LC, Autonomic Dysfunction, and "Bowel Blockage"

Posted by allisonrosenberg @allisonrosenberg, Oct 20, 2023

I've been suffering from Long COVID for 6 months. Yesterday, I was admitted to the hospital for a bowel blockage. Surgery was unable to identify the source or cause of the blockage, and the surgeon was unable to clear the existing block. I'm left where I began, with nothing to do but take laxatives for constipation. As I lie here in the hospital, I'm thinking about the Long COVID connection. Clearly, autonomic dysfunction is central to many people's presentation of Long COVID, and the autonomic nervous system regulates peristalsis of the intestines. Has anybody else had a bowel blockage since developing Long COVID? Any helpful (or encouraging) suggestions?

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Try Asia berries in various forms


I’m confused. They actually did surgery for a blockage, and then could not find one?

My bowel is basically non-functioning also. I use suppositories and laxatives to get partial movement. My feeling is that the virus has destroyed my gut biome. I’m trying probiotics and drinking kefir to try to re-establish. I’m beginning to believe the root of my many, many Covid symptoms is my destroyed gut biome.


Sorry about your blockage. My GI issues have not caused a blockage, thank goodness, but it's still a constant problem. I have rocks - voiding them is a painful strain or the elimination comes without warning; or mud-like stools to the point of having to use Imodium; or constipation and bloating. I was just diagnosed with borderline POTS and the medicine prescribed is Pyridostigmine. It's been a miracle for me after 3+ years with Long Covid. All my COVID symptoms are gone except, the GI problems. I was very constipated last night and took a Children's Fiber Gummy before bed - better this morning. Stronger laxatives cause the opposite problem. I've tried everything!! I eat lots of fiber and drink lots of water. If you find a cure, please publish it. Thanks and good luck.


Sorry about your blockage. My GI issues have not caused a blockage, thank goodness, but it's still a constant problem. I have rocks - voiding them is a painful strain or the elimination comes without warning; or mud-like stools to the point of having to use Imodium; or constipation and bloating. I was just diagnosed with borderline POTS and the medicine prescribed is Pyridostigmine. It's been a miracle for me after 3+ years with Long Covid. All my COVID symptoms are gone except, the GI problems. I was very constipated last night and took a Children's Fiber Gummy before bed - better this morning. Stronger laxatives cause the opposite problem. I've tried everything!! I eat lots of fiber and drink lots of water. If you find a cure, please publish it. Thanks and good luck.

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I can so identify with your gut situation....voiding is difficult and the stools are typically like rocks so getting a "balance" is very tricky to next to impossible. I take a prebiotic, digestive enzyme and probiotic. This all helps keep "comfort" in the gut but doesn't do anything for voiding the rocks, as you say. I use Musinex off and on, hydrate well, eat in order to NOT be constipated but never fully get the results one would expect. It's very frustrating and now I wonder if this is going to be a forever situation.


I used to have those rocks and being very constipated also, however, I am doing so so much better now... I started drinking my 1-2 cups daily of my special green smoothie.. I make a gallon once a week and drink throughout the week. It’s my special smoothie recipe that I used to make even before getting Covid and looks like it really helps me.. the worst problem about it is just getting the energy to make this smoothie but I do my best and seems my gut and my elimination has been so much better and regular now and not so painful and I also have a little more energy. Hard rock stool is gone! The recipe for 1 gal smoothie is: about 2-3 handfuls of organic baby spinach, 3 organic cucumbers (without skin as it’s bitter when blended), 8-9 organic green celery sticks, lemon juice from 2 fresh lemons (take out the seeds as they are bitter when blended) and 1-2 avocados. Blend all with water and keep in fridge for up to 1 week. Before I make the smoothie I split all ingredients in 3 parts and blend each part then add to my gallon container each part and shake all together. I also sometimes sprout alfalfa to add to my smoothie but it’s not necessary. I hope this helps someone. Jola


First, it must have been very frustrating for the surgical doctor could not find the blockage!! I’m so sorry!!!
I’m going to try the smoothie one person posted. Just to see if it helps and see if I have a little more energy.
Also, I found when I drink 8 ozs of Kefir in the am it helps with the bowel movements as well. It tastes awful so I drink the berry flavor. It’s tolerating!
God’s peace, Debbie


