If you had Whipple surgery, what are you eating or not eating?

Posted by nvan22 @nvan22, May 30, 2023

I am looking for help with diet after the whipple. I had the whipple 8 months ago. I am taking enzymes with meals and snacks - creon 12000 just upped it to creon 24000. The bigger dose gives me tons of gas and so uncomfortable. So I am just talking 1 instead of the three they recommended with meals and 1-2 with snacks. I am getting up in the night to poop even though I take the Imodium AD before bedtime. I think it’s because I snack in the evening?? Just need help with what’s working food wise and enzyme wise. And how you handle gas and diarrhea. Thanks! It has gotten a lot better in the last month so maybe it just takes my body more time to get used to the new digestive tract?

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@tra418 , the only other things I can think of are 1) soft toilet paper; and 2) an easy way to get in and out of bed. There will be some abdominal pain afterward from the surgery, and some fatigue requiring naps. If your bed/sofas are to high or too low and require effort to get into or out of, it's an extra bit of burden to avoid. You don't want to risk tearing stitches or anything like that. Best of luck!


The following document on how to eat after Whipple surgery is provided by the registered dietitian connected with the Hepatobiliary department pancreas program at NY Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center


I am able to tolerate just about all the foods I ate before Whipple surgery. Due to a lack of a gall bladder and producing less digestive enzymes, I have optimized my dosage on the amount to increase if I do have something that is fried or has higher fat content. Optimization was done by trial and error and keeping a daily food journal observing the effects of food items had on the GI tract 24-40 hours later and noting the quantity of pancrealipase used. Based on the characteristics of the stool and cramping, I would then increase dosage.

There is now an on-line calculator taking out the guess-work in optimization. The calculator was developed by the Canadian Digestive Health Foundation in collaboration with Craig’s Cause Pancreatic Cancer Society also based in Canada.


Another very good publication available on-line from the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network is their comprehensive booklet on pdf form of Diet and Nutrition.


Thanks for the link! I have been to pancan many times I felt like it was a one size fits all and it wasn’t fitting me particularly, but lots and lots of good information! I will check out the calculator. Thanks so much!


@tra418 , the only other things I can think of are 1) soft toilet paper; and 2) an easy way to get in and out of bed. There will be some abdominal pain afterward from the surgery, and some fatigue requiring naps. If your bed/sofas are to high or too low and require effort to get into or out of, it's an extra bit of burden to avoid. You don't want to risk tearing stitches or anything like that. Best of luck!

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Thanks great info . Appreciate your help !!


My surgery was 8 months ago but it’s getting much better recently. Working on gaining my weight back. Best of luck to you guys!

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How are you gaining your weight back? I'm 6 months post surgery but stuck at weight gain. I need to gain 13 lbs to get back to my usual 93 lbs. I'm 4'11" and have been in the 90s my whole life. I'm not losing, just stuck. Thank you for any hints you can give me. I count every calorie and gram of protein. Also, I'm on Zenpep, 30,000 units per meal, 10,000 per snack. If I go up to 40,000, I get the big D. So my bowels are beautiful; my body is awfully thin!


How are you gaining your weight back? I'm 6 months post surgery but stuck at weight gain. I need to gain 13 lbs to get back to my usual 93 lbs. I'm 4'11" and have been in the 90s my whole life. I'm not losing, just stuck. Thank you for any hints you can give me. I count every calorie and gram of protein. Also, I'm on Zenpep, 30,000 units per meal, 10,000 per snack. If I go up to 40,000, I get the big D. So my bowels are beautiful; my body is awfully thin!

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I am struggling with the same thing. I am around 100 and want to be at 115.
I eat every 2-3 hours and stop eating at 7 pm just popsicles and water after that to avoid issues at night. I have tried eating tons of fat and protein
Like burgers and chicken salmon. I eat 2 eggs every morning on either a bagel or enriched bread with Mayo and cheese. I then will have cottage cheese 2-3 hours later and chicken breast. I just keeping eating all day long like that. I have tried ice cream and shakes, I drink protein drinks but probably not enough because they taste terrible to me and I’ve tried all different ones. I eat protein bars. I am trying to find that right combination of drinking liquids so I am not thirsty all the time( I am not diabetic) I just can’t drink with any food or it causes gas and stomach issues. I have to stick with small meals which I am just starting to do a better job at. I take my one 24000 creon with a 12000 creon amd that amount seems to be good for bigger meals . I take one 12000 with snacks. I had normal looking stools for this first time this week still a bit light colored lol so not perfect. I think I was eating tooo much fat. So thinking I stick to high protein lots of small meals take my creon and I also take Imodium AD or it just goes right out the other end. I am taking lots of vitamins multi vitamin iron and b 12 and glucosamine and turmeric
But eating the bigger meals I’ve discovered is huge for me causes lots of issues


