Intermittent fecal/sulfur breath odor

Posted by pbleonar @pbleonar, Jun 8, 2017

After scouring the web, I'm certain I'm not the only person with this problem, and not the only person who's been told they were imagining it. Anyway, the issue is I have intermittent odors when I talk (yes, I've been to the dentist 10+ times-- all say my oral hygiene is on point and xrays and inspections showed nothing). The only time it's practically non-existent is when I eat an unhealthily low-carb diet. Like others online, I've had CT scans, Barium swallows, endosocopy/colonoscopy, screening for parasites (getting one more from an IDS before crossing that off my list). All showed up negative. I tested positive for SIBO, but after researching that for the past 3 years, I'm certain SIBO is more of a symptom than a primary causal problem. Furthermore, even when I treated SIBO with heavy antibiotics, it did absolutely nothing for my breath-- and yes I was cleared of SIBO after a couple rounds of work. yet, the moment I eat carbs, I still get a "did someone just s*it themselves?" comment.

I guess what I'm getting at is I'm tired of doctors just saying it's IBS and SIBO and then proceeding to do zero investigating afterwards. I want to get down to the root cause of this, but most doctors are either too apathetic or too incompetent to do anything. Are there any researchers who specialize in studying and diagnosing hard to find problems in the GI tract? Between the 3 GI docs, 2 ENTs, 2 NDs and 1 IDS, I just can't take normal doctors anymore. I want my life back and I want a specific root cause so I can work on progressing from there.

Further notes: Diarrhea actually cleared up when I ate junk food and I had zero bloating, albeit the odor remained.

Xifaxan and neomycin did nothing for the odor, nor did the elemental diet. I actually think the elemental diet made the smell as bad or
worse than before.

*******Nitazoxanide********** worked wonders for the month I was on it. Solid stools even with foods that normally cause my ibs to flare up.
It's exactly the reason I felt there was more going on to everything than just SIBO and IBS.

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Does anyone have an intolerance to peanut butter with the symptom being severe constipation? I eat gluten-free and lactose free, but I can’t help but to think that something else in my diet is causing the constipation. Thanks for all your replies and input.


I’ve been dealing with this for more than 20 yrs. Had all the same tests as you. One primary dr said it’s from reflux. Prilosec does seem to work a bit but it gives me such stomach pains that I stopped taking it. I have another appt with a specialist in May.


I have been having the same symptoms as you and coincidentally for 12 years too. I have seen about 4 GIs, 2 ENTS, 4 dentists etc. I have also done 2 endoscopys, a colonscopy, barium swallow and so many others tests. I have silent reflux which the doctors dispute as reflux tests came back negative twice but am 100% sure I have it especially when I lie down. Hiatus hernia was diagonised but GIs insist that it is not the cause. From my research, I feel strongly that the hiatus hernia could be the cause. There is also somebody who has posted that the problem was solved after he had a surgery for hiatus hernia. Seeing that we both have hiatus hernia and are haing the same symptoms, am more convinced that this is the cause of our problem/long suffering/humiliation etc.
I would be interested in knowing if there are more people having this problem and also diagonised with hiatus hernia.

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Are you still having this problem?


Does anyone have an intolerance to peanut butter with the symptom being severe constipation? I eat gluten-free and lactose free, but I can’t help but to think that something else in my diet is causing the constipation. Thanks for all your replies and input.

