Knee pain at night

Posted by zacklucy @zacklucy, Oct 28, 2023

Torn meniscus, going to be a while before surgery. In meantime, I am awakened every night in enough pain to prevent sleep. This is getting old. Prescription anti-inflammatories (Meloxicam) zero help. Pillows, raised leg, lowered leg, ibuprofen, naprosyn-nothing.

Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks.

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Thanks. On way CVS. Will give it a shot.

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I'd buy the Bio-Freeze patches designed to be worn at night. They're pricey but worth it, although I've only used the for core and back strains. And Professional Bio-Freeze is the best product you can apply to the skin for pain. Good luck and all the best!


I've had bone on bone in both knees for many years. Dr. wanted to do TKR about 10 yrs ago on one knee but I wasn't having any real problems until last year. Although both knees need replacing, the left one isn't as painful.
I started cortisone injections about 6 months or so ago, that helped for almost 3 months. The last injections in Nov. lasted about a week and has gotten progressively worse in the right knee. Painful all night long and I can barely stand or walk in the morning due to both knee and back pain.
The doctor said he does not recommend having knee surgery due to my age (88) and the numerous back problems I have. He said the Hyaluronic injections were costly and did not help everyone who got them.
I tried the Voltaren Gel but could not stand the smell.

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