I have Cerebral Small Vessel Disease - so far caused loss of balance

Posted by sue60 @sue60, Apr 11, 2016

I have vascular small vessel disease that so far just has caused a severe loss of balance. I walk with a cane, but it is getting harder. Likewise exercise is not easy. I still drive short distances. I feel perfectly normal lying down and it is so much easier to do that. The sad part is I don't really see anything that is going to end this as otherwise I am healthy. I know there are many worse things. Does anyone else have this and how are you coping?

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I was diagnosed seven month ago, with 6 cavernous malformation, I went to the ER last Saturday due to severe headache.

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Is that the same thing as small vessel disease of the brain?


I was diagnosed seven month ago, with 6 cavernous malformation, I went to the ER last Saturday due to severe headache.


Welcome to Connect @bellisima. I moved your message to this discussion thread in the Brain & Nervous System group so that you could meet other members talking about Cavernous Malformation. Please meet @jeans and @jc2buds.

@bellisima, when were you diagnosed with Cavernous Malformation and how are you doing today?


Does anyone has been diagnose with carvernos malformation


Welcome @jc2buds. This is what I love about Connect! @jeans posted a question about Cavernous Malformation. While I couldn't connect her with a past member or recent conversations, you saw her message and jumped in.

@jc2buds Kerry, did I understand correctly that both you and husband have Cavernous Malformation or just your husband? You also mention lifestyle change you can make to slow the progression of disease. What changes have helped you?

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I wish we lived cliser to a msyo clinic we dud go to johns hopkins they gave my husband some exercises to do in occpational therapy that helped with his hands his limbs have been affected i wish you the best of luck with your appiontment i know it feel like its hopeless but it helps to have someone to talk to


Welcome @jc2buds. This is what I love about Connect! @jeans posted a question about Cavernous Malformation. While I couldn't connect her with a past member or recent conversations, you saw her message and jumped in.

@jc2buds Kerry, did I understand correctly that both you and husband have Cavernous Malformation or just your husband? You also mention lifestyle change you can make to slow the progression of disease. What changes have helped you?

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The doctors suggested a low fat diet? Did they say any thing about exercise? Five years ago I used to run about 3 miles a day. The things I've read make me think that that kind of thing may be a thing of the past. My eyes are acting up. Some days it feels as if I have someone else glasses on. ( I don't wear glasses.) I've lived a fairly healthy life, no smoking, regular exercise and stuff like that but I am almost 60 and it is a progressive disease. They've recently moved my appointment up to June 20th. I'm glad about that. I want to hear what Mayo has to say.


Welcome @jc2buds. This is what I love about Connect! @jeans posted a question about Cavernous Malformation. While I couldn't connect her with a past member or recent conversations, you saw her message and jumped in.

@jc2buds Kerry, did I understand correctly that both you and husband have Cavernous Malformation or just your husband? You also mention lifestyle change you can make to slow the progression of disease. What changes have helped you?

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My husband has smell vessel disease of the brain he has had balance issues for aout 5 years than two years ago he had heart bypass surgery he devolped delirium in the hospital and after that his balance problem got 100 % worse and stayed thay way he hadva brief period last fall where he really started to improve but since then the disease has been progressing.if the dusease is in early stages you can slow the progession of it by keeping blood pressure under control as well as cholestrol stay active exericise your brain with crosswords computer work anything that challenges your brain if you smoke stop immediately eat a low fat diet all of which my husband wouldnt do now he has to work with whats left and its a stuggle for him walking is hard his eye sight has been effected every day is a challenge


My husband has it also he struggles with balance he has many falls no longer can drive and needs to use a walker there is no treatment for it just physical therapy it helps to know we arent alone in this that there are others out there


I'm a 68 year old female oriental. I have been falling in recent years. Slow to understand speech. Passed psychological tests. Brain imaging shows cerebral small vessel disease. What is my prognosis.

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My husband has small vessel diease of the brain and i agree dictors cant really tell you what to expect some days are worse than others but all days are challenging


Welcome @jc2buds. This is what I love about Connect! @jeans posted a question about Cavernous Malformation. While I couldn't connect her with a past member or recent conversations, you saw her message and jumped in.

@jc2buds Kerry, did I understand correctly that both you and husband have Cavernous Malformation or just your husband? You also mention lifestyle change you can make to slow the progression of disease. What changes have helped you?

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