I feel as if not a single doctor I go to is listening to me

Posted by chall10 @chall10, Jun 28, 2023

For the past 3 years I have had non stop pain in my lower right quadrant below my ribs with pain sometimes in my right hip, I have been tested for liver disease,kidney disease,had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy, with a Hida scan, and ultrasound results being liver enzymes came back perfectly fine, a 90 EFGR for African american but a 70 EFGR for non African Americans(which worries me since they changed the way they measure) but was told my kidneys are fine, my endoscopy and colonoscopy game back normal, my Hida scan showed sludge in my gallbladder but that everything moved normally, the ultrasound I had showed a small polyp but I was also told there is nothing to worry about (they haven't tested for it in 3 years since) I tell each doctor I go to all of these things with charts and test results and each time they take blood work and run a full panel then proceed to schedule me our for another 3 months. This pain I'm having seems to be affected whether I eat healthy or not so healthy, someday the pain is so minimal it's like a breath of fresh air and I feel amazing only for me to eat something, or drink ANYTHING and the pain come right back, i have gotten so used to the pain that i just live wiith it and roll with it, im just sick of living this way, I have everything from an internal medicine doctor, gastrointestinal doctor and a primary care. The things that worry me are some days I will have itchy skin all over and the next I won't have any, I've had them look at my nails which look like Terry nails as a clue as to what could be going on and I get the same old "they look fine" this while situation has caused me to spin into a depression I have to keep digging myself out of for the sake of my family. I just want someone to do more than blood tests only and help me instead of nod thier head for once. I have attached my last blood work results for if anyone has any advice thank you in advance.

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Hi @chall10, chronic pain is draining. I hope you can get a diagnosis.
You mentioned that you are itchy all over some days. Have you been tested for any autoimmune disorders with inflammation markers taken - like CRP and ESR? The full panel workup may include them so I apologize if my question is redundant.
Itchiness can be a sign of inflammation. I had an autoimmune disorder and had a terribly itchy torso for two weeks, no rash. Have you been tested for vitamin deficiencies as well?
I wish you the best.

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I have been tested for deficiencies and I am all good in that area, the itchy skin is just so random and I can't pinpoint what makes it start or stop


If you don't feel comfortable with your doctor request a different one or change practices your going to. There is no excuse for a doctor to ignore you. That is the one person who should have your best interest looking at alternatives to help you with your pain. Are you going to a pain doctor? There are devices available that you can do trials with to see how you react to them for relief.

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I haven't talked to a pin doctor as of yet, I have switched doctors so many times I can't keep up with thier names, it seems that they just charge for blood work over and over and give me a high five, rinse and repeat


It's up to you to move beyond this as it's obviously they don't have the answers and you need to find a doctor who will. If your going to the Mayo Clinic it was my experience that the doctors I had seemed to care the least and found them to be very condescending to there patients not listening to a word I said. So I left only to find out that sadly was not the only one who experieced this. When mentioned this to admin they didn't seem to care either. So much for being the best.


Is thee area tender to touch or warm? Did you ever take a fall? Inflammation causes pain. It could be referred pain. Someone mentioned other bloodwork for crp and others plus autoimmune. Have you requested I forget what its called, when you challenge a refusal for a doctor to give you a referral and go directly to the insurance company and/or would you consider changing doctors? There was a time many years ago my primary would not give me a referral until I developed a visible condition. Suffice it to say, not all can be gleaned from boiler plate lab work. When you have an exacerbation, what about (if all else fails) i know nobody likes to go to the hospital, or Hospital affiliated Urgent Care ? but their they look at different things for emergent situations. The ones I have gone to for emergent situations is well rated and covers all the bases and will make a suggestion as to who to see. With liver, by the time it shows up in lab work, you could have damage. My numbers were consistantly high, but my old pcp who thought he knew everything ordered sonogram too late. Damage done. A faulty gal bladder can cause a lot of discomfort and generally diet is important their. I’m not a doctor, but have a few problems i am seeing doctors for. These days I find my doctors want to refer out if its over there head or sometimes they think they have all the answers. I hope you get relief and answers soon. I understand your frustration. Hang in there.


This sounds really tough. I know you’ve seen a lot of providers, and it’s super frustrating (I’ve been there too), but they can’t offer treatment if they’re not able to narrow down a cause… And with some chronic pain conditions, they don’t show up well or anywhere on a test.

I think if I were you, if it’s an option, I’d try to be seen at a larger more integrated medical center, if not Mayo, then somewhere like Cleveland Clinic that offers consultative medicine. You would see a primary provider there and they’d coordinate consultations and testing to ideally figure out what’s going on. That set-up is more likely to yield something because they’d be working together. But it’s not foolproof.

Someone else on this thread mentioned they had a negative experience with Mayo; my two experiences haven’t been the stuff of the commercials either.

If that’s not an option, if you’re not established at an academic medical center, that could help. Or going direct to a pain medicine specialist? Or someone else mentioned the ER. I mean, no one wants to do that, but we considered bringing my dad (who has polymyalgia rheumatica; it can be difficult to diagnose but causes severe pain) to the ER because his PCP wouldn’t believe us and it’s very hard to get a rheumatologist.

I’m really sorry you’re going through this and wishing you all the best.


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'm a chronic pain sufferer and understand all too well.
This is a long shot, but have you had your hip checked out? Hip problems can sometimes cause pain in the lower quadrant.
You've gone this far, maybe it's orthopedic.
Good luck!


It's up to you to move beyond this as it's obviously they don't have the answers and you need to find a doctor who will. If your going to the Mayo Clinic it was my experience that the doctors I had seemed to care the least and found them to be very condescending to there patients not listening to a word I said. So I left only to find out that sadly was not the only one who experieced this. When mentioned this to admin they didn't seem to care either. So much for being the best.

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I agree. I went there many years ago with so much hope for my seemingly hopeless situation. My osteomyelitis doc , who had found an infection in my bone marrow had died and he was The Only one who listened. The Mayo doc said well he found the infection bc that was his specialty implying that maybe I didn’t really have an infection.
He didn’t test anything just send me home to my 8 hour drive. I was devastated.


Have you looked into lumbar disc herniations? Itching could be unrelated.


As someone who suffers constant pain, my heart goes out to you. About a year ago I thought I was itching on the inside, the best way I could describe it at the time. PMCP ran some tests all came back fine. When I went back, I had a better description for her, because it felt like the inside of me was sunburned. Ran test again, all came back good, and was told more than likely nerve damage from my neck which is my primary problem. Going to see my neurosurgeon on the 13 to see what he thinks as well as my pain Doc on the 18th to see what he thinks.
My biggest problem is I have gotten used to it, so unless I am having a good pain day I don't notice it, which is why I keep forgetting to bring it up. My pain scale hovers with meds between 7-8 good days are 6-7 and there are not many.
Keep praying


Hello Chall, It sounds like you have Abdominal Nerve Entrapment Syndrome or ACNES. Google it and also go to youtube. A test is the Carnett test - google that too. I suffered horribly with same symptoms. A surgeon in Phoenix cut 3 abdominal nerves and same day went home cured. If you private message me I'd be happy to discuss then I can give you my email and phone number. Don't wait - there probably is a cure. Jeff in Gilbert AZ

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