed available. I'd love to set it up in Rob's condo since it's a pretty old, handmade mahoghany double bed I'm hoping he'll decide to keep. Then, I have a place to stay if I need to evacuate during work.

I'm using some of the furniture I'm keeping in the 3rd bedroom making myself a sitting room so I can get out of my bedroom if I need to stay upstairs after hospital or whatever. I love my bedroom w/recliner, tv, etc and windows with the live oaks...but need to get out of the BR for healthier outlook.

Plumbers are tearing down walls and cast iron pipe from upstairs 2 baths to downstairs 1/2 bath and dining room. It's going to be a mess, pretty big, and cost an arm, so, closing the storage unit will help pay the plumbers!

I'm also thinking all this will make it easier when/if I move into a retirement apartment that's much smaller. Trying to think it through.......Tired. Time to rest a bit, then downstairs to ck on my flying feathered friends and hang the new skeeter zapper. Goody!
Be well and know you are sooooo blessed. elizabeth

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Elizabeth - the Energizer Bunny needs new batteries. It has been a tough few weeks, where we lost one of our best friends, but we got a chance to travel to Illinois to say good-bye.
This weekend I had a great picker-upper, we got to have an in-person visit with my cousin this morning over brunch after 2 years apart! I am delighted to see her health improved by moving to her daughter's home, where she has good care and healthy food. She is in a wheelchair, and has health issues, and her ex was verbally berating and physically neglecting her to the point of abuse. None of us, including her daughter, knew what was going on. Since the move she is a different person.
My daughter is healing well, able to work and starting more physical work on her house, but still living here.

I am happy to hear you have decided to begin to down-size - it's hard to let go at first, but as you do more, it becomes so much easier.
Take care and enjoy those birds!


Elizabeth - the Energizer Bunny needs new batteries. It has been a tough few weeks, where we lost one of our best friends, but we got a chance to travel to Illinois to say good-bye.
This weekend I had a great picker-upper, we got to have an in-person visit with my cousin this morning over brunch after 2 years apart! I am delighted to see her health improved by moving to her daughter's home, where she has good care and healthy food. She is in a wheelchair, and has health issues, and her ex was verbally berating and physically neglecting her to the point of abuse. None of us, including her daughter, knew what was going on. Since the move she is a different person.
My daughter is healing well, able to work and starting more physical work on her house, but still living here.

I am happy to hear you have decided to begin to down-size - it's hard to let go at first, but as you do more, it becomes so much easier.
Take care and enjoy those birds!

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@sueinmn, @gingerw, @artist01, @becsbuddy et al
Hello, Sue and everyone. I'll send you some batteries.....although, you seem to regenerate those energy batteries pretty well. Glad the arm is healing. You're both probably enjoying this time together for a bit. Great transition...
I've been 'downsizing' this mess for years, I closed my shop after 9/11, Mom died 2002, I had much of her furniture and boxes of things and papers and stuff I didn't know what to do! Drowning is an understatement. So, before covid, I gave my friend some furniture pieces, a roomful of Christmas decorations I truly miss even now - from the shop, from Mom's collection and my personal collection. We used to really decorate and loved it, often helping each other with Christmas parties and whole house decorations-I loved it and adored doing it with her. What fun! So, sold most of my Christmas as I have a skinny, silk tree now, a big downsize there.

I've sold so much of her and my dishes, collections of things, my angel collection, elephant collection...kept one or two favorites, but sold almost all the collections. Still have my dolphin collection - the University I graduated from and Dad was President for 15 years, mascot is the dolphin. My parents had a large collection from friends and travels, I donated some to the school in their honor and kept a few special ones for myself, added to my personal collection. I'm keeping them, many good memories, happy times and beautiful. Bob gave me a 3' bronze figure with 3 dancing dolphins. Like that one. An antique amethyst blown venetian glass candle holder in ancient dolphin figurine. I adore that one, given to Mom by a dear friend. Rob and I will decide how to take care of them after I pass along to a peaceful life.....may donate most to the school adding to my parents I donated in their honor. Rob can keep whatever he wants....donate the rest. And, I also sold lots of furniture.

