Hyperthyroidism: Share your experiences

Posted by rjtx @rjtx, Oct 5, 2019

Hi, I just found this forum and hope to get some shared experience. My wife (age 50) has low TSH 0.11 ulU/Ml, Free T4 at 1.49 ng/dL (range 0.89-1.76 ng/dL). Free T3 4.40 pg/Ml (range 2.3-4.20 pg/Ml) (elevated). She lost 10 lbs and has trouble sleeping which is why her PCP ordered such tests. Her PCP wants her to see an endocrinologist. we are in process of setting this up.
But I wonder if anyone has had similar issue and can share your experience on seeing doctor and treatments (what works and what doesn't). Even we are going to rely on the doctor, we want to research as much as we can before seeing doctor with questions ready. thank you so much.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Diabetes & Endocrine System Support Group.

yes.. I went from 27 years of hypo to very bad hyper a year ago. lost 40 lbs. shook bad, don't sleep, and would actually go into a what I call a 'comatose' state for up to 2 hours. I could not drive. it was awful. In my case, I was told I"d have to wait it out ( for the thyroid medicine I was on to get out of my body.). I have my first endo appt in 5 months next week. I have no idea where I'm at right now. 2 months ago, I was still in the hyper lab ranges. BUT.. I am not shaking now anymore, and my wt has stabilized. I still don't sleep though..... I will keep watching this message board. ( I am 55).


In my experience, I have learned blood work could be fine but there is still is a problem. I am HYPO.. I think the background of ENDO. is so important. see if I can find, did they publish anything, any research. Good Luck to You.


@rjtx Welcome to the Diabetes/Endocrine System Group. I am Carol, a 75 year old retired English teacher and a Type 2 Diabetic. I also am HYPO with my thyroid. I have not had the problems you describe that your wife has had, but I understand the problems a thyroid out of control can cause. When I didn't know what was wrong, I could not stay awake and fatigue prevented me from doing much of anything except teaching. Eventually, a special doctor (not a specialist, but an internist) discovered my thyroid was barely working----mostly dead. So I started on thyroid medication (Synthroid) and have taken it since----for over four decades. As I aged, the dosage was reduced. I have always been a Type A personality, so adding any meds to make me go any faster were causing problems. So my current PCP lowered the dosage so that I would not be so revved up. I also think an endocrinologist is the way to go; they are schooled in this area and can see if that is your wife's problem. If not, they have other weapons in their arsenal that they can use to determine a diagnosis. You are wise to research not only the thyroid but also the doctor. You already know that it is so important to have faith in the physician. Do you have several endos to choose from in your area? I know there are different symptoms. At age 50, what about menopause? Trouble sleeping was a problem for me when I had that. Go through everything you can think of that your wife has experienced from childbirth (if applicable) to the present. Sometimes one little something makes the difference. If you have any more concerns, please post. I check this group every day and will see your post. If you have questions and can't find answers, will you let me know? I will try to help you. I am not a doctor, but I can research and check with other Mentors. I will do what I can to help. What you are told by the doctor may help someone else. Will you stay in touch?
Carol @retired teacher


well,, my blood tests came back.. I've got Graves. getting thyroid removed . Make sure you get into an endocrinologist and not a primary. My primary kept saying it is not Graves. well,, it is. I do have a question for you though. I"m in a lot of pain... is she in pain too? I do have some issues going on with my neck and shoulder, but my body aches. I've been told that hyper will effect your pain levels. Not sure I understand it, but was wondering if your wife experiences any pain?


yes.. I went from 27 years of hypo to very bad hyper a year ago. lost 40 lbs. shook bad, don't sleep, and would actually go into a what I call a 'comatose' state for up to 2 hours. I could not drive. it was awful. In my case, I was told I"d have to wait it out ( for the thyroid medicine I was on to get out of my body.). I have my first endo appt in 5 months next week. I have no idea where I'm at right now. 2 months ago, I was still in the hyper lab ranges. BUT.. I am not shaking now anymore, and my wt has stabilized. I still don't sleep though..... I will keep watching this message board. ( I am 55).

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I’m waiting for my lab results. I have severe anxiety, lost 35 lbs, don’t sleep. Any suggestions while I wait.


yes.. I went from 27 years of hypo to very bad hyper a year ago. lost 40 lbs. shook bad, don't sleep, and would actually go into a what I call a 'comatose' state for up to 2 hours. I could not drive. it was awful. In my case, I was told I"d have to wait it out ( for the thyroid medicine I was on to get out of my body.). I have my first endo appt in 5 months next week. I have no idea where I'm at right now. 2 months ago, I was still in the hyper lab ranges. BUT.. I am not shaking now anymore, and my wt has stabilized. I still don't sleep though..... I will keep watching this message board. ( I am 55).

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sounds to me like you were over medicated. What was the outcome?


Does anyone have hyperthyroidism that can help me with some reassurance.


@dknight01 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect, a place to give and get support.

@dknight01 You will notice that I moved you question to a previous discussion related to hyperthyroidism. I did this so you could connect with members like @adpetty @kimspr3 @mcmurf2 that have experience with this topic. You may want to scroll through the previous posts, if you have not done so already.

Below I have linked a discussion related to Hypothyroidism vs Hashimoto. I linked the discussion because there is valuable information and related to hypothyroidism you may wish utilize.

- Hypothyroidism vs Hashimoto’s https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/hypothyroidism-vs-hashimotos/

I noticed that you added the discussion to the Autoimmune group. May I ask if your hyperthyroidism is related to Grave's Disease or other autoimmune origins?


@dknight01 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect, a place to give and get support.

@dknight01 You will notice that I moved you question to a previous discussion related to hyperthyroidism. I did this so you could connect with members like @adpetty @kimspr3 @mcmurf2 that have experience with this topic. You may want to scroll through the previous posts, if you have not done so already.

Below I have linked a discussion related to Hypothyroidism vs Hashimoto. I linked the discussion because there is valuable information and related to hypothyroidism you may wish utilize.

- Hypothyroidism vs Hashimoto’s https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/hypothyroidism-vs-hashimotos/

I noticed that you added the discussion to the Autoimmune group. May I ask if your hyperthyroidism is related to Grave's Disease or other autoimmune origins?

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Waiting for final test. I should have the results on Thursday.


Waiting for final test. I should have the results on Thursday.

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@dknight01, Please keep us updated. I would be interested to know what the tests come back with. 🙂

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