Is there any long term side effects from stopping venlafaxine?

Posted by uzername @uzername, Sep 2, 2023

I was treated with venlafaxine XR for 16 years for depression at various doses. I did a very slow taper over 3 months in 2016 to avoid acute withdrawal symptoms and did fine. Since that point in time I have had progressively worse symptoms of hot spells and sweating. I am on therapeutic doses of estrogen so this is not menopausal symptoms. I tried restarting a variety of SSRI and SNRI but it made the sweating worse. Has anybody had any long term permanent problems after stopping venlafaxine, ( Effexor)?

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I was on a small dose of venlafaxine for 7 years for nerve pain after neck fusion surgery. Side effects of complex dreams and loquaciousness I endured but when I read that recent research found venlafaxine brought on hyperglycemia, I decided to taper off it. Hyperglycemia brought on sweats, dizziness and weakness that was dangerous when shopping--once standing on line for too long in the post office, two customers saw I was ready to faint and called Emergency. All I needed was to get to my car, sit down and increase my insulin with sugar tablets.
Check with your doctor if that's what might be going on with you.


Hi, I am sat here with the same issues! On Venlafaxine (Effexor equivalent) @ 75mg April 2017 to Oct 2018. Titrated off hyper slow 37.5 to 0 over Oct 2018 to Oct 2022. Your titration may have been too steep, BUT, as I have previously posted here. The lady above comments on Hyperglycimia . I have picked up that Sugar ingress CAN exacerbate symptoms. It elevated my sugar levels on Blood tests - borderline Diabetic. BUT, the drug effects see - saw LONG AFTER stopping. As I have already said here. Just because you stop taking the Pill . THE SIDE EFFECTS DO NOT STOP. Reason, the body absorbs the stuff @ a cellular level in body fats. So, it will continue (to see out , erratically), till you body rids of. 2x anecdotal patient feedbacks state up to 3 years ! before this seeping stops. I can only think with you & like me , this is what is going on. I get a whole host of other side effects. It seems that as the levels of legacy Ven / Effexor drop, the side effects (sweating) get more sporadic. If anyone else has any such scenario experience feed back - please post to this forum. Thanks.


Stopping venlafaxine very commonly is associated w electric "zaps" down thru your head. These diminish over time, but they are annoying and scary if you are not familiar w venlafaxine l's withdrawal effects.


Stopping venlafaxine very commonly is associated w electric "zaps" down thru your head. These diminish over time, but they are annoying and scary if you are not familiar w venlafaxine l's withdrawal effects.

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Yes, the "zaps" are scary. They can wake you up. When I told my primary about them, she gave me a puzzled look as did the friends I told. Had to take a step back to adjust tapering off schedule. Am clear for about 6 months but fear sweats, dizziness and falling. Always take and carry sugar aids before I go anywhere. I also have a cane with a collapsible seat. Live alone and go out alone; the fear of falling requires cautious awareness.


Amazes me how many doctors are unaware of the side effects when discontinuing medications! It's all cleared recorded in the literature! Sheesh!


The main thing that helps with my hot flashes is daily strenuous exercise sufficient to generate being hot and sweaty. It's as if I have to intentionally "sweat it out" in order to feel some relief.


Fifteen years ago I was put on 450mg of Venlafaxine along with 450mg of bupropion and 900 of lithium. In June I presented evidence to my doctors that I should not be on these drugs. They agreed to begin a process of titrating off all of them. I am now at 300mg of Venlafaxine, 300mg of bupropion and 600mg of lithium.

I have not had any withdrawal symptoms. Been there before and know how bad they can be.

Here is what I have changed. I cleaned up my diet. No added sugar and no highly processed foods. I exercise vigorously three hours a day. Strength training and cardio. I sweat so much the lithium hardly registers in my bloodstream.

I’ve lost thirty pounds and feel the best I ever have. I still have most of the wretched side effects of the antidepressants and my sleep has suffered as I refuse to take Seroquel for sleep.

Both the sleep and the side effects are improving as the Venlafaxine and bupropion are being decreased. I’m now headed into sub three hundreds on both. We’ll see how it goes from here.

I was all but dead in June. I could not live the way I was living. I had been taking poison for fifteen years no wonder I was sick.

I took whatever pill they gave me no questions asked; no more. After a month of research I realized I had to change my lifestyle. That even if I couldn’t get off all the pills eating better and exercising would be good for me. Things were bad enough that I changed. It was that or kill myself.

I am sixty years old and truly feel the best I ever have (bad childhood) my brain fog is lifting, the fatigue is gone and my body is strong. The only downside so far is I think I’m forty five as I’ve been asleep for fifteen years.

I still have a long way to go. But for me there’s no downside to eating better and exercising. While I’m sweating I think about all the toxins melting away.

In my opinion the medications I have been on should be used in life threatening emergencies only. Presently they are given out like candy.

I was sad and anxious when I was put on the cocktail of medication detailed, I was also working fifteen hours a day, hardly sleeping, four babies in five years and a billion dollar company to run. I needed a vacation not medication.

With any luck they’ll be gone by the end of the year.

Now, if I could just get my wife and kids back all would right with world.

Thanks for listening.


Doctors are very casual about these drugs. Just like they were with opioids for many years. To be prescribed a new anti-depressant, and then told to come back in three months is irresponsible in my opinion. Seems to me I should be seen in a week or two for an update, if I really had a DOCTOR. Also, any titrations upward during this time is left to the PATIENT? This seems crazy to me. I have been prescribed several over this last year while trying to handle Long Covid symptoms. I don’t tolerate any of them. My main issues are with ear pressure, tinnitus, and hyperacusis (maddening). I wish they had a magic pill, but they do NOT! Turns out, antidepressants are almost universally toxic to the ears. I won’t be trying any more of them.


