I feel like I'm dying

Posted by srodriguez @srodriguez, Jan 26, 2012

i am a healthy (I thought) 43 year old female. 2 weeks ago I was at work. Stood up. Got this pulled muscle sensation in my back around my bra strap area. I then proceeded to have chest pain, shortness of breath, flushed, sensation of hot liquid seeping out into my chest, dizziness, and numb and tingly all over my body. I felt like I was gonna pass out or die. I was rushed to the ER. After several tests, and an overnight stay, they discharged me the next day with Synthroid (thyroid just a tad low) and Flexeril for my back pain. I still had the shortness of breath. But they assured me my heart and lungs were fine. Did not do any x-rays or anything for my back. The next day I was pretty much laid out at home due to the flexeril. The following day, I decided to go back to work. Got up, took a shower, then I started having all the same symptoms as before. I had my son take me to the ER again. They did several tests, said my heart and lungs were fine. The doctor diagnosed me with GERD, and sent me home with Prilosec. I took Prilosec for 4 days, then my PCP had me try Protonix, which by the way, both of these gave me horrible side effects (confusion, delirium-hallucinations) and were not helping my stomach pain and nausea. So, she started me on Zantac, which worked wonders the first couple of days, but seems to have worn off now too. Also, after numerous testing, doctor said my Vitamin D was low, was 11, and should be between 30-80. So I started taking Vitamin D3--400 units. 2 weeks later, I have been to the ER three times, had an endoscopy just yesterday (doctor said everything looked fine, but sending off stomach sample for biopsy). Still taking Zantac, and Vitamin D. Trying to eat more foods rich in Vitamin D and calcium. I continue to have nausea, stomach pains, body very weak, losing weight, diarrhea, dizziness, flushed and feel like passing out. I can't sleep, and feel very dehydrated. Every morning I feel like I'm dying with these symptoms. It feels as though it hurts from deep inside my muscles or bones, even my joints in my fingers and elbows hurt. Closer to noon, I feel a little better, try to eat a little something, then it starts all over around 9 or 10 in the evening, and keeping me up all night. I WAS TOTALLY FINE UNTIL 2 WEEKS AGO, THEN ALL THIS STARTED HAPPENING. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE? I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO. I FEEL LIKE I'M JUST GONNA SHRIVEL UP AND DIE.

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I don’t know how much longer I can take this. My doctors note excusing me from his practice No one will listen to me. I need help and no one’s going to help me. I really think I’m gonna take my own life. I really can’t take this any longer.

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Hi dear,
I’m so sorry for your suffering. What you explain is exactly what I been having for two years. I tried to manage it the first year, but the second year it was unbearable. I was hospitalized 4 times but not for this problem but because my heart rate was very low.
After trying everything, my gastroenterologist told me that there is only so much medicine can do for me. He referred me to a psychiatrist. When I’m in crisis not even an anxiolytic helps.
In April 2023, the doctor who discharged me from the hospital suggested to see an acupuncturist. I did. In a month I was feeling better, I continued seeing her until probably November 2023. The in December I had another crisis. I was hospitalized for 4 days. I apparently had a virus. So far for me, each time I’d heard “is a virus” meant the doctors don’t know what they’re talking about. Anyway, after my release from the hospital I went to the acupuncturist. She has helped me a lot. Then I had a personal problem and bang! all over again. My sister who is a nurse told me repeatedly that it was the anxiety because of my symptoms. I didn’t pay attention to her thinking she was minimizing my symptoms.
Anyway, to make the story short, I’m receiving psychological therapy. It’s helping. But what helped me more was to reconnect with my son after 17 years. I feel as a veil has been lifted from my head.
Now talking during my psychotherapy, I realize that I was sumerges in a severe depression, and I finally snapped.
I know my situation may not be applicable to you, but I realize now that my sister, my husband and the doctors have been trying to help me but I didn’t listen.
First of all, I’ve learned that when I feel I’m dying I am not going to die. Exercises given to me by the psychologist are helping me. When I’m in the bathroom feeling I’m going to die, I practice the exercises and these distract my attention, and after I feel better, I realize I didn’t die and the pain is gone.
Please ask me questions, one at a time may be better so we focus on just one issue.
Meanwhile, please allow me to send you a very close hug. Everything is going to be okay. I promise.

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