I'm so tired of this Anxiety & OCD

Posted by lovelyday @lovelyday, Jun 11, 2023

I suffer with autoimmune diseases and they really take a toll I just started up with methotrexate pills and I'm not happy about any of this when the anxiety was bad the last few days I took some Xanax and it doesn't help I really think it makes things worse🥺

Lately my family like my oldest son and his girlfriend then my younger son and his job loss and my sister on my back like a monkey at times and especially my Aunt she calls everyday numerous times a day and if I don't answer she's evil she's been verbally abusive so mean at times if you heard the things she's said to me and yet she's alone she's 88 she's my Dad's sister and unfortunately they were not close they had a falling out years ago and it was her doing with this whole ordeal so when I was 2 years old that was the last time I saw her so then when my Dad died in 2002 she showed up to the wake because she found out that he passed in the obituaries and then I became friendly and I helped bury her husband in 2012 and then her mean and narcissistic vindictive jealous ways surfaced I can't explain it I'm beside myself when I listen to her to be honest it's hard to believe she's my Dad's sister

She has a helper that comes to see her everyday she won't let me come VISIT her but yet she says she has NO FAMILY she'll call me every name in a book and I went through HELL trying to get a storage unit open because it was in her husband's name and she said that she was treated horribly and it's been nothing but a living HELL and now it's open because of me but my goodness the HELL I've been going through with her and then I have family who says you need to do this and you should do that and why aren't you doing this and then just the WORLD in general everything feels like it's so hard to DEAL with and it's been like this for the last few months really years now to be honest and it feels like it'll never end

My OCD I've been cutting my hair checking and rechecking for hours and hours and it's been absolutely horrible it's traumatizing me and I can't take it anymore if there was anything that I would LOVE to have a grip on that would be my health mentally and physically and the love of my family I'd have it ALL 🌈

Waking up in the morning it's the worst it's so hard like I don't know how to explain it I don't understand this anymore and when I wake up I'm just not happy I don't sleep well my face is full of wrinkles from horrible pillows that are old my face is puffy my jaws deteriorating the joints are bad and I need to get my hips replaced they're bone on bone and I don't know who to go to I don't know where to go anymore when it comes to getting a GOOD surgeon

And I just had a full body x-ray and I feel like ALL this radiation crap they put in you ALL this stuff messes you up I'm not okay and the ringing in the ears to it's so bad I'm very depressed and my kids are ungrateful and they just don't understand they ALL say FIX yourself be HAPPY

And then they give me so much STRESS they say you're not doing ENOUGH and then they expect me to be there when they want me wether it's money or me physically being there and yet they ALL live over a hour away like one of my son's has no car so he doesn't drive and the other will drive but now my relationship is a mess with my son who drives really because of his girlfriend she's something else she wants me to understand that I'm WHITE privilege and where she came from well she's Mexican so I know where she came from this is unbelievable really unbelievable I think she's racist to be quite honest against white people I've never experienced this before in my LIFE it's some kind of crazy talk to me it doesn't make sense and I didn't ask to be part of this conversation to begin with I'm so tired...😥

Always remember there are worst things in LIFE then DEATH..😔

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Hi Lovelyday!
I'm so sorry that you are having such physical problems! That must be very hard to deal with. I wish you the best. Then to have an ungrateful family on top of all your problems only makes things worse. I can relate to that. My son hasn't spoken to me or contacted me in 30 years. The only way I know he's still alive is because I read his comments on Twitter. I had an awful aunt like you too. She used to write to me and brag about her world tours and never ask how my husband's lung cancer was! She didn't even mention him in her letters; like he didn't exist. My aunt just died and frankly, I don't miss her.

I know what you mean about wrinkles in your face from the pillow. That happens to me too. It comes from sleeping too hard because you are exhausted. But it looks awful! I try and cover the wrinkles with makeup. They do go away after awhile.

Perhaps this is when you need to just take control of your life and body and tell everyone; especially your kids, that it's your decision on how you are going to live and while their suggestions are nice, you will make up your own mind on how to proceed. White privilege doesn't exist but if it did it's because you worked hard all your life, paid your bills and raised your kids the best you could. Remember, Martin Luther King stated that he wanted his children to be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

Most importantly, turn to God and pray. Just talk to him like he's your best friend and he is. Ask for his help in everything and you will get help! I know. God's helped me over the years in many ways; even getting rid of my migraines after 9 doctors couldn't seem to do it. I've never had another migraine in 40 years!

I hope things get better for you. I'll remember you in my prayers.


