I dont know what to do

Posted by jessehill @jessehill, Jun 25, 2024

Hello my name is Jesse i live in Ohio. My seizures started about 10 years ago. I was working for Nelson Tree Company doimg powerline clearance. I was training and was using a hand saw and cut a limb and it blew into a 69,000 Volt powerline which i was shocked. 2 months later i started getting weird feelings which turned out to be left tempro lobe seizures, now in the past three months ive been having grand mal seizures up to 5 a day. And my poor kids have to hold my head back when there happining because i stop breathing. The bad thing when i was shocked work wouldent let me report it for fear of loosing the contract with the power company so now i just get to suffer. I havent been able to work the last few months i work at honda transmisson building 4x4's. I cant work cuz i could get injured. I tried fileing short term disabilty through work but they said its pre existing and denied it bit the grand mal seizures arnt pre existing. Im just at a loss i dont know what to do

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Sorry to hear about all this hardship in your life. Try not to worry about the kids. When I was young my dad had MS and would need help too. Helping him really developed compassion in me. They love you and would feel a measure of compassion helping their dad when he needs it.
Have you asked about your surgical options? My epilepsy was created by a high fever that caused a seizure. 13 years later I started having seizures. Took meds to control them, then at 49yrs old started having seizures again. They look for a damaged spot on the brain (I think caused by the first seizure). They do tests to see if the seizure comes from that spot and if so you’re a good candidate. Post surgery I still take the meds (for insurance) but have had no seizures.


Jesse, have you ever sought legal advice?


Hire an Attorney on a contingency basis and go after that Nelson Tree Company. Check with attorney and see if there is a statute of limitations before hiring. Usually a good attorney will give you about 30 minutes free advise over the phone. Nothing ventured, Nothing gained. Go for it. Nothing to lose and lots to gain. Best of luck. My fingers crossed for you. Many prayers your way.


Contact OSHA Occupational Safety Hazard Association. Tell them EVERYTHING. They should be able to advise you of steps to take for your situation. I would contact OSHA IMMEDIATELY before any more time lapses. I also told you previously to call an attorney for free phone advise & see if you have a case. GO GET THAT COMPANY. YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED. Regards, Boomarang


So agree. Contact OSHA immediately! Don’t let any more time pass. Second call to attorney

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