I am curious about other’s experience with KEVZARA. I am currently taking 11 mg of Prednisone, down from 60 mg in April 2024. I am continuing to experience pain and stiffness daily, especially in the late evening and the morning. I am also fatigued most days. I am on an anti-inflammatory diet, walk daily and do a little restorative yoga. My Rheumatologist suggests going back up to 12.5 mg but I do not think that will be helpful as it will only lengthen the time I am on a drug that appears to not be helpful. She has suggested KEVZARA and we are now waiting on approval from my insurance company. My questions are: should I wait a bit and stay at 11 mg to see if anything changes (I have been on this dose for 4 weeks) before I start KEVZARA? Is it too soon in my treatment to start a biologic? It seems as tho my autoimmune system is not responding to the Prednisone or maybe I need more patience? My doctor was vague on these questions. Thank you in advance, I really appreciate this forum!
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.
Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I’m also 63 and am down to PT work, wondering how long/if my PMR will make that too difficult. I’m not 100% able to stop working so it’s a push to keep going some days. I will be masking at work and around the community. Hope all is going well with you. Thanks again
Hi @ neztrop, You will definitely have my prayers! I waited 2.5 years on Prednisone before I decided to try a biologic. In retrospect, I think that was a mistake. Prednisone was doing some serious damage to my body while I tried modifying my diet, eliminating sugar and alcohol and adding herbal remedies. Those things all helped marginally but did not let me reduce my Prednisone below 15 mg without a significant flare. Your decision to start Kevzara earlier in the process could be a magic bullet. Prayers for much relief and success! We’d love to hear your ongoing story.
"Prednisone was doing some serious damage to my body while I tried modifying my diet, eliminating sugar and alcohol and adding herbal remedies. Those things all helped marginally but did not let me reduce my Prednisone below 15 mg without a significant flare."
I couldn't agree more. I was still on 10 mg of Prednisone more than 12 years after being diagnosed with PMR. I nearly conceded that I would take Prednisone for the rest of my life. There was a recommendation that I shouldn't try a biologic when Actemra was offered to me. The recommendation stated that prednisone was better because it was "the devil I knew" compared to Actemra being "the devil I didn't know." I thought that was stupid recommendation since the same people had never tried a biologic.
I mentioned the recommendation against Actemra to my rheumatologist who said, "I wouldn't know if Actemra was a devil if I didn't try it to see." He made a good point so I tried Actemra. In retrospect, Actemra was a game changer for me. I have been off Prednisone for 5 years and couldn't be more pleased. When I got off Prednisone and I was able to compare my "quality of life" relative to taking prednisone for the rest of my life---Actemra wasn't the devil it was purported to be. When I reported back to the same people who were against Actemra, they said my experience with Actemra wasn't pertinent to them.
I'm not advocating that everyone should try a biologic. Prednisone should work for many people. However, there comes a time when something new should be tried. In any case, it is a personal choice after consulting with your doctor who would have to agree.
Hi, I was just diagnosed with PMR about two weeks ago. I’ve just started on a low-dose regimen of prednisone, 10 mg daily. After reading some of the posts on this site, I am wondering if I should be considering a biologic I’ve had some lessening of pain on the prednisone already, but I am very fearful of the long-term side effects given what I’ve read in general and what I’ve seen on this group site. Any comments or insights would be most welcome. I feel very frightened having just been given this diagnosis.
I don't know the answer. I do wish that a biologic was tried much sooner in my case. I was treated with prednisone for 12 years before a biologic was tried. I can only say my treatment with Prednisone in the short term didn't cause too many problems. My long term use and cumulative dose of prednisone over time was what did most of the damage.
By comparison, I wasn't able to taper down to 10 mg of Prednisone during my first 10 years of treatment. I was in the 20-40 mg range during most of that time. A biologic was tried when I couldn't tolerate anything less than 10 mg after 12 years.
I don't think you need to worry too much about 10 mg or less for the first year or two. It just depends on how things progress. Don't be frightened of prednisone and PMR. Just be aware of potential problems that can arise the longer you need prednisone. A biologic comes with potential problems too.
I think its great that you concerned about long term use. Most are just glad to be feeling alive again after starting prednisone. Usually our diagnosis took some time to figure out and feeling better on prednisone is a blessing. I was on 10mg equiv. for 5 months. Then started to taper. I was off prednisone in 6 months. My PMR was controlled and I did not have any other ailments that popped up. dadcue is a miracle. He was faced with so many demons to fight that he became a demon slayer. I agree with his advice. If you can treat PMR and prednisone as in a relatively short amount of time say less than 2 years then you can save yourself from additional medications. They all have some effect. Nothing like prednisone. Prednisone side effects may last a lifetime. (statiscally speaking). Educate yourself as much as possible and realize you can control the outcome.
Aw, I so appreciate your reply. I am really struggling with the diagnosis and the side effects so your message was music to my ears. Thank you again for your insight. Have a wonderful evening.
I appreciate your kind words but I haven't slayed many demons. They still haunt me but I'm not so stressed out by my demons anymore. It took me a long time to realize that whatever is true for cortisol also applies to prednisone since the hormone cortisol is what Prednisone replaces. Long term use of Prednisone is not sustainable.
If I have learned anything it is that hormones are complicated. I now look at prednisone from an endocrinologist's metabolic point of view. You need a surge of cortisol (prednisone) in the short term when the treat is temporary. However PMR is a chronic, internal disorder that isn't likely to go away very quickly. Prednisone on a long term basis weakened me more that it helped me. Prednisone literally took away every ounce of energy I had in the longer term.
"In the primal sense of fight or flight, increased cortisol hormone raises the heart rate, increases mental alertness and makes you stronger, faster and smarter. However, it also slows other less needed system functions. The release of cortisol hormone tells the brain that sleeping, digesting food, burning fat and fighting bacteria are not that important. However, the new instructions are not sustainable for long-term health and wellness."
While Prednisone is known for its dramatic results, I have to say that it's Kevzara that has given me my life back. I had the usual dramatic response to Prednisone then couldn't reduce further. Unlike most folks, my response to Kevzara was immediate and dramatic. Within days, I had less pain and greater mobility. Kevzara targets different receptors than Prednisone, and I believe my PMR is more affected by that pathway. If I'm late with a Kevzara dose, my body reminds me. Meanwhile, I'm dropping to 3 mg of Prednisone this week and expect to be down to 1 and off by summertime. My exercise tolerance is (slowly) increasing, sleep is improved, brain fog from pain is almost gone. I'm much better off by every measure to be on only Kevzara than Kevazara+Prednsone. Can't wait to lose this moonface & weight gain and get back to walking and hiking 3 to 5 miles daily.
Thanks for the information. Appreciate it.