I have Cerebral Small Vessel Disease - so far caused loss of balance

Posted by sue60 @sue60, Apr 11, 2016

I have vascular small vessel disease that so far just has caused a severe loss of balance. I walk with a cane, but it is getting harder. Likewise exercise is not easy. I still drive short distances. I feel perfectly normal lying down and it is so much easier to do that. The sad part is I don't really see anything that is going to end this as otherwise I am healthy. I know there are many worse things. Does anyone else have this and how are you coping?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases Support Group.


I have just been diagnosed with Cerebral Microvascular disease. I am 76. I know very little about it so I will get educated a bit by reading this page and everyone's experiences. I found out about it a few days ago by having an MRI while trying to find out why I am falling and have loss of balance. It was a cardiologist who ordered the MRI. He didn't really seem to know a great deal about CMD. I am scheduled to see a neurologist, but I couldn't get an appointment till July 26th (its May 11th now) and I have to drive about 100 miles to get to him or her in Portland, Oregon. So I'm trying to find out as much as I can now about what the future holds.

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Hello @debbic715 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for joining the conversation and sharing your diagnosis with the community so members can connect and share. I see that @keithl56 has already reached out to share his experience with you.

What are you most in need of in terms of information or support at this time until your July 26th appointment with a Neurologist? How are you feeling overall?


Thanks for your answer. Good to connect. I dont know what CAC score is. And if ive had mini strokes i havent been aware of it. Except for balance problems i havent had much symptoms. At my age some level of memory problems are common. Its difficult not being able to get to a doctor who is familiar with this disease.
What is CAC?
Thanks. Stay in touch.


Your comment was written quite a long time ago. How are you doing? what have you learned about CMD that you can pass on to me to get me through this first phase till I get to a neurologist, and how much has it affected your life.

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Unfortunately there is not much you can do other than maintain a healthy life style. My neurologist said that you can not roto root your brain to clear out the areas of ischemia. He just doubled my daily aspirin. I had another scary mini stroke several weeks ago and another MRI showed additional infarctions. I'm only 64 but am afraid that since this is a chronic condition that over time it will take its toll. My CAC score is over 1000 so my coronary arteries are blocking as well, but at least there are treatment options for that. Just try to be positive since some things are beyond our control.


Your comment was written quite a long time ago. How are you doing? what have you learned about CMD that you can pass on to me to get me through this first phase till I get to a neurologist, and how much has it affected your life.


I have just been diagnosed with Cerebral Microvascular disease. I am 76. I know very little about it so I will get educated a bit by reading this page and everyone's experiences. I found out about it a few days ago by having an MRI while trying to find out why I am falling and have loss of balance. It was a cardiologist who ordered the MRI. He didn't really seem to know a great deal about CMD. I am scheduled to see a neurologist, but I couldn't get an appointment till July 26th (its May 11th now) and I have to drive about 100 miles to get to him or her in Portland, Oregon. So I'm trying to find out as much as I can now about what the future holds.


Hello @keithl56,

While I am not personally familiar with your problems, I hope that by now you have been able to speak with the doctor who ordered the MRI which showed the cyst and the chronic microvascular ischemia. Have you any more information now?

I would be interested to know if you have had any other tests or consultations scheduled. Will you post an update?


@keithl56 You are unnerved by the news that you have been diagnosed with chronic microvascular ischemia in the left frontal corona radiata. You are wondering what the progression of the disease is. I'd like to invite active members of the Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases group like @kariulrich @hopeful33250 @helenfrances @avmcbellar @oldsuzanne55 These members may be able to help answer your question.

May I ask when you will be able to speak with your provider?

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Hi @keithl56 sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Although I have not dealt with the corona radiata any part of the brain will be a difficult and slow recovery. I see your condition is chronic meaning it has been going on for a while( over 2-3 weeks) You are losing nerve cells slowly due to circulation. Has the cause been found? What have you noticed differently so far? Do you have muscle weakness or paralysis in your upper or lower limbs? It is possible for the ischemia to lead to diabetes, hypertension, or high levels of triglycerides. Have you experienced facial paralysis? It all depends on the location of the ischemia for your experiences. Be positive and find more answers to get started with your recovery. It has been 4 years since my brain bleed in my cerebellum. I am making significant progress slowly. At first I was in a wheelchair but now I walk with a cane. Hang in there. Toni


I had an incident a several weeks ago and as a result had a battery of cardio and neuro test (I already knew I have severe CAD). My EEG came back as abnormal so I had to have a brain MRI 2 days ago. Due to the holiday I haven't yet spoken with my neurologist. The MRI indicated chronic microvascular ischemia in my left frontal corona radiata. It also found a 3/4 inch cyst! I know that this means that lack of blood flow has killed off some brain cells but have no idea what this portend for the future. I already have a heart CAC over 1000 and bilateral carotid stenosis so I know that from a vascular health standpoint that these could all be related. I am otherwise healthy and active and only 64 years old.

I have been having some headaches, some loss of balance, and minor recall issues. Since the area of the brain affected is associated with cognitive ability I don't know if there is any relationship.

It doesn't seem that there is really anything to do other than maintain the same regimen I follow for my cardio health. Does anyone know what the usual progression of this disease is? I just started building a new house in Hilton Head and this news is a bit unnerving.


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@keithl56 You are unnerved by the news that you have been diagnosed with chronic microvascular ischemia in the left frontal corona radiata. You are wondering what the progression of the disease is. I'd like to invite active members of the Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases group like @kariulrich @hopeful33250 @helenfrances @avmcbellar @oldsuzanne55 These members may be able to help answer your question.

May I ask when you will be able to speak with your provider?


I had an incident a several weeks ago and as a result had a battery of cardio and neuro test (I already knew I have severe CAD). My EEG came back as abnormal so I had to have a brain MRI 2 days ago. Due to the holiday I haven't yet spoken with my neurologist. The MRI indicated chronic microvascular ischemia in my left frontal corona radiata. It also found a 3/4 inch cyst! I know that this means that lack of blood flow has killed off some brain cells but have no idea what this portend for the future. I already have a heart CAC over 1000 and bilateral carotid stenosis so I know that from a vascular health standpoint that these could all be related. I am otherwise healthy and active and only 64 years old.

I have been having some headaches, some loss of balance, and minor recall issues. Since the area of the brain affected is associated with cognitive ability I don't know if there is any relationship.

It doesn't seem that there is really anything to do other than maintain the same regimen I follow for my cardio health. Does anyone know what the usual progression of this disease is? I just started building a new house in Hilton Head and this news is a bit unnerving.



I’m looking to connect with someone with this condition. My husband was recently diagnosed.

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Hello @allysaco,

Last summer you posted about your husband's recent diagnosis. I hope he is doing well. When you have time will you post an update?

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