I feel as if not a single doctor I go to is listening to me

Posted by chall10 @chall10, Jun 28, 2023

For the past 3 years I have had non stop pain in my lower right quadrant below my ribs with pain sometimes in my right hip, I have been tested for liver disease,kidney disease,had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy, with a Hida scan, and ultrasound results being liver enzymes came back perfectly fine, a 90 EFGR for African american but a 70 EFGR for non African Americans(which worries me since they changed the way they measure) but was told my kidneys are fine, my endoscopy and colonoscopy game back normal, my Hida scan showed sludge in my gallbladder but that everything moved normally, the ultrasound I had showed a small polyp but I was also told there is nothing to worry about (they haven't tested for it in 3 years since) I tell each doctor I go to all of these things with charts and test results and each time they take blood work and run a full panel then proceed to schedule me our for another 3 months. This pain I'm having seems to be affected whether I eat healthy or not so healthy, someday the pain is so minimal it's like a breath of fresh air and I feel amazing only for me to eat something, or drink ANYTHING and the pain come right back, i have gotten so used to the pain that i just live wiith it and roll with it, im just sick of living this way, I have everything from an internal medicine doctor, gastrointestinal doctor and a primary care. The things that worry me are some days I will have itchy skin all over and the next I won't have any, I've had them look at my nails which look like Terry nails as a clue as to what could be going on and I get the same old "they look fine" this while situation has caused me to spin into a depression I have to keep digging myself out of for the sake of my family. I just want someone to do more than blood tests only and help me instead of nod thier head for once. I have attached my last blood work results for if anyone has any advice thank you in advance.

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Sorry to hear about your pain, I too suffer from chronic pain for several different reasons, no fun! I did read some but not all of the feedback so I apologize if I am repeating something someone else suggested. You mention the itching which can be a symptom of jaundice (not trying to frighten you) if it comes and goes maybe nothing to be concerned about. Have you gone into the ER while you are experiencing that specific symptom? Having the test done while experiencing the symptoms may reveal something that does not show up otherwise. Also, sludge in the gallbladder can cause extreme pain, this could also affect liver function resulting in jaundice and itchy. I know several people (5 people at least) who went through something like this and when their Dr. finally removed their gallbladder they felt better. We have to be our own advocate where our health is concerned, keep pushing until you have an answer!

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