Immunoglobulin infusion--when it's given.

Posted by fdixon63 @fdixon63, Mar 16, 2023

I've been seeing immunoglobulin infusion mentioned in different groups. I'm curious, at what point would a physician determine this is something to be done for the patient. Appreciate any input.

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I lost hair as well, doctors believe it was from the severe stress from my hospital stay.
If you need hair to start growing and getting strong & healthy again, try the supplement Biotin.
It caused my hair to grow back again after about 3 months. Also nails start growing)
Glad you didn't have to start IVIG treatments and happy you are on the mend!

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Fortunately, as soon as the infusions stopped my hair started growing in. Still has a way to go, but is getting there. Waiting and hoping now that the dose of CellCept I am on will keep me from getting worse. Had to cut the dose in half because of a side effect.


I lost hair as well, doctors believe it was from the severe stress from my hospital stay.
If you need hair to start growing and getting strong & healthy again, try the supplement Biotin.
It caused my hair to grow back again after about 3 months. Also nails start growing)
Glad you didn't have to start IVIG treatments and happy you are on the mend!

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Thanks for the suggestion. Will try.


My IgG and IgM are really low (my IgA is high but not dangerously so). In discussions with my heme/onc, she said she would consider IgG infusions if I start regularly getting respiratory infections, which I haven't to this point.


My IgA is low (Iga Immune Deficiency) and my doctor is recommending Plasma Immunoglobin (SCIG) infusions. I am scared. I have seen some sites that say immunoglobin won't help with fighting infections not used for IgA deficiency. Other sites says it can help...but no cure. I am looking for someone who has used immunoglobin.
I have Bronchietasis, keep getting SIBO or overgrowth of bacteria in my gut and sinus infections, short of breath and constant infections.


My IgA is low (Iga Immune Deficiency) and my doctor is recommending Plasma Immunoglobin (SCIG) infusions. I am scared. I have seen some sites that say immunoglobin won't help with fighting infections not used for IgA deficiency. Other sites says it can help...but no cure. I am looking for someone who has used immunoglobin.
I have Bronchietasis, keep getting SIBO or overgrowth of bacteria in my gut and sinus infections, short of breath and constant infections.

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Welcome Jacqueline. you may also wish to join the discussions in the
- MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group

@naiviv @fdixon63 @mermaid7272 @lasks @goddard @siragusas may have experiences to share about subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg) therapy

What other treatments have been tried?


i have tried herbs, vitamins, antibiotics when i have infections. i have used Methotrexate, Humira, Remicade for autoimmune disease Ankylosing Spondylitis. I just found out about the IgA Deficiency 2 weeks ago, but I am sure I always had it. I have been complaining about my Shortness of Breath and all the other issues for years. I just found a immunologist who diagnosed it.


Welcome Jacqueline. you may also wish to join the discussions in the
- MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group

@naiviv @fdixon63 @mermaid7272 @lasks @goddard @siragusas may have experiences to share about subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg) therapy

What other treatments have been tried?

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thank you

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