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Hi there, 15 yrs CIC, treatment resistant, same GI. 17 yrs ago was diagnosed with celiac disease, probably born with it, but asymptomatic. I am gluten free and I have had no improvement in any medical issues (I have oh so many). I can eat gluten and feel normal. Peanut butter- don't eat a lot, but no additional poop issues.
I have used everything: Amitiza, Linzess(helped for a while), Trulance. 2 partial small bowel obstructions that cleared with out medical care, 1 landed in ER, ICU with nasal gastric tube for 3 days. The ONLY THING THAT WORKS IS lots of Miralax, 3-6 capfuls a day, add Metamucil powder (gummies work better for me) 1-2x week. Translation: I keep my poop in almost constant slow liquid and sediment through to full on DIARRHEA. After 3 digital removals is 2 months, done by myself, I am simply terrified of constipation. As with all of us with this problem, I could go on and on.
New 💡: this won't apply to everyone, but 17 years ago when I was diagnosed with celiac, it was my accident. My vitamin D deficiency and PTH-parathyroid was hyper. This has nothing, at all, to do with the thyroid glands. Malabsorption caused by celiac was a part of the problem. But my GI, PCP, and ENDOCRINOLOGIST all diagnosed me as all is good, don't eat gluten. Now, accidentally again, my pancreas showed bad signs...blah blah... I asked my Endocrinologist about it, she focused on my calcium levels trending upwards. Short version, and wrong diagnosis, get 2nd opinion from outside doctor, I have Hyperparathyroidism and I have to have surgery. Elevated calcium levels in blood or urine can definitely be a factor in CIC. and are excellent sources for this. I've been in this hyper mode for probably 5-8yrs, whether I have benign tumors on the glands or not, my 2nd opinion Dr. said that my parathyroid glands are likely in a permanently damaged condition, which means my glands will keep pushing out calcium even though my body has too much calcium already. When you read the list of typical symptoms/manifestations, you will see that MANY other illnesses have the same symptoms, it is tricky. Just another avenue to look at.


I have the horrible smell all the time. Just like glamma55 it's on my towel, panties, and sports bras after I work out. Thought it was coming from my stomach since I do have Gerd and reflux. Had ulcers and stage C esophagitis. Took PPI's for awhile while they healed but after being on them for many years I read about too many side effects. Also thought maybe smell was off from Covid but that was several years ago. The fact that I smell it from clothing makes me think it's not breath however finally pressing my husband he says he doesn't smell it on my body but occasionally on my breath. I have a very low carb diet and seems like only thing I can eat without stomach problems is meat and I eat probiotic whole milk plain yogurt. I can't digest fruits or vegetables. Had food allergy testing and avoid the foods I have allergies to. Very frustrating! Think our sex life is being impacted but husband doesn't want to hurt my feelings! I also read on the Mayo site that a person that a brain tumor had a bad smell all the time!


Your very low carb diet may have you in ketosis. It leaves one with pretty horrid breath. And less all the low carb devotees bite my head off, I’ve been low carb for 8 years. But you can get many benefits from that diet without going into ketosis - and you get normal breath and take some pressure off your kidney function.
I would ask my doctor for a referral to a nutritionist. You need a few carbs from somewhere - even 15 a
day would help balance things.


Your very low carb diet may have you in ketosis. It leaves one with pretty horrid breath. And less all the low carb devotees bite my head off, I’ve been low carb for 8 years. But you can get many benefits from that diet without going into ketosis - and you get normal breath and take some pressure off your kidney function.
I would ask my doctor for a referral to a nutritionist. You need a few carbs from somewhere - even 15 a
day would help balance things.

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Thank you. I don't go into ketosis because I have a glass of red wine daily and it's not the same smell! I see a NMD who I told her about this and will see her in several weeks for bloodwork. My GFR went down slightly last blood work. Her suggestion so far is I have been having whey protein powder and collagen in the same day. Could be to many amino acids. Will go off until blood work and see if that helps.


Thank you. I don't go into ketosis because I have a glass of red wine daily and it's not the same smell! I see a NMD who I told her about this and will see her in several weeks for bloodwork. My GFR went down slightly last blood work. Her suggestion so far is I have been having whey protein powder and collagen in the same day. Could be to many amino acids. Will go off until blood work and see if that helps.

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That makes sense.


It’s been almost 7 years since you opened this thread and as far as I can tell almost 5 years since you last posted, I was wondering what ever happened with your condition. Did you ever get a correct diagnosis and cure? And if so, what?

Hope all is well.

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