I am struggling with the same thing. I am around 100 and want to be at 115.
I eat every 2-3 hours and stop eating at 7 pm just popsicles and water after that to avoid issues at night. I have tried eating tons of fat and protein
Like burgers and chicken salmon. I eat 2 eggs every morning on either a bagel or enriched bread with Mayo and cheese. I then will have cottage cheese 2-3 hours later and chicken breast. I just keeping eating all day long like that. I have tried ice cream and shakes, I drink protein drinks but probably not enough because they taste terrible to me and I’ve tried all different ones. I eat protein bars. I am trying to find that right combination of drinking liquids so I am not thirsty all the time( I am not diabetic) I just can’t drink with any food or it causes gas and stomach issues. I have to stick with small meals which I am just starting to do a better job at. I take my one 24000 creon with a 12000 creon amd that amount seems to be good for bigger meals . I take one 12000 with snacks. I had normal looking stools for this first time this week still a bit light colored lol so not perfect. I think I was eating tooo much fat. So thinking I stick to high protein lots of small meals take my creon and I also take Imodium AD or it just goes right out the other end. I am taking lots of vitamins multi vitamin iron and b 12 and glucosamine and turmeric
But eating the bigger meals I’ve discovered is huge for me causes lots of issues

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Thank you, so much. I find that stopping eating at 7 pm very interesting. Sometimes it’s 10 pm when I do my 3rd meal. It seems all I do is eat, but interruptions throw my schedule off. I thought ice cream was off limits because of the sugar. I also hate the protein drinks.


Thank you, so much. I find that stopping eating at 7 pm very interesting. Sometimes it’s 10 pm when I do my 3rd meal. It seems all I do is eat, but interruptions throw my schedule off. I thought ice cream was off limits because of the sugar. I also hate the protein drinks.

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To continue… my diet is essentially the same as yours except I don’t eat meat. I can’t stop at 7pm as I’m just through with my 2nd snack, so my last meal will be around 9pm and maybe a snack at 11:30pm. I was told not to drink 30 minutes before and after eating. I do walk a half mile with one pound weights every day and I ride my stationery bike for 30 minutes every day. I also do exercises my PT gave me almost every day. I just hired a personal trainer to build my muscles which are gone. I’m completely self sufficient except my digestive system is not fully operational. I think I am doing everything possible. I guess it takes time for the body to adjust to the trauma it has been through. I know I’m impatient as my expectations were unrealistic. I use the Portal a lot and write whenever I have a question. The best thing, though, my hair came back curly and wavy, which I immediately dyed a light auburn. I had long blonde hair, way past my bra. Your answer meant a lot to me as I’m really struggling with the weight issue. Thank you, again.


To continue… my diet is essentially the same as yours except I don’t eat meat. I can’t stop at 7pm as I’m just through with my 2nd snack, so my last meal will be around 9pm and maybe a snack at 11:30pm. I was told not to drink 30 minutes before and after eating. I do walk a half mile with one pound weights every day and I ride my stationery bike for 30 minutes every day. I also do exercises my PT gave me almost every day. I just hired a personal trainer to build my muscles which are gone. I’m completely self sufficient except my digestive system is not fully operational. I think I am doing everything possible. I guess it takes time for the body to adjust to the trauma it has been through. I know I’m impatient as my expectations were unrealistic. I use the Portal a lot and write whenever I have a question. The best thing, though, my hair came back curly and wavy, which I immediately dyed a light auburn. I had long blonde hair, way past my bra. Your answer meant a lot to me as I’m really struggling with the weight issue. Thank you, again.

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I never used to eat meat or fats or sugar ugh. Everything has changed. I’ve been working on doing weights more. I need to do more weights! Maybe I need a personal trainer great idea. I just jogged 2 miles yesterday walking .4 so 2.4 altogether. I surprised myself thinking I would make it probably 100 yds lol. I think since I weigh nothing it must be easier on the muscles I do have left IDK. But I did probably do too much because my knee was hurting. We can inspire each other. I never lost any hair really was very lucky there. It got thinner. I had really thick hair just past my shoulders so was lucky there. But muscles just disappeared! We can work on it together! 🙂 going to go lift some weights now 🙂


My name is Judy and I'm 83 years old. I'm 80 in that picture. I've been doing International Ballroom Dancing since I moved here is 2004. I hada personal trainer in Key West, 3 times a week for 9 years. I'm impressed that you can jog 2.4 miles and lift weights. What are the weights you are using now? If I'm not too personal, how old are you?

My motive for personal training is is to get weight resistance training so I can regain and get back some muscles. The dancing required the use of all my muscles, mostly in different planes and opposition. I lost it all. I coudl dance now, but I'm fearful of an accident as they sometimes occur and I don't even know it.

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