Inguinal Hernia Mesh Repair Pain

Posted by ross79 @ross79, Oct 20, 2016

Hello. I have had a right inguinal laparoscopic hernia repair with a large 3D bard mesh in December of 2013. Have been in pain and discomfort ever since. Opposite side of repair felt tight and tender shortly after procedure. About a year after surgery i started getting rash symptoms upon physical exercise (mainly cycling). Running also makes surgery area painful.
Have seen quite a few doctors in the Chicago area that tried to convince me that the mesh needs to stay inside me no matter what and that i should look into pain management. That's what i did. Injections and physical therapy don't help. Massaging the area makes it even more painful.
At this point i am looking to find a specialist that has experience with my situation. Can anyone here make a recommendation of someone i could contact ? Willing to travel out of state.
Thank you in advance,


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Hello to all who has/had Hernia repairing problem in US .
Just to ad to my previous comment I have found that the shouldice no -mesh surgery technics is practicing in Chicago and/or in Boston ,US
Good luck 🤞 to all.


I had Dr. Austin Chief plastic gastro. @ Mass General in Boston place a square foot of mesh in 2009, still holding. One are that could not cover with tissue still had a 10 inch hernia. I can not imagine undoing my mine, or any. I use THC salve. Ice when the pain strikes. Stay away from hot or spicey food that will cause heat there. Ice pack if you do. Keep moving swimming, no weight just floating around for resistance muscle training. Eat light and take it easy!


Hello Ross and every guys who responded to his problem.
The Mayoclinic communication director Colleen Younge has advised me to contact this group in hope to get the answer for myself.
I am woman 83. Canadian.
Facing the inguinal hernia surgery.
The surgeon states -the laparoscopy with mesh under general anaesthesia.
In the 2 method of surgeries , I have read in the searches reports ,
each have some pros and cons.
I have feeling that the open surgery can give better result, though it might be more pain and longer recovery .
Two issues that concern me the most is general anaesthesia versus local in open surgery.
(After my breast cancer lumpectomy surgery a general anesthesia affected my heart arrhythmia and the heart rate, that
was difficult to stabilize.)
Now I am reading the mesh’s insertion has the draw back, though it’s promoting as a reliable repair with faster recovery and less re-operative cases.
My questions to you are: why didn’t you do open surgery without mesh ? Was it offered to you?
We have Shouldice hospital, that is doing open hernia surgery without mesh and under local anesthesia .
it’s longer recovery. and perhaps others draw back that isn’t widely pronounced . Hard to trust doctors these days !!
How are you all these days?
Best of all.
Thank you

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Hello monigue

I am a female and have an inguinal hernia. It is small right now. I was offered surgery to repair the hernia.
I have been reading on the long term chronic pain women experience after this hernia repair.

I am in Canada too and have this option for surgery, but am confused if I should go through with it… the long term problems with nerve issues from mesh are kind of scaring me.
I’m curious to hear from females who have had this surgery and their experiences. If you or any other women would like to share, I would appreciate it?
Thank you everyone.


Hello monigue

I am a female and have an inguinal hernia. It is small right now. I was offered surgery to repair the hernia.
I have been reading on the long term chronic pain women experience after this hernia repair.

I am in Canada too and have this option for surgery, but am confused if I should go through with it… the long term problems with nerve issues from mesh are kind of scaring me.
I’m curious to hear from females who have had this surgery and their experiences. If you or any other women would like to share, I would appreciate it?
Thank you everyone.

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I am a 73 year old female in the same situation. My hernia doesn't usually cause me problems except when it "pops out" and then I ease it back into place (it's a bit smaller than a golf ball then). I wear a truss during the day. You don't mention your age, but at 73 I am doing watchful waiting because of fears of greater pain after surgery. I read an article from Dr Keith W. Roach who said the only reason to have the surgery was to prevent problems. Younger people have more time for the hernia to stretch out. He said "the liklihood of an emergency developing is small (less than 5% risk over the next 20 years) and it's entirely reasonable to watch if any symptoms develop and wait to do surgery then." Dr Roach writes a syndicated column answering health questions. You can find some of his writings, including this article, on-line and on his Facebook page.


I am a 73 year old female in the same situation. My hernia doesn't usually cause me problems except when it "pops out" and then I ease it back into place (it's a bit smaller than a golf ball then). I wear a truss during the day. You don't mention your age, but at 73 I am doing watchful waiting because of fears of greater pain after surgery. I read an article from Dr Keith W. Roach who said the only reason to have the surgery was to prevent problems. Younger people have more time for the hernia to stretch out. He said "the liklihood of an emergency developing is small (less than 5% risk over the next 20 years) and it's entirely reasonable to watch if any symptoms develop and wait to do surgery then." Dr Roach writes a syndicated column answering health questions. You can find some of his writings, including this article, on-line and on his Facebook page.

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Thank you ripley for sharing!!!

I am 46.
I made an appointment to talk with my doctor about my concerns.
Hopefully he can also offer some stats. I will definitely read the sources you listed in your response.

Thank you so much 🙏🏽


Can you share update please. To all those with experience, have knowledge on the subject or are doctors can you share if someone with a hernia (testicle size of grapefruit) can retract when lying down) can it be repaired WITHOUT a mesh? And if so where? We live in Northern California. BayArea peninsula (actually on the coast)has good Insurence , that’s what my mom says anyways. Funny we never had Insurence at all growing up. Never went to the doctor and since turning is 70 (75 now) he has good Insurence. Thank God. Had to have a heart valve repair few years back but that’s it . Any help would be appreciated

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