Wish you could see my LR/DR. Filled with tables topped with all the goodies I've gotten out of wherever and plan to sell or keep or donate. Been there for 4 year now, since I last had energy to do all that work. Now, it's time to get it finished. So, sell, donate and keep very little. I've hired a helper. We'll see how it goes.

So, for me, downsizing has been an ongoing project, about 6 years of work. I'm ready right now to empty this house. I want to see the tops of all the tables and surfaces and want them to shine, no dust or clutter. I will get this finished!!!!!

Pre-op visits begin today with phone/video visit re meds, etc. This is quite a project, the pre-op system at Mayo. Fri is Mayo day with bloodwork, cardiac tests/checks, and who knows whatever. Then, I visit at length with the anesthesiologist. I want him to on top of everything happing in this body 'cause I want to wake up. Mom died 9/05, Bob died 9/08, Dad died 10/01. So, I'd rather have this surgery in the spring if I had my druthers.... which I don't!

So, busy week. Mayo video today, storage unit tomorrow, massage, begin sorting all the stuff in LR...meet at Mayo most of Friday for preop tests, etc. Will fit in an hour every afternoon for reflection, thank you Sue.
Blessings and all good things....elizabeth


@ess77 Oh Elizabeth, I think I'd like to hire you to come to my place and help me downsize almost EVERYTHING belonging to my past life in preparation for transitioning from a suite in Assisted Living to a small bedroom and 2 piece bathroom ( sink and toilet) at Long Term Care in a different city 10 hours away! I'm feeling entirely overwhelmed, especially since being so ill with severe IBS and a heart attack in July.

However, I'm blessed with 3 sons and their wives who have promised to arrive and take over for me, which is a big relief. I'll begin on a small scale myself by starting to shred multi bunches of paper receipts, etc., and have already gathered up all my beloved books for pickup and delivery to our seniors' residence library. 😥

I admire your tenacity as you face the challenge of your own huge downsize!

Wishing you much love and good luck with your upcoming surgery.

Hugs from Laurie


@ess77 Oh Elizabeth, I think I'd like to hire you to come to my place and help me downsize almost EVERYTHING belonging to my past life in preparation for transitioning from a suite in Assisted Living to a small bedroom and 2 piece bathroom ( sink and toilet) at Long Term Care in a different city 10 hours away! I'm feeling entirely overwhelmed, especially since being so ill with severe IBS and a heart attack in July.

However, I'm blessed with 3 sons and their wives who have promised to arrive and take over for me, which is a big relief. I'll begin on a small scale myself by starting to shred multi bunches of paper receipts, etc., and have already gathered up all my beloved books for pickup and delivery to our seniors' residence library. 😥

I admire your tenacity as you face the challenge of your own huge downsize!

Wishing you much love and good luck with your upcoming surgery.

Hugs from Laurie

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Laurie, good for you, getting this done and thank goodness you have family to help. Lend them to me , please.

This is a big move, Laurie. Didn't realize you'd made that decision. Are you at peace with your decision? I think it sounds lovely, sort of. How far from the family?
Horizon, diff err on furniture
I basically live upstairs now most of the time . Have it set up pretty comfy, but will be really happy after we empty the storage and get that finished. I think the sitting room in the extra bedroom, will give me different furniture and comfy place to stay. I hope I can have good days upstairs, until I need to move to a small apt in retirement community. We'll see...one day, one project at a time...

Glad you're getting things done, decisions made, moving on. Keep that precious smile from so deep inside. Life is heading in a different direction for sure.

Bless you, my friend. Enjoy the new digs! Elizabeth


Laurie, good for you, getting this done and thank goodness you have family to help. Lend them to me , please.

This is a big move, Laurie. Didn't realize you'd made that decision. Are you at peace with your decision? I think it sounds lovely, sort of. How far from the family?
Horizon, diff err on furniture
I basically live upstairs now most of the time . Have it set up pretty comfy, but will be really happy after we empty the storage and get that finished. I think the sitting room in the extra bedroom, will give me different furniture and comfy place to stay. I hope I can have good days upstairs, until I need to move to a small apt in retirement community. We'll see...one day, one project at a time...

