Latest update/thank you

Posted by MommaCandy @mommacandy, Jun 20 6:53am

so after finishing radiation, meeting with more docs than i can even remember over the past few weeks, etc my friend says he's done...he's not interested in trials, even more aggressive chemo etc.. he says he's at peace with this decision, he's just DONE...he wants to spend his last months with his cats, doing what he enjoys, getting everything taken care of so I won't have to after he passes and generally doing what he can. We appreciated all the info on everything you all have been able to provide as it gave us things to discuss with doctors but in the end it came down to what he wants and to be honest, i think he's just tired of fighting...He's been a soldier all his life and in the beginning this was just a battle of a different kind but i think he's just reached the point he feels like he can't take anymore and i have to respect that.
basically every oncologist we met with has said the same thing to him that they could possibly delay the inevitable but its still terminal. i know there's a BUNCH of you all who have been very supportive of us through this (and have been in remission and have survived years) and i tried to convince him to do some kind of trials but after reading the info the docs gave him on ones he MIGHT qualify for he just said nope he's i have to respect that...
i think part of it is he has been in pain for so many years (esp after his amputation in 2019 due to shrapnel remaining after the IED blast in Iraq) i think he just sees this as what God wills is what will be.. I think once we get an all clear on my cancer he probably won't last long as he's just the type to watch out for others and he'll feel like there's nothing more he can do for me from this side of heaven ...its just my thoughts..
Anyways I wanted to take a minute just to say THANK YOU to everyone who's been supportive and caring and took time to throw out ideas to help me/us... I pray God will bless each of you and please remember to pray for us as we go through this rest of this journey

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These are decisions one must make for themselves. I do often wonder if we sometimes intercede against God’s plan for us. When one makes this decision and feels there is little left to give here on this Earth then we must respect it.
I know this must be hard for you. I pray that you can accept it and smile with him as much as possible. 💜


God bless you mommacandy. Everyone would be so lucky to have as good a friend as you!


Mommacandy, As your friend plans for the inevitable he might find helpful a book that I’ve been reading as I plan.
B J Miller: “A Beginner’s Guide to the End”


I just joined this forum in the past 2 weeks as I was just diagnosed with stage 2b and already all of the support and information has been incredible. I wish your friend and you peace. It is true that we all must make our own decisions and I am sure your friend has thought long and hard. I wish him a peaceful journey......

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