I’m being interviewed by NBC Chicago on long Covid this week. Help
NBC Chicago is doing some segments recognizing the five year “anniversary” of Covid. One segment is on long Covid. The Principal Director of the RECOVER studies Dr. Nirav Shah will speak of his research and I was asked to be interviewed as a participant.
I’m going and will publicly disclose my medical issues to bring awareness to long covid. Are there short comments I should consider mentioning about life with long Covid?
They will probably edit it down to fit their story, but I’d like to answer questions with all your long Covid experiences in mind.
I speak again with the PR person tomorrow for more info.
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ericy210, I would write down the main things that Long Covid have changed in your life so it will be fresh on your mind. Samples in how it changed mine are listed below. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, just some thoughts.
Covid changed my life. Long Covid changed it even more.
I battle extreme fatigue daily.
Long Covid has affected my memory.
I have chronic asthma.
I am more prone to asthmatic bronchitis & pneumonia.
It exacerbated my Fibromyalgia, CFS & Arthritis.
It greatly affected my immune system.
I have never gotten my taste back for coffee.
It changed my life socially when an uptick in COVID hits each year as I mask up and will not go in a large crowd.
God Bless you. I am so proud of you for doing this and will be praying for you. Blessings & Prayers.....
Thank you. This is the type of stuff I'm looking to relay. I may only be on for five seconds, but that's enough time to mention a few things that long haulers deal with, and others have no idea what it's like.
If short on time can you say Long Covid is not a myth. It’s real and continues to bring life changing, chronic symptoms that the medical community struggles to treat because there isn’t much available to guide them. More research and focus on this condition is desperately needed.
I agree with everything both of you said. Especially how it affects not only you but everything around you. Friends, family, work and anything else you did in life. It’s definitely a life changer!
That some of us got Long COVID from the vaccine. We are vaccine injured
Hi @ericy210. Also suggest condense- can develop weeks/months later from even mildest covid episode.
Over 200 symptoms presents/develop different in each person based on their individual body/ medical history.
Needs immediate medical evaluation for treatment /diagnosis allowing assistance for all daily living needs /financial assistance thru employer/county/ state/federal systems paid into to recover as quickly as possible.
Thank you for being our voice!🌈
I have had to retire as a pastor. I used to run 5Ks and now I struggle to walk four hundred feet. Showering wears me out and I experience cognitive fatigue (brain fog) if I spend more than two hours doing an activity that requires concentration. I have had to reduce my social activities and find evening activities to be either difficult or impossible. I hope that helps.
I developed hypertension that can not be controlled by any medication. I never had high blood pressure in my life until I got long covid .I have low grade fevers every day up to 100.7. I also have chronic fatigue . I have short term memory loss. I had extreme weight loss. I weigh 107 pounds . When I got LC I lost 30lbs and I was not over weight. So I went down to 100lbs. I have gained 7 pounds in 2years.
You can lose your job your house and everything. We are the millions of forgotten victims of the pandemic that no one wants to remember.
Say that if you only have five seconds thank you