I reversed osteoporosis without drugs

Posted by sheilad1 @sheilad1, Dec 28, 2022

I had my bone quality test yesterday along with another bone density test. This was my third bone density test in 14 months.

My first bone density test was Nov 2021.
I started consulting with different doctors. If I must take meds I would. But I had to get to the truth.
The physician who appeared to know the most is Keith McCormick DC the chiropractor who got osteoporosis at a very young age and really understands it.

That first DEXA scan showed I had mild osteoperosis of the spine, within the margin of error.
So no McCormick said to take the CTX (blood) test and a few others.
CTX was good.
My CTX shows that the osteoclasts are not breaking down too much bone. therefore, my next bone density test shouldn’t show that that I am much worse.

I decided not to wait until 2 years for another scan and took
I took another bone density (aka DEXA) scan 10/2022 to see if that was true about the CTX.
My spine was actually better in that scan and it was now osteopenia.
My hip was a little worse bringing it outside the margin of error. McCormick said this was a tough call so I said to him why don’t I get a bone quality test (that he told me about) and I figured that will buy me a little time anyway lol.

Unfortunately, the bone quality test only measures the spine.
Since it’s unusual for your spine to get better and your hip to get worse, it made me think - what have I done differently since the last test? Why would my spine improve but not my hip? What is my spine doing that my hip is not?

I decided it had to be the Supernatural virtual reality exercise app that I exercise to (on the oculus quest VR helmet). Even though I am striking the air, there actually is resistance, and I push hard to hit it as powerfully as I can.

I decided to put weights on my ankles. Everything I read says weight training should be once or twice a week, and I certainly only did it once.

Back to yesterday and the bone quality (TBS) test and yet another bone density (DEXA) test.
My hip was back to where it was on the first test. This put me back inside the margin of error where I would not have to take medication
This demonstrated to me that the CTX score did in fact mean I'm not losing density quickly.
Yesterday's test shows that my spine continued to improve and my bone density score was no longerosteopenia. It was normal. My bone quality test was great. The tech really loved it and called me over to show me how I was completely in the green meaning It was normal which is a little unusual at my age, 74, altogether.

I may be wrong about supernatural helping.
I’ll probably take the DEXA again in six months because I am anxious to see how the hip does, and if it improves even more.
And if so, I’ll turn myself into a study. 😂

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.

Thanks for the informative post. I'm curious to know if your insurance covers all of the DEXA scans and also wondering if they cover the CTX.


It's rough because eating meat for protein seems to be broadly recommended for OP. I have been a vegetarian for years and the thought of eating meat gags me (literally). I have to figure this out.


It's rough because eating meat for protein seems to be broadly recommended for OP. I have been a vegetarian for years and the thought of eating meat gags me (literally). I have to figure this out.

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@babs10 maybe hide chicken, fish or meat in soups!


@saraabrooks I tried going vegan for 6 months and I think it’s
what lead to my health problems. I now eat lean meat, dairy, some vegetables and fruit, no grains. Like you pointed out, everyone must eat to what suits them.
I also do IF. I eat nothing after 6pm (started this because of horrible GERD at night while eating Vegan) and nothing before 10 am. I try to stay away from highly processed foods and sugar. Just got my labs back and I’m okay in most places.

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I used to have GERD, too. Raw veggies did me in. OMG, I can't believe how closely aligned we are. I had a medical intuitive tell me years ago to stay away from wheat and most grains. I wasn't allergic to them, but intolerant of them, as he pointed out. I will eat a little bread, but seriously not much. I, too, try to stay away from highly processed foods (as I sit here eating a graham cracker with Smucker's peanut butter on it).


