Kidney Education

Posted by Ginger, Volunteer Mentor @gingerw, Mar 17, 2023

Twelve months in a year. 365 days in that year. Every month, each day, there is something that is an "awareness" or support, or like-minded day. I'm thinking National Ice Cream Day, or National Crafting Month.

March is National Kidney month, Did you know that kidney disease is often referred to as a silent disease, because our bodies often learn to live with kidney disease as it progresses, as we accommodate for lessening function. Many times it is a slow progression in decline. The causes can include high blood pressure, diabetes, a genetic condition, side effects of a medication, lifestyle choices, etc.

Here is an education opportunity to learn more from the American Kidney Fund, for their Kidney Action Week, next week!
For me, having the chance to learn from experts, connecting with others who share my health concerns, and getting support, is so important in managing my physical and emotional health. It helps me feel less alone.

What has been your experience? Will you sign up for this? What other education opportunities have you found?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Kidney & Bladder Support Group.

Thank you, Ginger, for letting us know. It is a great opportunity to learn more from the professionals about this disease. I have signed up and await to participate. I wonder if there are other kidney organizations who will also sponsor information on this topic since this is National Kidney month. Lastly, I have been watching nephrologist, Jason Fung, on YouTube teach us how to improve our kidney health. He is also the author of countless books, helping us cope, and possibly stabilize our CKD.


Thanks, Ginger - I signed up. Has anyone heard from Mama? Vicki


Thank you, Ginger, for letting us know. It is a great opportunity to learn more from the professionals about this disease. I have signed up and await to participate. I wonder if there are other kidney organizations who will also sponsor information on this topic since this is National Kidney month. Lastly, I have been watching nephrologist, Jason Fung, on YouTube teach us how to improve our kidney health. He is also the author of countless books, helping us cope, and possibly stabilize our CKD.

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@collegeprof In October each year, Renal Support Network [] sponsors a weeklong patient education series, full of hour long talks and topics. One day is set aside just for juvenile patients and their parents. It used to be in-person, as a one-day event, and I attended it several times. Even got to be the "host" one year! Now it is virtual, and expanded to several days.


Thanks, Ginger. Have been in the hospital for gastroparesis flare and unable to eat properly for several days but home now and slowly regaining strength. Will have to opt out of signing up, sorry. Hugs to all, including you!


Thank you, Ginger, for letting us know. It is a great opportunity to learn more from the professionals about this disease. I have signed up and await to participate. I wonder if there are other kidney organizations who will also sponsor information on this topic since this is National Kidney month. Lastly, I have been watching nephrologist, Jason Fung, on YouTube teach us how to improve our kidney health. He is also the author of countless books, helping us cope, and possibly stabilize our CKD.

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Thank you, Ginger, for posting this. I have signed up!


Whoo-hoo! This education week starts today! Did you sign up, yet? You can look at the full agenda to pick and choose what to watch. Not to worry, there won't be a pop-quiz [from me anyways!] on what is covered. But looking at the topics, there will be lots to learn this week. As I like to say, "knowledge is power", and we can never know too much from reliable sources of information!

Please be sure to share with us all here, what you find is new to you, what impressed you, any additional questions you have, and let's all be better kidney patients!

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