Glad you're getting things done, decisions made, moving on. Keep that precious smile from so deep inside. Life is heading in a different direction for sure.

Bless you, my friend. Enjoy the new digs! Elizabeth

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@ess77 Hi Elizabeth. Actually, I had no part in making the decision to transition to Long Term Care. It was a unanimous decision made by a "team" on my behalf during my 3+ week hospital stay following my heart attack on July 8th. The reasoning was that I need more extensive care than Assisted Living can deliver in my present state of declining health, which includes my serious IBS multi diet restrictions. Apparently, one needs to have a stable state of health, and my health has been far from that for quite some time. I've been hospitalized 4 or 5 times, just since April. The team acknowledged that when I'm good, I'm really good (walking outdoors for over a mile a day, etc.) but when I'm bad, I'm really, really bad ( including ambulance rides to E.R. every few weeks), etc.

At first, I was very upset with the decision but my sons want to move me to their part of the province where there's lots of family. I've now made peace with the idea. My sons had tours of the two available long term care homes, and outright reject the first one, but really like the second one - Haven Hill in Penticton, BC.
There could be a long wait, so I'm on other wait lists for a faster availability interim placement until Haven Hill has a place for me.
There are lots of restrictions at an LTC to accept and get used to.
My brain is still really good 😊 so my main concern is being matched in a section of like- minded people.

I'm working on looking at this as a new adventure and a new chapter in my interesting life!


@ess77 Hi Elizabeth. Actually, I had no part in making the decision to transition to Long Term Care. It was a unanimous decision made by a "team" on my behalf during my 3+ week hospital stay following my heart attack on July 8th. The reasoning was that I need more extensive care than Assisted Living can deliver in my present state of declining health, which includes my serious IBS multi diet restrictions. Apparently, one needs to have a stable state of health, and my health has been far from that for quite some time. I've been hospitalized 4 or 5 times, just since April. The team acknowledged that when I'm good, I'm really good (walking outdoors for over a mile a day, etc.) but when I'm bad, I'm really, really bad ( including ambulance rides to E.R. every few weeks), etc.

At first, I was very upset with the decision but my sons want to move me to their part of the province where there's lots of family. I've now made peace with the idea. My sons had tours of the two available long term care homes, and outright reject the first one, but really like the second one - Haven Hill in Penticton, BC.
There could be a long wait, so I'm on other wait lists for a faster availability interim placement until Haven Hill has a place for me.
There are lots of restrictions at an LTC to accept and get used to.
My brain is still really good 😊 so my main concern is being matched in a section of like- minded people.

I'm working on looking at this as a new adventure and a new chapter in my interesting life!

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@artist01 and all
Thanks for filling me in on what's been going on in your life. This is a very tough time, isn't it. I think you are doing so well at adjusting to the gigantic changes, and to losing control of making the decisions about your life. That's the most difficult part of this aging....heck, getting old! I don't have any other family, just my son, and he wants to stay out of decisions in my life. I need and want him to participate in these kinds of things, at least discuss and help me think it t!hrough. But, not the case. He can't deal with it and he gets upset, agitated when I attempt to go there, so I only mention these things after I've made a decision. So it goes.

I do want to be settled. Get my furniture settled, get whatever reno I'm going to do and off my mind, forever! Hopefully before I leave this life! I want to enjoy my home before I must leave...times getting short.

You have a good new home, sounds like...just gotta' get there. Remember something you don't want to...we are Steel spines . I say I am a 'Steel magnolia'. You can claim that too....I knight you an honorary Southerner. So, let's act like we're doing exactly what we want, hold our heads high and be graceful ladies. I don't want to live in LTC. Can't afford the $5k+ per month for assisted living.... can afford small one BR apt. Actually sounds pretty good to be right now!

You stay strong and determined. We can do this, my friend.
Bless you...Elizabeth

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