I’m on all kinds of meds for anxiety and sleeping.

Posted by dp22 @dp22, Aug 13, 2023

I’ve been on Klonopin for 2 years, 1 mg 3Xdaily. I’m also on Toprol XL, sertraline, Mirtazapine, HRT, I’ve been on ambien cr 12.5 for 20+ years. I got bad anxiety after a bad case of Covid. Now, after a dental visit last week, I’m having adrenaline rushes. No epinephrine because of my meds. I’ve had afib two times in 7 1/2 years. The last one was two weeks ago after 7 1/2 years. What’s causing this new adrenaline rushing and a new Afib incident?

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For sleep. I tried Goli sleep last night that has melatonin and some other natural things. Took 1/2 of gummy, out till 6! My golden woke me up, hour late for her walk. Talk to doc, might work.


Thank you for the advice. I do believe pharmacists know more about meds.

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@dp22 I agree! Pharmacists are way more knowledgeable (obviously, since they work with and dispense meds!) than doctors! I always take my pharmacist’s advice. Pharmacists and nurses are my go to people for medication advice! I worked as a unit clerk in ICU at a hospital some years and observed pharmacists and nurses avert many prescription/medication mishaps! Since then I have developed a great respect for both!

Make friends with your local pharmacy team!

In Ontario, Canada, now pharmacists are allowed to diagnose and prescribe medication for certain illnesses and conditions. I guess this came into effect to lessen the doctors’ load since there is such a shortage of doctors here.


For sleep. I tried Goli sleep last night that has melatonin and some other natural things. Took 1/2 of gummy, out till 6! My golden woke me up, hour late for her walk. Talk to doc, might work.

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Problem with any and all sleep meds - I have tried prescription as well as OTC - I feel so drugged the next morning I have difficulty waking up, and my brain doesn’t function for at least a couple of hours after I have dragged myself out of bed! I have tried low dosages too, with the same effect!

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