Thank you for your concern. I tried vegetarianism long time ago. My daughter has been a vegetarian since she was 14 and she is now 51. When I tried vegetarianism I felt very weak and my energy left me. I tried all the tips for vegetarianism and protein alternative, but going without meat was impossible.. I have meat at least four times a week. Many times it is organic and I buy organic produce, always. The meat I eat comes locally sourced and I live in wisconsin. I'm still alive at 78. We all have to make choices that feel good or help us in any way. I m a blood type O positive. We are hunters from a long time ago. My daughter is not a blood type of any kind. She is an A or B I'm not sure. She takes after her father. She seemed to adapt to vegetarianism really easily. I found the book Eat Right For Your Type and I found it extremely helpful. That was a while back. But thank you for your reply it was very kind of you.

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I’m glad to hear that you are doing those good things for your body. I’m not Vegan for the same reason. It sounds like we are doing the same, including not eating after 6:00 pm. I misunderstood your original post. Sending blessings.


When I first went on intermittent fasting it was before I realized I had breast cancer. It started early last spring and I would try not to eat after 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon. If I got too hungry I had a salad with broccoli beets celery and sometimes chopped onion which I love. I put on any kind of salad dressing but lightly. I got up early in the morning and still do like 5:00 a.m. and I must admit I ate like a horse. And I find I have to have meat somewhere in there I would eat an early breakfast eggs of course sometimes with bacon and refried beans. The pinto beans are really loaded with the minerals and then I know that they have iron. That's all I know about that. I'm not a nutritionist. I know what makes my body feel good by about 10:00 I was having hamburger or ham or leftover pork chop. I tried to stay from wheat products and that includes bread and buns etc. Of course I never ate or drank soda pop or a lot of candy or anything like that. Sometimes I would eat lunch or sometimes you could call pre-dinner at at around 1:30 or 2:00. To get through the evening I would drink a lot of water but no water after 6:00 p.m. if it got really bad around 5:00 I would have a cup of hot cocoa made with melted Bittersweet or semi-sweet chocolate chips a little sugar and once that's pretty hot I add the milk heat it all up and stir .

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You said it..
"I know what makes my body feel good"


@babs10 maybe hide chicken, fish or meat in soups!

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LOL, yes, it will have to be something just like that. I don't like touching it either. :\


Interesting discussion regarding dietary habits.

Just wanted to mention that statistically, vegetarians have lower bone density. For those that are committed to vegetarianism, it can be a real quandry. Protein recommendations are shifting upward particularly as we age and it's harder to get the protein you need on a vegetarian diet so tracking your nutrition to see that you've met your needs is a good idea.

The latest information on intermittent fasting is that you may in fact lose weight but it may be due to loss of muscle not fat loss. And it's more difficult to gain muscle mass as we age so it's something to be careful about. Our muscles go into a catabolic state at night so when we wake in the morning, we need a good dose of protein to stop the catabolic process and shift into an anabolic process. Research is pointing to about 30 grams of protein at each meal. Really challenging to get but something to strive towards.

I love eating healthfully and have explored many dietary patterns over the years. Nutrition and science is constantly evolving and changing and some of what I thought was healthy turns out not to be so (for example: the low fat recommendations). I found that I felt my best, and blood work reflected this, when I ate a well-rounded diet including meat (always organic or regenerative). It was the only way I could keep my iron levels moderated and I feel much better and am able to meet my protein needs more easily by including meat, fish and poultry. We all have to figure out how to meet our nutritional needs in a way that keeps our bones and muscles etc. healthy and that also respects our ethics, preferences and individuality. In that journey, I feel it's important to mention that The Eat Right For Your Blood Type Diet has no scientific evidence to support the position. Science does not back up the restrictions it suggests and I would suggest that you are eliminating potentially healthful foods by following the unsubstantiated recommendations.


It's rough because eating meat for protein seems to be broadly recommended for OP. I have been a vegetarian for years and the thought of eating meat gags me (literally). I have to figure this out.

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I was vegan for several yrs, way back when. What I do remember is that food combinations are a good source of protein. So many books available. I just found it too rigid and now add good quality protein.

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