Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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I'm having the same issue. I had a b12 deficiency in previous years which was finally resolved. No history of iron deficiency during that testing. It was a little low at one point due to the B12, but nothing out of range.
So i had blood work done in Feb with normal iron and B12. I received the pfizer vaccine (May and June) after having a suspected case of covid (March). I started eating a diet higher in iron and B12.
I grew tired, had headaches, couldn't focus, my asthma was getting worse. In August I had a blood pressure event and was put on bed rest and had analytics run. Iron was lower than it ever had been. I began a daily supplement but symptoms did not resolve. And I had more analytics run last month with my iron continuing to drop. They increased my supplements.

We have not ruled out any other causes at this time. I've reduced salt, caffeine, and alcohol. Added meat and iron supplements. No history of iron deficiency, even as a vegetarian.


A few days after my 2nd Pfizer dose in April, 2021, I developed a lump on my collarbone. The doctors suspected the cause was the vaccine but ordered blood tests and an X-ray. The X-ray was negative but the blood tests showed greatly decreased iron levels. That led to a CT scan, endoscopy and colonoscopy, all of which were negative for any internal bleeding. During the next few months I was very fatigued but eventually my iron levels went back up and so did my energy level. The doctors indicated the drop in iron levels was because of too frequent blood donations! I’m 61 years old and have donated blood since I was in my early 20’s and this was the first time my iron levels ever went below the normal range.


A few days after my 2nd Pfizer dose in April, 2021, I developed a lump on my collarbone. The doctors suspected the cause was the vaccine but ordered blood tests and an X-ray. The X-ray was negative but the blood tests showed greatly decreased iron levels. That led to a CT scan, endoscopy and colonoscopy, all of which were negative for any internal bleeding. During the next few months I was very fatigued but eventually my iron levels went back up and so did my energy level. The doctors indicated the drop in iron levels was because of too frequent blood donations! I’m 61 years old and have donated blood since I was in my early 20’s and this was the first time my iron levels ever went below the normal range.

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Same exact story for me. I am seeing a hematologist next month just to be sure but only my ferritin level and iron were low. Level has come up with iron and after having high iron my whole life then within months after vaccine my ferritin was 5 what else can it be?


This happened to me as well, I am O- and have donated every eligible donation cycle for many years since my blood type is in high demand. I have never had even close to marginal hemoglobin until I tool the Pfizer shots (1st and 2nd, no booster) and I was just rejected from donating for the 3rd since vaccination for low hemoglobin.


@maitri, @stellm & @trieste -
This is an interesting issue - I have a few questions for each of you, as we all look for answers about these new vaccines.

As I said in earlier posts, I have looked at both VAERS (the place to report reactions) and everything I could find through research, and this is a completely unreported issue to date. Additionally, my daughter a Covid health/triage nurse for a large health system has not heard of it either.

- Did you report the reaction where you received the vaccine or to your doc, so it could be recorded in VAERS?
- Were your low blood counts found as the result of your feeling ill after the vaccine, or during routine blood tests during other health care?
- Have the counts been repeated to see if they have improved?
- What did the doc have to say?
- Are you able to see your blood test results over time, to see if this is part of the normal fluctuations we all have?
- @trieste Did you or your husband have any other symptoms?

Sorry for the long list, but it certainly is curious that we have not seen any reports since Day 1, and would love to improve our knowledge of what is going on.
Thank you!

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1. No - I have an appointment with my Doctor this Friday and will discuss.
2. No. Was rejected from donating for 3rd time this past Sunday 1/22/22 where they measure my hemoglobin prior to donation. I have two years worth of hemoglobin records from my donations. Never even close to marginal until post Pfizor vaccination.
3. Yes - I have had 4 tests since vaccination, 3 too low to donate and one 1 was marginal.
4. TBD - Have an appointment this Friday to discuss.
5. Yes - I have two years of history but have been donating for many years and have never been rejected dur to low iron.


@maitri, @stellm & @trieste -
This is an interesting issue - I have a few questions for each of you, as we all look for answers about these new vaccines.

As I said in earlier posts, I have looked at both VAERS (the place to report reactions) and everything I could find through research, and this is a completely unreported issue to date. Additionally, my daughter a Covid health/triage nurse for a large health system has not heard of it either.

- Did you report the reaction where you received the vaccine or to your doc, so it could be recorded in VAERS?
- Were your low blood counts found as the result of your feeling ill after the vaccine, or during routine blood tests during other health care?
- Have the counts been repeated to see if they have improved?
- What did the doc have to say?
- Are you able to see your blood test results over time, to see if this is part of the normal fluctuations we all have?
- @trieste Did you or your husband have any other symptoms?

Sorry for the long list, but it certainly is curious that we have not seen any reports since Day 1, and would love to improve our knowledge of what is going on.
Thank you!

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I got two doses of the Moderna vaccine, the last one in April. I have no history of iron deficiency or anemia. On June 2, I was admitted to the hospital with extremely low iron and anemia. I was given two pints of blood over two days. I was not aware of losing blood. I was given two endoscopies and a colonoscopy--all three were normal. None of my health care practitioners could figure out why I was suddenly experiencing these problems. I had two iron infusions after hospitalization. I have since had a blood test to determine if my iron anemia problem was solved, and it appears so. Initially, I didn't link the problem with the vaccines, but I now suspect there may be a correlation.


I had the Moderna vaccine and I have also had low iron since. I regularly give blood and I have had lower counts each time to the point that I could not give this last time. I have never had problems with my iron and in years past have donated doubles. My blood alkaline levels were also high when I had my yearly blood work last month.


I got COVID 19 March of 2019 and again January;2022. In between that time I got the Moderna vaccine ; both shots but no booster. Now my hemoglobin, hematocrit and iron are low. I was diagnosed with Anemia. Is there a correlation between COVID and developing anemia.


I got COVID 19 March of 2019 and again January;2022. In between that time I got the Moderna vaccine ; both shots but no booster. Now my hemoglobin, hematocrit and iron are low. I was diagnosed with Anemia. Is there a correlation between COVID and developing anemia.

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Hi Juli, welcome. I moved your question about COVID infection and vaccine to this discussion
- Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

I did this so you can connect with others sharing similar experiences.


Hi Juli, welcome. I moved your question about COVID infection and vaccine to this discussion
- Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

I did this so you can connect with others sharing similar experiences.

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Thank you

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