Hi, first please know how sorry I am to know what you are going through. I really wish you better.

I have OCD, I had a crazy family and, my friend, I know very well that feeling that there are worse things than death. I still have rough days, so I'm not here to preach (though in my own confused way I believe in God). But recently I've had some good days, so it's worth remembering that things actually can improve!

Reading your message I thought the following:
For most of my life I have dealt with difficulty in juggling different parts of my life. My parents appeared to love me, so there was well-behaved, polite Ric. But at school I was often lonely and had bad marks, so there was sad Ric. At home, my parents fought a lot, and my mum was probably mentally ill and my dad - I now see - couldn't face that... he just "put up with it". So there was angry, desperate, messed-up Ric.

But I didn't manage to reconcile all I lived through. So these Rics were all experienced at different moments, but:
I never integrated it all so I could find who Ric was, and how he should cope.

So I think one thing we need is to take a step back and say "let's recognize each of these different people's emotional demand, let's put each one in a box, and leave some to later. Some of them are mine, and they need dealing with FIRST!"
My first step was discovering I had OCD, getting meds, and learning that these thoughts are not things I must obey. They're just unnecessary products of my brain stuck on a needless loop.


It's funny when there's a FULL MOON my OCD is worse it can get triggered very strange and I LOVE full moons but then hate them too 😵‍💫

I agree with the different sides we have of ourselves but how do we overcome the roadblocks and you said Mum if your from England I've done a lot of research on OCD and in England they have a very high percent of people with OCD very strange an interesting fact I wonder if it's a vitamin D3 deficiency or something this is my speculation there's something to it though that's for sure..🤔

One thing for sure when someone says they're OCD or I'm a little OCD people need to STOP saying that they have no idea what OCD is if they're truly not OCD because if you are OCD you would be devastated it takes your LIFE away mentally and physically it's NOT about oh I like my clothes to be color coordinated it's so much more than that it's not I like all my spices in my cabinet to be in alphabetical order and that's it, it's so much more than that it can be physical like me where I'm cutting my hair for hours and hours not taking care of myself checking and rechecking and then there's ruminating thoughts which for some people they don't have to do something physical they can just be thinking about something and thinking that thought over and over and over again which is called ruminating thoughts and that's a form of OCD I also think that anorexia and bulimia are also a forms of OCD / Body Dysmorphia and with the WORLD today and filters and ALL these things that you see online making you feel like you need to look a certain way it doesn't help the younger generation that's for SURE and as time goes on we're gonna have a WORLD full of OCD / Body Dysmorphia and whatever else you wanna add to that this is very sad and scary 😔


It's funny when there's a FULL MOON my OCD is worse it can get triggered very strange and I LOVE full moons but then hate them too 😵‍💫

I agree with the different sides we have of ourselves but how do we overcome the roadblocks and you said Mum if your from England I've done a lot of research on OCD and in England they have a very high percent of people with OCD very strange an interesting fact I wonder if it's a vitamin D3 deficiency or something this is my speculation there's something to it though that's for sure..🤔

One thing for sure when someone says they're OCD or I'm a little OCD people need to STOP saying that they have no idea what OCD is if they're truly not OCD because if you are OCD you would be devastated it takes your LIFE away mentally and physically it's NOT about oh I like my clothes to be color coordinated it's so much more than that it's not I like all my spices in my cabinet to be in alphabetical order and that's it, it's so much more than that it can be physical like me where I'm cutting my hair for hours and hours not taking care of myself checking and rechecking and then there's ruminating thoughts which for some people they don't have to do something physical they can just be thinking about something and thinking that thought over and over and over again which is called ruminating thoughts and that's a form of OCD I also think that anorexia and bulimia are also a forms of OCD / Body Dysmorphia and with the WORLD today and filters and ALL these things that you see online making you feel like you need to look a certain way it doesn't help the younger generation that's for SURE and as time goes on we're gonna have a WORLD full of OCD / Body Dysmorphia and whatever else you wanna add to that this is very sad and scary 😔

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I have ruminating thoughts. I had them when I was starting my teens, and I told nobody, but I used to write in a notebook trying to figure out what was wrong with me, when ironically those thoughts I was scribbling WERE what was wrong with me!

I think some people noticed I had troubles. Like the stiff upper lip school teacher who once said "it's funny, if nobody gives you a task, you do nothing!" To this day I love that self-effacing teacher, who nobody ever really noticed much, because he noticed something in me my parents didn't. And said it 🥰

As somebody wrote here on Connect: life's a hoot!

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