Internal vibrations, not sleeping well, stressed out

Posted by nightops @nightops, Feb 23, 2023

Diagnosed MS 12/5/2022, 3 day run of IV SoluMedrol, and the tingling/pain in the feet went away. Tingling in right hand never went away. Been working a keyboard for 20+ years. Doesn’t seem to be any pinky involvement, so doc was thinking it might be CTS. Trying to get an EMG/nerve conduction test done to confirm. Things have been very mild up until 2 weeks ago when the vibrations started. Doc doesn’t think it’s MS related. No idea, but I know my stress is through the roof right now between health and job. I feel like I’m falling apart. In 4 months I went from no symptoms, to feeling like it’s the end. I know that’s dramatic compared to what so many others are going through, but I can’t help it.

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Hi @nightops Bad pun but those internal vibrations are unnerving, aren’t they? I’m experiencing some right now myself. A few years ago, I had some demyelination of my spinal cord in a reaction to a medical condition. It has since repaired itself with a lot of treatment and physical therapy. But if I inadvertently put too much pressure on that area of my spinal cord, it will send my body into what I call ‘electric mode’ for several days with all over internal trembling. I try to describe it as being filled with carbonated water everywhere or holding onto a slightly electrified object.
Even though I know what it is, it tends to freak me out and I need to rely on my mindfulness exercises until it eases.
MS can cause lesions to form along the central nervous system by damaging the myelin sheath that protects our spinal cords. It’s actually fairly common for people with MS to experience internal vibrations. I found a couple of articles for you that you might find a little more reassuring.

You have a lot to process right now. Have you talked to your doctor about maybe taking a small dose of an anti-anxiety medication to help you work through some of the stress of this new diagnosis and work?

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I am experiencing a symptom almost exactly like this! I have no confirmed demyelination but I had a flare of extreme burning lower back pain and ever since then I have had vibrating in my sacral area and in my legs that worsens when I put any kind of pressure on my back like when sitting or laying down.


I work for a local university. I'm 43, and fortunately I'm at a 0 on the EDSS. Male, jogging 3x a week, and co-coaching U11 soccer twice a week. Luckily my symptoms are mild - just annoying. Sorry I haven't responded sooner...

Got an EMG done, no CTS 🙁 They say my nerves are doing great, so it's just the MS/peripheral neuropathy. Anxiety has been a struggle in general. Ended up switching to a 3mg dose of melatonin to help with sleep. Last night for the first time in MONTHS I did not wake up through the night! 7+ hours of sleep! Why is it that when you finally do get sleep, you feel more tired? lol... Hopefully this is the start of a great trend.

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@nightops you should see a sleep specialist to check for underlying issues. Improving your sleep process is healthier than meds which should be a last resort. You should get this under control now before you develop bad habits.


@nightops you should see a sleep specialist to check for underlying issues. Improving your sleep process is healthier than meds which should be a last resort. You should get this under control now before you develop bad habits.

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@jenatsky I'm happy to report that, while I occasionally still have very mild vibrations, they are far from what they were. My sleep has gotten better - but I still think there's room for improvement. Unfortunately at this point I cannot financially afford any additional costs at this point - mid-June I had a relapse with 6 new lesions (the prior 4 luckily were no longer active), so I was put on a 3-day run of SoluMedrol, and then switched from Copaxone to Tecfidera (after some considerable prompting by myself to go to a stronger med other than one that has similar efficacy to Copaxone).

As for mentality, it's mostly gotten significantly better. I still have dark moments, and when sleep hasn't been as good are days when I know I'm going to struggle... but expecting the battle and mentally preparing for it are vastly better for me than not knowing what to expect. There are still plenty of unknowns, but I feel like I'm starting to make some good traction.


I, have been having vibrations mostly at night for over 2 years now. Strange insomnia. Almost like in flight mode 24/7. Now having trouble with my digestion. Can’t hardly eat, anything but homemade chicken soup. Anyone else having this? I, had two shots and Covid, twice.

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I have the internal vibrations and have had them intermittently for several years. I have had COVID also but think the vibrations aren’t necessarily related as I had them before COVID as well. I had my first bout with COVID in June 2020, but it wasn’t respiratory it was gastrointestinal. I lost 10 lbs in a month and still haven’t fully recovered from the appetite suppression. I have trouble finding anything that is appealing and usually can only eat a small amount. Over the past few years I have lost 45 lbs. it has been a slow weight loss and my doctors haven’t been overly concerned about it as I needed to lose some weight, but I’d really like to like food again, lol. It’s getting a little better, but…..


I have the internal vibrations and have had them intermittently for several years. I have had COVID also but think the vibrations aren’t necessarily related as I had them before COVID as well. I had my first bout with COVID in June 2020, but it wasn’t respiratory it was gastrointestinal. I lost 10 lbs in a month and still haven’t fully recovered from the appetite suppression. I have trouble finding anything that is appealing and usually can only eat a small amount. Over the past few years I have lost 45 lbs. it has been a slow weight loss and my doctors haven’t been overly concerned about it as I needed to lose some weight, but I’d really like to like food again, lol. It’s getting a little better, but…..

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Hi, my digestive system has worsened over the past year. I went. Strict boiled, chicken, celery, and carrots with chicken broth added. For 15 days. I also use gluten-free pasta for some bulk. It wasn’t great I got sick of it. It help my gut so much. Why I started this drinking water and eating gluten free toast was upsetting and causing cramping. I got off all my supplements in medication’s, except for my sleep aid, clonazepam, and naltrexone. Sometimes you just have to go back to the basics to get your body cleaned out after having Covid. I was in remission for 10 years with ulcerative colitis. As soon as I had the shot and had Covid several times I had to get put on the medicine to help control symptoms of this disease, which is incurable. I was in remission for 10 years before the VAX. So I 100% think Covid has something to do with my eating now. Lol I wish I could eat at a restaurant can’t do that at all. I have to make everything myself prepared fresh that day from the grocery store for my stomach to not hurt. I will be seeing a digestive specialist in August 1. I’ve had a colonoscopy two years ago. Nothing wrong with me, except for the ulcerative colitis came out of remission. I have gone to three digestive specialist, and they do tell me that the Covid does mess with your gut. So try to stay away from spicy foods, pepper dairy. Hope that helps.


I have had internal vibrations ever since I developed bad Fibromyalgia 22 Yrs ago. Sleep does help it but it always comes bk. I do have a bad neck with degenerating disks and bone spurs. Ive never had Covid praise God. Having Covid while struggling with Fibromyalgia and fatigue would be hell! So sorry for those of you who have had Covid and have lingering symptoms!

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