How do you manage daily life with IBS-D?

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Dec 11, 2018

I have IBS with diarrhea. I'm taking med for it. Had several bowel movements already today. How do you get things done in house and go out on errands and going to Dr appointments? Driving me crazy!

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How do others handle constipation? Usually I have diarrhea. Been taking IbGard.

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Suggest you see a nutritionist about the Low FODMAP diet.


How do others handle constipation? Usually I have diarrhea. Been taking IbGard.

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I will look into it , thank you


<p>I have ibsd and having diarrhea a lot. I'm on bentyl and immodium. Can they quit working? I don't know what to do.</p>

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Has anyone successfully worked with an Integrative Medicine specialist for multiple digestive issues including IBS and GERD? A friend referred me to someone who is a PhD in integrated medicine. I think some practicing in this specialty may also be MDs or DOs. Anyway, this partiuclar person is supposed to be very competent and has had success treating IBS patients.


<p>I have ibsd and having diarrhea a lot. I'm on bentyl and immodium. Can they quit working? I don't know what to do.</p>

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Hello @jackiem95,

You may notice that I moved your message to this discussion about IBS as I thought it would be beneficial to bring more people into the conversation.

You’ve asked a very pertinent question – the need to address gaps in conventional treatment for IBS, GERD and a few other digestive issues is an important priority. Integrative medicine can help people with many conditions better manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life by reducing fatigue, pain and anxiety. Here’s some information from Mayo Clinic:

These published studies might interest you as well:

– Complementary and alternative medicines in irritable bowel syndrome: An integrative view
– Acupuncture and related therapies for treating irritable bowel syndrome
– Remedial yoga module remarkably improves symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome patients


<p>I have ibsd and having diarrhea a lot. I'm on bentyl and immodium. Can they quit working? I don't know what to do.</p>

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Every morning upon awakening I have a dull stomachache, just an overall feeling of malaise. Usually around noon I start to feel better and continue with my regular activities. Could this just be anxiety? Anybody have this problem?


<p>I have ibsd and having diarrhea a lot. I'm on bentyl and immodium. Can they quit working? I don't know what to do.</p>

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How can a person with IBSD have surgery on knee or hammer toes when I also have depression and anxiety disorder. I can't


<p>I have ibsd and having diarrhea a lot. I'm on bentyl and immodium. Can they quit working? I don't know what to do.</p>

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How do others handle constipation? Usually I have diarrhea. Been taking IbGard.


Hi to all. I have been battling spontaneous and severe diarrhea along with back pain for several years. I have really no life when I go outside, see friends, no social life because of this. Latest diagnosis is IBS-D Given Viberzi 100mg twice daily. I have severe abdominal pain and block up. I also have pretty intense spinal problems. I had a spinal fusion L2-L7. I have pain and numbness, buttocks and back leg pain. I have researched and found Cauda equine syndrome, which I know you are not suppose to do this but my doctors are not ones who go beyond what they have already done. I cannot control this diarrhea, cannot stop it and I am really at the end of a pretty long rope. Can anyone share suggestions or anything. I have been to Mayo and I will come back. I live several states away. But would like to hear any comments. Thanks you, Sharon

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I had a colonoscopy today and they told me I have IBS. I have suffered for months with episodes of violent diarrhea and vomitting. I am wondering what are some steps I can take to make this improve.


I had a colonoscopy today and they told me I have IBS. I have suffered for months with episodes of violent diarrhea and vomitting. I am wondering what are some steps I can take to make this improve.

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I feel for you. I remember hearing, in a drug-filled haze, the word "normal" when I was waking up from my colonoscopy. I wanted to cry. I have severe symptoms and nothing has given me much relief. My regular doctor has been treating it (or trying to) for a few months, but I think I'll go back to the gastro to get medicine that only he can prescribe (I can't think of the name right now, but it's on the Mayo Clinic site about IBS). Lomodal has helped a bit. Have you tried it? Also, you could try Marinol for the nausea, though it makes you pretty spacy (or it did me--my doc won't give it to me anymore.) Good luck to you! let me know if you find something that works!


I had a colonoscopy today and they told me I have IBS. I have suffered for months with episodes of violent diarrhea and vomitting. I am wondering what are some steps I can take to make this improve.

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I too have been struggling with IBS for numerous years and I left it unattended and now deal with diverticulitis. Don’t do this… treat yourself NOW!

If not taken care of you eventually will end up with some kind of surgery to remove the pouch’s that is causing the pain and inflammation.

I had what was called hand assisted sigmoid (literally cutting you open and pulling out your colon/intestine and cutting it off) in December 2009. Can I say it was easy? No. Do I feel better? Yes. Unfortunately I was advised after surgery that it wasn’t only in the lower part of the colon as originally thought I have pockets all through the colon/intestine.

I stay on a strict diet of no raw vegetables, no fresh fruit, no peanuts, pop-corn, any thing with a hull, no spice (salt and pepper are my best friend), no hot items, as in salsa, green peppers (any peppers), no salads, the list is endless. Is it hard? Yes. I have sampled a few of the above only to pay a dear price for it and it’s not worth the pain. If I chose to go back to the old habits then I chose to have all of my colon/intestine removed.

Because you seem to be in the early stages, you could follow the above listed for items not to eat a couple of weeks to get our IBS under control. Then you can slowly add an item back. If this item irritates your system mark it off the list for awhile.

Trust me; don’t be as stubborn as I was as I lived on mashed potatoes and baby food way too long. If you can get a hold of it in the early stages life will be so much better.

I wish you luck and surf the net for list of items that can help. Give it a try…..

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