Kidney donation

Posted by jmsoroka @jmsoroka, May 9, 2019

I am contemplating altruistic liver donation later this year. I was told that I will be out of work for a few weeks. Are there any sources or insurances that would cover my income during that time? I do have a long term disability insurance through my employer. Thank for any suggestions.

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You can check with the National Donor Assistance Center. Mayo also has information on finances. Some states offer job security for donors (leave of absence) some also offer tax breaks or credits.
My recipient covered my travel costs and part of my missed wages. Her insurance covered some of it but funding from other sources were based on her income and she was not eligible.
I hope it works out for you to do this.It's beautiful when someone is willing to donate a life saving organ and heart breaking that it isn't readily affordable for everyone.


@jmsoroka, Welcome to Connect. Thank you for considering living donation. Organ donation is a gift of life. I want to introduce you to some of our heroes, living donors, in the discussion - Kidney transplant - "The Journey from the Donor's Side"
I also want to share the Transplant Pages where you will find information from transplant staff about organ donation. I recommend the Living Donor Toolkit and the Newsfeed Posts.

My organs were donated to me by a deceased donor 10 years ago. And it is a gift that I honor every day of my new life. I am going to step aside so that you will have the opportunity to meet and learn from the real experts - the living donors and recipients.
I look forward to learning with you.


Thank you so much for a kind welcome and for all the useful information. I really appreciate it.

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