I think I'm cured. Not the gut problem

Posted by spittendrigh @spittendrigh, Apr 7 8:47pm

I got Covid first time March 2020. I barely got sick. I congradulated myself. I'm tough I thought, even though 70.

Then two years of long Covid followed, far worse than the original sickness. Got almost
better at two years, and then tested positive again.

Followed by two more yesrs of more Long Covid.

Insomnia and slow wits were accompamied by hissing ears, debilitating, akmost but not quite passing out dizzy spells,
and chronlc, no end in sight diarrhea.

Finally saw an intestines specialist. A colonoscopy required an empty gut, accomplished with drugs.

I know the meducal terms the colon-oscopist used. But I will not repeat them. Instead I will use my own terminology.

I was told I had a badly inflamed intestine. Mostly lower. My system was stark empty at that point. I was given. a powerful anti-biotic.

Doc warned me not much would change if the inflammation was virus caused. And there was speculation about low level lingering Covid.

However. I felt better immeduately. I am at 3 weeks now and almost ready to mate with a grizzly bear.

It was all about the gut. For me anyway. I have not had an
infamous "dizzy spell" in two solid weeks. Not one. 20 per day 6 months ago.

There is hope. Butt it takes guts?

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What you were going thru I am now and have been for over 2 years. I also was told I had inflammation but was offered no help. My exhaustion is overwhelming. And the dizzy and headaches get worse all the time.
My name is Key Phillips and I am in Arizona.
Can you please tell me exactly what has helped you? What Antibiotic was used. I will refer this to my doctors.
I would truly like to discuss if possible,

Thank You


What you were going thru I am now and have been for over 2 years. I also was told I had inflammation but was offered no help. My exhaustion is overwhelming. And the dizzy and headaches get worse all the time.
My name is Key Phillips and I am in Arizona.
Can you please tell me exactly what has helped you? What Antibiotic was used. I will refer this to my doctors.
I would truly like to discuss if possible,

Thank You

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Taking anit-biotic on an empty system was a start. I am allergic to Pennicilian, which was their first choice. 4 days of anit-diarrheal. Two weeks of anit-biotic. That's it. It may not work for everybody, but it did me. I uo use Metamucil on a daily basis. Use more powerful anti-diarrheal theoretically. If needed. But have not.

CBD oil at night only helps me sleep. That's a big part too. Insomnia nearly killed me.


What you were going thru I am now and have been for over 2 years. I also was told I had inflammation but was offered no help. My exhaustion is overwhelming. And the dizzy and headaches get worse all the time.
My name is Key Phillips and I am in Arizona.
Can you please tell me exactly what has helped you? What Antibiotic was used. I will refer this to my doctors.
I would truly like to discuss if possible,

Thank You

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I have a Penicillin alertgy, so I
was prescribed Sulfa Methazone, or someting like that.
I reacted to it immediately. Badly.
So the Doc switched to ....escapes me.
Does it matter? Let Doc choose an anit-biotic.

Also took an anti-bacterial. I remember that name but hesitate to be specific.
There are many. All this followed a total gut purge to nothing, as preparation for the colonoscopy. I think the new drugs hitting a totally empty system was part of the deal.

Good luck. I'm at week 5 since and still so much better. Not 100% but approaching. I'm 75, after 4 years LC, so 100% normal is an unknown state to boot.


I have a Penicillin alertgy, so I
was prescribed Sulfa Methazone, or someting like that.
I reacted to it immediately. Badly.
So the Doc switched to ....escapes me.
Does it matter? Let Doc choose an anit-biotic.

Also took an anti-bacterial. I remember that name but hesitate to be specific.
There are many. All this followed a total gut purge to nothing, as preparation for the colonoscopy. I think the new drugs hitting a totally empty system was part of the deal.

Good luck. I'm at week 5 since and still so much better. Not 100% but approaching. I'm 75, after 4 years LC, so 100% normal is an unknown state to boot.

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"I also took an anti-diarrheal" not anti-bacteriall

Forums allow answer editing. Email list-serves are more dangerouser


Ah. During the period I was taking anti-biotic (10 days) I was told to have a "liquid diet"
........broth soup and, eventually, mushy stew. Then back to normal diet, after anti-biotic.


After 4 years I feel close to cured. For the second time.
Covid March 2020
two years LC
felt 100% two years later
tested positive a second time
two more years LC, this time worse

The second two years included chronic diarrhea, not present the first time. I was eventually diagnosed with "moderately severe" Colitis."

Ten days of anti-biotic and stomach steroids cured the colitis,
which cured everything else. All except Tinnitus.

Brain fog, fatigue and dizzy spells and insomnia all gone, which two different doctors now attribute to "chronic dehydration" caused by two years of diarrhea.

That's my report.


After 4 years I feel close to cured. For the second time.
Covid March 2020
two years LC
felt 100% two years later
tested positive a second time
two more years LC, this time worse

The second two years included chronic diarrhea, not present the first time. I was eventually diagnosed with "moderately severe" Colitis."

Ten days of anti-biotic and stomach steroids cured the colitis,
which cured everything else. All except Tinnitus.

Brain fog, fatigue and dizzy spells and insomnia all gone, which two different doctors now attribute to "chronic dehydration" caused by two years of diarrhea.

That's my report.

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@spittendrigh, I moved your update to your earlier discussion so people could more easily follow your progression. Great news to hear that treatment helped resolve the GI issues with colitis.


After 4 years I feel close to cured. For the second time.
Covid March 2020
two years LC
felt 100% two years later
tested positive a second time
two more years LC, this time worse

The second two years included chronic diarrhea, not present the first time. I was eventually diagnosed with "moderately severe" Colitis."

Ten days of anti-biotic and stomach steroids cured the colitis,
which cured everything else. All except Tinnitus.

Brain fog, fatigue and dizzy spells and insomnia all gone, which two different doctors now attribute to "chronic dehydration" caused by two years of diarrhea.

That's my report.

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I was diagnosed with collagenous colitis (CC) 8 years ago. My GI biota are screwed up from celiac and likely getting older (70). I didn't go on antibiotics because those also kill off the "good" bacteria; the GI doctor recommended steroids but I tried diet change first. He also said to go off all NSAIDs (cause flares with CC). I've kept a food log for 14 years (since celiac diagnosis), and read in it that cashews and legumes kicked off bloat and stomachaches. So, my CC is controlled with diet, no gluten or NSAIDs, limited legumes and processed foods. A FODMAP-esk diet. I also make kombucha, for the probiotic bacteria and it makes good sourdough bread. I caught covid a year ago March; it took 8 months for the LC to go away. For me, it hit my cardiovascular system. Covid and LC are nasty.


Wow. Good stuff. It will take me a while to digest it all.
I did take anti-biotics and a steroid, Butesonoid, and felt better almost instantly.
I wanted to know which drug caused the improvement, so I dropped the Butesonide day 5,
continued anit-biotic for a total two week period.

Now at two months (after four years, to separate bouts, two Covid positive tests two years apart).
I'm not complaiing. :=))

I may need to work on diet, but I know nothing about it.

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