My doctor told me I have IBS, and to try the low FODMAP diet, so I did that for about a month... I got more diarrhea and fewer constipated times, but it definitely wasn't a solution. I am gradually trying to figure out what foods cause the most pain (I've also been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue post Covid). Onions are a serious problem, and so is all meat, most beans, and fried food. My friend at work thinks I have Crohn's like her, I've been having trouble absorbing and using nutrients, and am now taking B complex, calcium/magnesium, prescription level potassium as well as high doses of vitamin D and sublingual B12. I have the same trouble with Metamucil someone else mentioned - it takes days to work, but then it's back to the other extreme. It is so frustrating.


I used to have those rocks and being very constipated also, however, I am doing so so much better now... I started drinking my 1-2 cups daily of my special green smoothie.. I make a gallon once a week and drink throughout the week. It’s my special smoothie recipe that I used to make even before getting Covid and looks like it really helps me.. the worst problem about it is just getting the energy to make this smoothie but I do my best and seems my gut and my elimination has been so much better and regular now and not so painful and I also have a little more energy. Hard rock stool is gone! The recipe for 1 gal smoothie is: about 2-3 handfuls of organic baby spinach, 3 organic cucumbers (without skin as it’s bitter when blended), 8-9 organic green celery sticks, lemon juice from 2 fresh lemons (take out the seeds as they are bitter when blended) and 1-2 avocados. Blend all with water and keep in fridge for up to 1 week. Before I make the smoothie I split all ingredients in 3 parts and blend each part then add to my gallon container each part and shake all together. I also sometimes sprout alfalfa to add to my smoothie but it’s not necessary. I hope this helps someone. Jola

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Joli, I'd like to try your recipe. Is this smoothie made in a blender or juicer? Thanks


Had Covid in March 2020 and again in April 2022, developed long Covid symptoms that I am still recovering from. I’m fully Covid vaccinated and boosted.
Calm” brand Magnesium citrate powder and acupuncture thankfully ended many months of miserable bloating, severe constipation with very hard rock like BM’s. I’ve always had IBS and tried all the tricks that had worked for me .Drinking more fluids, fiber, prunes, no bread, abdominal massage, etc. didn’t help at all. I was sure I was in really big trouble. My colonoscopy was negative. MRI showed inflammation of pubic bones and abductors leg muscles. I was already eating a vegetarian diet with alot of raw vegetables and fruits. Some OTC meds for constipation caused me to have occasional relief followed by even worse days of constipation.
The Calm power is easy to mix with water and drink after supper. I like the lemon flavor. As time went on, I have been able to reduce using it to just as needed. Currently doing very well with GI. I still get acupuncture regularly. I now take quercetin, Vit C, magnesium glycinate, B vitamin complex, Claritin, D3, Tumeric/black pepper, plaquenil. Cut gluten out as much as possible. Trying to figure out what food might be culprits. . Currently fatigue persists, POTS (better) and strange skin rashes are the things I’m working on finding relief. Lupus has been mentioned as a possibility.


I used to have those rocks and being very constipated also, however, I am doing so so much better now... I started drinking my 1-2 cups daily of my special green smoothie.. I make a gallon once a week and drink throughout the week. It’s my special smoothie recipe that I used to make even before getting Covid and looks like it really helps me.. the worst problem about it is just getting the energy to make this smoothie but I do my best and seems my gut and my elimination has been so much better and regular now and not so painful and I also have a little more energy. Hard rock stool is gone! The recipe for 1 gal smoothie is: about 2-3 handfuls of organic baby spinach, 3 organic cucumbers (without skin as it’s bitter when blended), 8-9 organic green celery sticks, lemon juice from 2 fresh lemons (take out the seeds as they are bitter when blended) and 1-2 avocados. Blend all with water and keep in fridge for up to 1 week. Before I make the smoothie I split all ingredients in 3 parts and blend each part then add to my gallon container each part and shake all together. I also sometimes sprout alfalfa to add to my smoothie but it’s not necessary. I hope this helps someone. Jola

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I'm going to try your smoothie!! Thanks.

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