I don’t know what’s wrong

Posted by kev135135 @kev135135, Sep 27, 2022

Not sure where to put this but it has affected my mental health a lot so here is fine I guess. I’m 24 and suffer from ADHD and general anxiety disorder. about two years ago I started experiencing issues I can’t place and no one has been able to provide answers. So it all started while playing a video game. I noticed the terrain seemed lopsided slightly and that the little aiming reticle seemed slanted. So I looked at my computer. All the lines seemed slanted. Perfectly straight lines seemed uneven and askew. Grids are a nightmare to look at nothing is going straight up and down or side to side always slanted. The lines aren’t rounded just slanted. So I got my eyes checked. Nothing was found other than that I had a slight focusing issue. So I got glasses but that didn’t fix my issue and they didn’t know what to do. At first this was only on screens but now I’m seeing all kinds of distortions in real life. Perspective seems off, the ceiling doesn’t look parallel to the ground, the floor seems angled up. Basically looking straight up doesn’t seem straight up and looking down doesn’t seem straight down. I see visual snow, floaters, and after images. And I also have bad headaches, tinnitus, jaw pain and stiffness, and my face seems very stiff too. That might be because I grind my teeth from the stress but maybe it’s connected somehow idk. I’ve had brain scans done and they all came back clear. I’ve had blood work done and it’s clear. I’m healthy otherwise except for this. It has sucked the joy out of living, out of everything I enjoy and I have thought of ending my life before because of it. I feel like I’m alone, and crazy because nobody else I’ve seen has this combination of symptoms and yet everything is physically fine. Please help.

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Hello Kev,
I’m sorry you are going through this crazy thing. Life has a way of throwing curve balls at us went we least expect them so we can’t duck in time! lol
It sounds to me like you need to go to a neurologist to and have some tests done. I’m not a doctor, but I believe there is a vision/brain connection gone a little wacky here.
Take heart, you are not alone, and you are not most certainly crazy! Please keep us updated on your situation. There are people here cheering for you! 🤚🏻


Hi Kevin.
I was relieved when I read that you had tests done but clearly this didn't help yet.
My mother had similar issues and they told me that one of the first signs of macula degeneration/degrading. This is commonly something that happens in older people and they get surgery to fix it, maybe this can happen in younger people like you and they dismissed it because it's rare?


Hi, Kev,
I want to begin by telling you you're not crazy. Our human bodies, especially our brains, are so complex that doctors and scientists still don't have all the answers. In the meantime, don't give up.
Get referred to a neurologist.
Keep on seeing specialists until someone can help you.
That's what happened to me. Like you, I experienced some strange and usual symptoms. But the first few specialists with their tests couldn't find anything wrong. I also thought I was going crazy and thought about giving up and considered suicide. Thank goodness my GP didn't give up on me and referred me to a neurologist. It took the second neurologist to finally diagnose me with a condition that is quite rare, 5 in a million.
So please don't give up. Have hope. It's the best medicine of all.


Hi, Kev,
I want to begin by telling you you're not crazy. Our human bodies, especially our brains, are so complex that doctors and scientists still don't have all the answers. In the meantime, don't give up.
Get referred to a neurologist.
Keep on seeing specialists until someone can help you.
That's what happened to me. Like you, I experienced some strange and usual symptoms. But the first few specialists with their tests couldn't find anything wrong. I also thought I was going crazy and thought about giving up and considered suicide. Thank goodness my GP didn't give up on me and referred me to a neurologist. It took the second neurologist to finally diagnose me with a condition that is quite rare, 5 in a million.
So please don't give up. Have hope. It's the best medicine of all.

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Thank you so much for your advice and response. I have confrontation issues that have prevented me from trying to spell out this craziness to my GP but it may be time. I’ve been trying to pursue this on my own but you’re right maybe he knows someone better.


Hello Kev,
I’m sorry you are going through this crazy thing. Life has a way of throwing curve balls at us went we least expect them so we can’t duck in time! lol
It sounds to me like you need to go to a neurologist to and have some tests done. I’m not a doctor, but I believe there is a vision/brain connection gone a little wacky here.
Take heart, you are not alone, and you are not most certainly crazy! Please keep us updated on your situation. There are people here cheering for you! 🤚🏻

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Thank you for your kind words it means a lot. I hope to talk about this to my GP soon as I gave up the thought once a neurologist said there was nothing wrong. Maybe he knows someone I can go to.


Hi Kevin.
I was relieved when I read that you had tests done but clearly this didn't help yet.
My mother had similar issues and they told me that one of the first signs of macula degeneration/degrading. This is commonly something that happens in older people and they get surgery to fix it, maybe this can happen in younger people like you and they dismissed it because it's rare?

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Hello thank you for your reply! I have a family history of macular degeneration so it is the first thing the ophthalmologist checked. The only thing they found was a slight focusing issue that I got a prescription for. They didn’t know what to say about the other issues other than it may be neurological.


Oh, I see, okay then, so that has been checked and ruled out.
It must be so frustrating to have this, and scary. And tiring!
Hang in there though!

What you write about the other issues: it might indeed be stress. When they told me way back when that my own issues were due to stress I thought stress was 'just in my head'. But I learned that it actually damages my body, and so it did.
Strange question maybe: are you taking supplements? Such as vitamins? At some point they discovered a crazy elevated vitamin B6 in my blood which can cause neurological problems. I now make sure I check if B6 isn't added extra to, say, yoghurts and so on because some brands do, over here.


I am no medical expert but if your brain scans and blood tests are clear and you are showing these symptoms I have no idea how they are clear. I would expect at least something wrong with your brain. But it could be anything other than the brain. I am really sorry to hear about your story.


Reading you describe how "the ceiling doesn’t look parallel to the ground, the floor seems angled up. Basically looking straight up doesn’t seem straight up and looking down doesn’t seem straight down" immediately made me think of how I felt when I had Vertigo. The first time it happened, I was in my 30s and thankfully it has only happened a handful of times since then but it completely impacted my ability to function. It has something to do with crystals inside your ear that get displaced. Many people have told me that they too have had Vertigo but describe it more like being dizzy which it definitely not what I experienced. It seems there are varying degrees of Vertigo and that it isn't the same for everyone so I thought it might be something for you to look into if you haven't already.
For me, the remedy was having a Physical Therapist guide me through maneuvers that allowed the displaced crystals in my inner ear to go back to their correct location. There is a test that your physician can do called Dix-Hallpike to determine if it is a problem with your right or left ear or possibly both.
Best of luck to you!

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