Fifteen years ago I was put on 450mg of Venlafaxine along with 450mg of bupropion and 900 of lithium. In June I presented evidence to my doctors that I should not be on these drugs. They agreed to begin a process of titrating off all of them. I am now at 300mg of Venlafaxine, 300mg of bupropion and 600mg of lithium.

I have not had any withdrawal symptoms. Been there before and know how bad they can be.

Here is what I have changed. I cleaned up my diet. No added sugar and no highly processed foods. I exercise vigorously three hours a day. Strength training and cardio. I sweat so much the lithium hardly registers in my bloodstream.

I’ve lost thirty pounds and feel the best I ever have. I still have most of the wretched side effects of the antidepressants and my sleep has suffered as I refuse to take Seroquel for sleep.

Both the sleep and the side effects are improving as the Venlafaxine and bupropion are being decreased. I’m now headed into sub three hundreds on both. We’ll see how it goes from here.

I was all but dead in June. I could not live the way I was living. I had been taking poison for fifteen years no wonder I was sick.

I took whatever pill they gave me no questions asked; no more. After a month of research I realized I had to change my lifestyle. That even if I couldn’t get off all the pills eating better and exercising would be good for me. Things were bad enough that I changed. It was that or kill myself.

I am sixty years old and truly feel the best I ever have (bad childhood) my brain fog is lifting, the fatigue is gone and my body is strong. The only downside so far is I think I’m forty five as I’ve been asleep for fifteen years.

I still have a long way to go. But for me there’s no downside to eating better and exercising. While I’m sweating I think about all the toxins melting away.

In my opinion the medications I have been on should be used in life threatening emergencies only. Presently they are given out like candy.

I was sad and anxious when I was put on the cocktail of medication detailed, I was also working fifteen hours a day, hardly sleeping, four babies in five years and a billion dollar company to run. I needed a vacation not medication.

With any luck they’ll be gone by the end of the year.

Now, if I could just get my wife and kids back all would right with world.

Thanks for listening.

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I have been on psych drugs for 40 + years. I think they ruined my stomach and brain. I can't get off them because when I do I can hardly move, breath, eat. Good luck to you . You are very brave and it's a good thing you found out about the drugs you were on. You will make it.


Fifteen years ago I was put on 450mg of Venlafaxine along with 450mg of bupropion and 900 of lithium. In June I presented evidence to my doctors that I should not be on these drugs. They agreed to begin a process of titrating off all of them. I am now at 300mg of Venlafaxine, 300mg of bupropion and 600mg of lithium.

I have not had any withdrawal symptoms. Been there before and know how bad they can be.

Here is what I have changed. I cleaned up my diet. No added sugar and no highly processed foods. I exercise vigorously three hours a day. Strength training and cardio. I sweat so much the lithium hardly registers in my bloodstream.

I’ve lost thirty pounds and feel the best I ever have. I still have most of the wretched side effects of the antidepressants and my sleep has suffered as I refuse to take Seroquel for sleep.

Both the sleep and the side effects are improving as the Venlafaxine and bupropion are being decreased. I’m now headed into sub three hundreds on both. We’ll see how it goes from here.

I was all but dead in June. I could not live the way I was living. I had been taking poison for fifteen years no wonder I was sick.

I took whatever pill they gave me no questions asked; no more. After a month of research I realized I had to change my lifestyle. That even if I couldn’t get off all the pills eating better and exercising would be good for me. Things were bad enough that I changed. It was that or kill myself.

I am sixty years old and truly feel the best I ever have (bad childhood) my brain fog is lifting, the fatigue is gone and my body is strong. The only downside so far is I think I’m forty five as I’ve been asleep for fifteen years.

I still have a long way to go. But for me there’s no downside to eating better and exercising. While I’m sweating I think about all the toxins melting away.

In my opinion the medications I have been on should be used in life threatening emergencies only. Presently they are given out like candy.

I was sad and anxious when I was put on the cocktail of medication detailed, I was also working fifteen hours a day, hardly sleeping, four babies in five years and a billion dollar company to run. I needed a vacation not medication.

With any luck they’ll be gone by the end of the year.

Now, if I could just get my wife and kids back all would right with world.

Thanks for listening.

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Thought I should up date my experience. It's been about a month since my last venlafaxine pill. The insomnia kicked in pretty much right away. I sleep in two hour blocks, wake up and go back to sleep for another two hours.

The sleep disturbances started shortly after being put on venlafaxine fifteen years ago. Doctor said as long as you are getting eight hours total you’ll be fine. Well that didn't work out so well.

I had hoped that when the venlafaxine was no longer in my system my sleep would improve. No such luck it has gotten worse. Sleep disturbances come with the medication and stick around even when it is supposedly out of my system.

I've been so sleep deprived that I've not been able to process my grief and I end up crying hysterically at the drop of a hat. Something had to give.

I agreed to go back on 100mg I seroquel to help me sleep. I hate the side-effects of this drug but I hated the idea of going back on venlafaxine even more.

Two nights of sleep and I'm okay. I still have racing thoughts and incredible grief but I am able to function. I am hopeful that by getting my sleep evened out I will be able to meet the remaining challenges more effectively.

I hope we all find the peace we deserve.

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