How to stop GERD coughing?

Posted by melindanorman @melindanorman, Jun 12, 2023

I'm a 49yo female, very active, Kindergarten teacher. I've been on PPI's (all types) for 14 years for what I've been told is GERD and Barrett's Esophagus. All was managed until this past November 2022. Out of the blue I started getting stomach pain that was different than I've had before (no coughing) at that time. However, the past 2 years when I have gotten a cold/cough (I usually get one twice a year as a K teacher) my cough has lasted for about 1.5 months, even with medications. Anyways, saw my local GI dr and they were not helpful at all. Went to Mayo in Jacksonville in March for a week and had a slew of tests done. Went back last week for more tests. I'm in the middle of scheduling more tests for next week (transnasal 24 hour ph study, OFF of PPI's., CT for kidneys, possible colonoscopy again). Most of my findings have been unsubstantial. Low Vit C and Selenium. Right Renal artery aneurysm 14 mm (redoing CT scan next week for this). I had 2 colonoscopies so far in the past 6 months and she ordered a 3rd one but I'm challenging her on that. Esophageal wall thickening with small hiatal hernia. Hill Grade 3. Anyways, in our follow up last week when she ordered all of these new tests-it was the first time I heard her bring up surgery. That's all she said though. But now I've also developed a cough over the past few months, which I believe to be 'GERD cough'. It's awful, it's daily, and it's all day long. I do everything I'm supposed to-take my meds, no caffeine, no carbonated drinks, I have an adjustable bed, so I sleep upright on my back every night since this all happened in November. I only wear dresses or very loose fitting pants that sit at my hips-nothing constricting. I drink tons of water, I don't drink when I'm eating, I eat smaller portion sizes, I've changed my diet since this all started and am trying different things to see if anything helps, makes it worse, etc etc. I have tongue sores, nodules in the back of my throat, ringing ears, and I've read about other people having these symptoms along with cough if acid is being breathed in. But it's exhausting. This whole experience has been awful and exhausting, but the coughing is killing me. Does anybody have any tips and tricks to help? I've read through tons of the forum stuff and haven't seen anything different than what I'm doing.

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My GERD problems are no where near as bad as yours but I do get that cough from time to time. I find that manuka honey in some camomile tea soothes my throat and helps with the cough. Not a cure obviously but it does give me temporary relief. Best wishes to you.


Do you know the cause of your GERD? That’s the first step in treating it. I had GERD and some coughing and testing showed I had SIBO, fungal infection, a yeast infection and later a mold infection. Changes to my diet were critical for healing as well as reducing anxiety, taking the right supplements for vitamins and minerals and natural products to release toxin build up.
It’s not an easy journey and I wish you the best in finding relief.


Do you know the cause of your GERD? That’s the first step in treating it. I had GERD and some coughing and testing showed I had SIBO, fungal infection, a yeast infection and later a mold infection. Changes to my diet were critical for healing as well as reducing anxiety, taking the right supplements for vitamins and minerals and natural products to release toxin build up.
It’s not an easy journey and I wish you the best in finding relief.

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What testing did you have for sibo? I’ve had so many tests so far but haven’t been told anything about sibo.


I had a breath test that looks for gases being exhaled and blood testing. I don’t recall right now what the blood tests looked for but fat absorption plus vitamin and mineral levels are two things my doctor was looking at.
SIBO ( small intestinal bacterial overgrowth ) is a very common cause for GERD. And is treated with prebiotics and probiotics as well as changes in diet such as omitting sugars as that is what the bacteria feeds on, alcohol, spicy foods, gluten, possibly dairy. Everyone’s body is different as you know and what my body may not like may not be the same for you. My doctor had me work with a nutritionist to get me started to heal my gut.


Have you considered nissen fundoplication surgery? That's surgery to cure gerd. Also, have you tried a second opinion?


I forgot to say that a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water settles down the acid reflux too.


How much PPI do you take?
After having a stable situation with a PPI I had a flareup, which I think was caused by lifting very heavy boxes. So, if it's not that you have some other problem, do you have any idea what happened when the flareup started? A stressful situation? Stress or physical pressure on your diaphragm can exacerbate (best to stretch, don't slouch, relaxation...) Another possibility might be to adjust the meds you take. I needed to add Pepcid/famotidine in the evening. I did the 24 hr ph monitor without getting off the PPI - getting off it quickly might make your situation further worse. I'm working on gradually replacing my PPI in the AM to pepcid. Maybe a different medication might also work better for you. Hang in there!


Have you considered nissen fundoplication surgery? That's surgery to cure gerd. Also, have you tried a second opinion?

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I’ve researched that surgery like crazy and it may be my only option but it scares me. So many stories of it not working and all the new issues it creates. This Mayo GI dr is my 3rd opinion.


How much PPI do you take?
After having a stable situation with a PPI I had a flareup, which I think was caused by lifting very heavy boxes. So, if it's not that you have some other problem, do you have any idea what happened when the flareup started? A stressful situation? Stress or physical pressure on your diaphragm can exacerbate (best to stretch, don't slouch, relaxation...) Another possibility might be to adjust the meds you take. I needed to add Pepcid/famotidine in the evening. I did the 24 hr ph monitor without getting off the PPI - getting off it quickly might make your situation further worse. I'm working on gradually replacing my PPI in the AM to pepcid. Maybe a different medication might also work better for you. Hang in there!

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One 20 mg PPI a day for 14 years worked for me…until it didn’t. I was upped to 2 x day 40 mg but it seemed to make my symptoms worse, so I’m at 20mg 2x day. The only thing that happened was that I was sick a lot that year with colds/coughs-which I thought were just colds/ but now I’m wondering if they were Gerd coughing all along.


I’ve researched that surgery like crazy and it may be my only option but it scares me. So many stories of it not working and all the new issues it creates. This Mayo GI dr is my 3rd opinion.

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Hi, I recommend for you to look in the nissen fundoplication Facebook private group, it's just people that have gone through that surgery!

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