I’m my own worse enemy

Posted by feality @feality, Sep 19, 2023

Anxiety for me is worrying about the future, many times in an area I have no control over. Is it the loss of control or a genetic worry gene that is the cause?. I am no longer able to use physical activity to lesson the stress and have turned to food for solace. I worry next I will be using drugs or alcohol to calm myself. I have tried meditation and yoga, my mind only races faster. What message that one tells themselves has worked for others?

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I know my mind has to be believing, my thoughts positive, my self talk calming. My physical condition is negatively impacted by stress in a downward degenerative spiral. My latest “undies in a bundle” involves renewal of my drivers license. I have balance issues while standing(ataxia), the DMV referred for me to get medical approval to have my license renewed. I texted my GP , and asked please, please don’t say I shouldn’t have a drivers license. Please let me take a road test to prove that I am in control when seated. Now I’m anxious what the GP will recommend. If I’ll be calm enough during the road test to do well.. and the most anxious producing concern is what in the h@ll I’m going to do if I lose my license.( I live alone, in a rural community with no public transportation)

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I know how you feel. Wouldn’t you know my license renewal comes up when I’m out of commission with long Covid?!
I’ve received a new license in the mail for YEARS, but not this year!
Well, I stressed and stressed on it, finally completed the written test online. The test was easy but jumping through all the online hoops makes it difficult. A friend helped me through it.
Now, I have to gather my reserves to go in person for a new picture and eye test.
I know my situation is a bit different from yours, but I sure understand the worry and stress when facing things that weren’t a concern in the past.
Good luck. You can do it.

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