Insurance won’t pay for Tirosent!

Posted by bb03 @bb03, Apr 2 8:36am

I have IBS-C, slow motility, poor absorption from my stomach to my intestines. Pills, including vitamins and supplements via pill form don’t work either. I was on levothyroxine and switched to Synthroid for over 30 yrs and the pills never brought my t4 up and I never had a normal metobism. I’ve lost my energy,lost my hair, my eyelashes;I have no hair on arms and legs low temp freezing all the time dry skin an eat like a rabbit and poop line one too. I’ve been on Linzess for gut motility which helps tremendously but still I have to take Miralax and powdered Magnesium Citrate. My vitamins are liquid. Miracle: I switched to Tirosent solution about 2 years ago and ever since then my T4 levels went up and I was able to be on a decreased dose and I feel so much better. Go figure liquid works!!!!! I never lost weight maybe 3 pounds and my gut is still sluggish but I can function. I use to come home from work and have to sleep due to exhaustion. All said I have Cigna Insurance and I was informed last week that they will no longer cover the Tirosent Solution because I’m not under three yrs old( LOL!!!!), and I can swallow pills. How do they know I can swallow a pill? They just assume. I can’t do pills. In the past when I swallowed pills I felt they never went down my esophagus even though I drank water so I would crush my Synthroid pill but still never worked and I would take it without fail at 1:15 am on a very empty stomach. So they want me yo go back into an almost coma like state. Oh they will give a man testosterone and Cialis which they “can” live without but I cannot live without this med. Talk about discrimination! My pharmacy wanted me to pay 225 for a three months supply. Highway robbery. I already pay 150 every three months for my bio identical hormone, which I will have to get off of if I have to pay this. It’s a dissolvable troche that I put under my tongue. I have severe endometriosis and I will bleed even though I have no uterus so I take this estrogen/ progesterone. Way safer than pills and I can take a lower dose decreasing side effects like cancer and blood clots and it works. My Linzess is super expensive, I guess that is next!, but it’s a capsule which I can put in a little applesauce . Levothyroxine comes only in a hard pill. They do make a Tirosent jell cap which is similar to the solution but I believe it will be the same cost. I have my Endocrinologist for the second time and now my Gastroenterologist resubmitting my clinical reasons the Need for this med. It’s pretty black and whit, but Cigna is using poor judgment .Has anyone had this problem and what did you do? I will also be retiring in 1.5. Years and will be on a fixed income. I also need to know if there is a part D that covers Tirosent, and Linzess? Any suggestions or information would be deeply appreciated!

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It's probably the fact that tirosint includes t3 that helped you, not that it's liquid. Many people who need thyroid medication need t3 and not just t4. Synthroid and all of those are just t4.


Tirosent is strictly T4. I take Cytomel to cover the T3.


Check out Armour or NP Thyroid… both are natural thyroid products and quite a bit less expensive if not covered by insurance. They do still require a prescription.


Thanks for the reply. They never worked either.


What kind of insurance do you have?


It's probably the fact that tirosint includes t3 that helped you, not that it's liquid. Many people who need thyroid medication need t3 and not just t4. Synthroid and all of those are just t4.

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Tirosint does NOT include T3. I'm on it. It's a T4 only and done in a speciality pharmacy as it lacks additives other thyroid meds do.


The company has a program that offers a $60 a month for a year (through Sterling pharmacy) That was cheaper for me than Part D that only paid $30 on it. I would paid $135 a month on Part D.


Tirosent is strictly T4. I take Cytomel to cover the T3.

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Or get compounded T3 and T 4

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