Is it safe to drink a glass of Tonic water with Quinine and 0 sugar?

Posted by enpool54 @enpool54, Feb 18, 2023

Is it safe to drink small glass of Tonic water with Quinine and zero sugar and freshly juiced lemon juice every night?

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@enpool54 - I think the answer depends on what medications you are taking if any but I'm not a doctor and have no medical training. Quinine does interact with certain medications. Here's some information on the topic:
--- Quinine in tonic water: Safety, side effects, and possible benefits:

I would ask my doctor before starting to drink it regularly even though it's considered safe for most people.
Do you have any medical conditions or are you on any medications?


Thanks for the note and information. Yes, I have medical condition and I am on medications. I consult my doctor on lemon juice and he didn't seem to have any problem with it, but I have not mentioned the tonic water as I started adding it to my lemon juice to ease the lemon. I only add 1/4 cup, but I will check with him shortly. It is amazing how a simple diet change has so much impact.

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