Is anyone taking Zenpep rather than Creon? If so what foods work?

Posted by judithbramson12 @judithbramson12, Jun 13, 2023

I do not have diarrhea, but I have many bowel movements as my digestive system doesn't seem to get the nutrients needed. I go uup and down about 4 pounds every day, but am stuck not moving ahead. I don't have diabetes, but do not eat sugar, salt or sodium. I eat about 1,500 to 1,600+ calories a day, but they all go down the toilet. I'm working with Mayo on this, but so far nothing seems to work. I take 40,000 unitswith my three meals and 10,000 units with each snack. I need to gain 13 pounds and don't know how to regulate the water intake as well. Anyone who has any information would be greatly appreciated! I'm 6 months from surgery and they got it all. I have no cancer. Thank you for reading this!

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I am not making headway. Although I am not gaining, I’m not losing. Now I have a new companion. I started dumping. Crazy as it sounds, I feel better. I’m going to post re: dumping to see what others have done. I followed Mayo’s handout diet, but it didn’t work. I didn’t know one could increase dosages without doctor’s recommendation. I’m interested if the increase works. Good luck! This is a rotten journey, but the alternative is worse.

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My husband’s team said if he were to get “dumping” syndrome that would be a sign of insufficient enzymes and to increase his Zenpep. Good luck with your dosage. Wish there was an exact dosage that worked for everyone. Such a guessing game.


Thank you. I’m going to ask my doc. Today, no dump, but it’s only 10:21 am!🤣


Does anyone take zenpen? Any better than Ceron? I get stomachaches from Ceron but zenpen is $1,900 a month! My dr says there isn’t any help or coupons. Thank you


Does anyone take zenpen? Any better than Ceron? I get stomachaches from Ceron but zenpen is $1,900 a month! My dr says there isn’t any help or coupons. Thank you

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There are five Rx pancrealipase brands sold in the US- Creon, Zenpep, Viokace, Pertzye and Pancreaze. Each manufacturer has a patient assistance program offering reduced co-pay through discount coupons or free product based on meeting financial criteria. Below are links to websites of each program. After reading the eligibility criteria, call the number listed for the appropriate site to speak with a patient representative and they will answer specific questions you have regarding eligibility.


There are also a number of non-profit organizations that collect unopened Rx medication and redistribute free of charge to individuals meeting financial qualifications. Contact your local pharmacist or a social worker at the hospital where you are treated and they can provide names of these organizations.

There are also OTC brands that cost significantly less. The two most common brands that registered dietitians recommend are Vital Nutrients and Digestive Gold.

When taking enzymes, it is important to take immediately before or after the first bite of food….not well in advance of the meal. This can cause irritation of the stomach. Dosing is another important aspect of taking pancrealipase. An on-line calculator makes the process of optimizing dosage easier.

Does anyone take zenpen? Any better than Ceron? I get stomachaches from Ceron but zenpen is $1,900 a month! My dr says there isn’t any help or coupons. Thank you

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My oncologist initially ordered Creon for me which would cost $190 for one month supply (90 capsules). This was the retail cost at CVS with my insurance (MEDICARE A and B) plus BCBS FEP106). I later found out I could order it by mail order (CVS Caremark) for a 3 month supply for $90 (with my Insurance). CVS Caremark mail order was out of stock and didn’t know when they would be getting new supply, so my oncologist ordered Zenpep via mail order which cost $90 for 200 capsules. I like Zenpep better than Creon because I can swallow the capsules vs having to break Creon capsule and mix with apple sauce (capsule too big for me to swallow whole). Also, I do not have any side effects with Zenpep, where I did experience some stomach issues with Creon.
Hope this helps!


Does anyone take zenpen? Any better than Ceron? I get stomachaches from Ceron but zenpen is $1,900 a month! My dr says there isn’t any help or coupons. Thank you

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@crickard70, in addition to the helpful information from @stageivsurvivor and @altc321, you may be interested in this related discussion:
-Is anyone taking Zenpep rather than Creon? If so what foods work?


I take Zenpep, 40,000 units with meals and 10,000 units with snacks. I tolerate cooked oatmeal, peanut butter, all the butters I 'm told are good, toast, apple sauce, chicken, turkey , salmon, yogurt, pasta, fruits, peaches, bananas, mangos. Rice mashed potatoes sweet and white potatoes and sized to my digestive system. I take it real slow as my first goal was to eliminate diarhhea, which I have done. I take Imodium AD twice a day, learned that on this blog. I do not eat sugar of any kind; I use stevia. No fats either and no butter; I use margerine low sodium. There is more I can eat but I had to get my bowels in order first. Now I introduce one small portion of different food at a time. If it doens't agree with me, I eliminate it.

I do double the 10,000 units with the peanut butter; it eliminated the diarhhea. There is so much more you can eat, just take it slowly if you are beginning.I can eat the same diet two weeks in a row and know I won't have a problem, unless I overeat. My digestive system will reject too much food.

I'm not a dietian; one could give you more detailed and better information. This works for me, but everyone is different. Now my goal is to regain the weight I lost. I'm small and 13 pounds underweight. So protein and calories are my next misssion.

Good luck. Creon didn't work for me, but Zenpep does. Hope there was something in the writing that gives you a starting point. I hated giving up candy and cake, all the things I used to binge on! Wouldn't even consider them now. This is a life time commitment!!!

I stay away from processed foods, too much garbage in them.


I tried to get hepf but don’t meet requirements 1,900 is way too much any suggested. Thought about writing company Creon is constant painful thanks all


In my experience, Zenpep is about 20-25% more efficient than Creon. It costs about that much more too.

I avoid high fat foods. I take 1 or 2 40K-unit pills with snacks - if they are of any significant size. I take 4 to 7 pills with my main meal, depending on the fat content and sheer mass of the meal. I get a lot of gas and intermittent IBS-type symptoms but my weight is fairly stable week-to-week.

I eat anything I want aside from very high fat foods. I do eat a lot of sugar because... well, it tastes good. I don't have diabetes.

My EPI is not caused by cancer (its is idiopathic atrophy) and my pancreas retains about 30% function so my dosing may not be ideal for those who vary from this.


I take Zenpep, but I had pancreatic cancer. I’m told they got it all, hopefully it won’t return but there’s no guarantee. I’m missing part of my stomach, part of my pancreas, gall bladder gone and stuff I can’t remember. Si it’s definitely not like you.

I don’t have diabetes, but I cannot have any sugar. My dosage is different from yours. The foods that agree with me are vegetables (most), meat, fish, bread, eggs, cheese, oatmeal, applesauce, fruits, nuts, peanut butter, most of those butters, pasta, pasta sauce w/o sugar, English Muffins and maybe more that I haven’t tried.

I take Imodium AD 3 times every day for my bowels. It keeps diarrhea in check. I also take vitamins A, D, E, K to replace those missing from my pancreas.

I hope this answers some of your question. Also, I applied to Nestle Patient Assistance Program. Phone number 855-210-6228 and am now getting my Zenpep free. You have to fill out an application and meet some requirements to be eligible.

Good luck with your diet. Recovery from pancreatic cancer or having to use enzymes is no walk in the park!

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