How to stop GERD coughing?

Posted by melindanorman @melindanorman, Jun 12, 2023

I'm a 49yo female, very active, Kindergarten teacher. I've been on PPI's (all types) for 14 years for what I've been told is GERD and Barrett's Esophagus. All was managed until this past November 2022. Out of the blue I started getting stomach pain that was different than I've had before (no coughing) at that time. However, the past 2 years when I have gotten a cold/cough (I usually get one twice a year as a K teacher) my cough has lasted for about 1.5 months, even with medications. Anyways, saw my local GI dr and they were not helpful at all. Went to Mayo in Jacksonville in March for a week and had a slew of tests done. Went back last week for more tests. I'm in the middle of scheduling more tests for next week (transnasal 24 hour ph study, OFF of PPI's., CT for kidneys, possible colonoscopy again). Most of my findings have been unsubstantial. Low Vit C and Selenium. Right Renal artery aneurysm 14 mm (redoing CT scan next week for this). I had 2 colonoscopies so far in the past 6 months and she ordered a 3rd one but I'm challenging her on that. Esophageal wall thickening with small hiatal hernia. Hill Grade 3. Anyways, in our follow up last week when she ordered all of these new tests-it was the first time I heard her bring up surgery. That's all she said though. But now I've also developed a cough over the past few months, which I believe to be 'GERD cough'. It's awful, it's daily, and it's all day long. I do everything I'm supposed to-take my meds, no caffeine, no carbonated drinks, I have an adjustable bed, so I sleep upright on my back every night since this all happened in November. I only wear dresses or very loose fitting pants that sit at my hips-nothing constricting. I drink tons of water, I don't drink when I'm eating, I eat smaller portion sizes, I've changed my diet since this all started and am trying different things to see if anything helps, makes it worse, etc etc. I have tongue sores, nodules in the back of my throat, ringing ears, and I've read about other people having these symptoms along with cough if acid is being breathed in. But it's exhausting. This whole experience has been awful and exhausting, but the coughing is killing me. Does anybody have any tips and tricks to help? I've read through tons of the forum stuff and haven't seen anything different than what I'm doing.

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I feel for all of you dealing with GERD. But I cannot emphasize enough how critical it is to get tested for the CAUSE of your GERD. I took PPI’s twice and on high dose Pepcid a few times but every time I went off, SYMPTOMS returned. There’s an enormous difference in treating the SYMPTOMS and treating the CAUSES. The causes do not not disappear by treating the symptoms in my humble opinion based on my experience.
Best to all of you!


Hi, I recommend for you to look in the nissen fundoplication Facebook private group, it's just people that have gone through that surgery!

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Yes, I've already joined it.


I feel for all of you dealing with GERD. But I cannot emphasize enough how critical it is to get tested for the CAUSE of your GERD. I took PPI’s twice and on high dose Pepcid a few times but every time I went off, SYMPTOMS returned. There’s an enormous difference in treating the SYMPTOMS and treating the CAUSES. The causes do not not disappear by treating the symptoms in my humble opinion based on my experience.
Best to all of you!

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Yes, that's why I'm having so much testing at Mayo-to try and find the root cause.


I Read two Books. One was the Chronic Cough Inigma & the other was Killing Me Softly. It recommended low dose Amitryptaline (spelling?). It did not help. My doctor said she wanted to try Nortryptine 50mg working up to 100mg. My chronic cough of 8 years, said to be caused by acid reflux, stopped almost immediately. It was amazing, like someone flipped a switch.
Wish you the best.


I Read two Books. One was the Chronic Cough Inigma & the other was Killing Me Softly. It recommended low dose Amitryptaline (spelling?). It did not help. My doctor said she wanted to try Nortryptine 50mg working up to 100mg. My chronic cough of 8 years, said to be caused by acid reflux, stopped almost immediately. It was amazing, like someone flipped a switch.
Wish you the best.

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Great that you found relief! Curious tho. Is Nortryptine an anti-depressant? Any idea why an anti-depressant would stifle a GERD cough?


Great that you found relief! Curious tho. Is Nortryptine an anti-depressant? Any idea why an anti-depressant would stifle a GERD cough?

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First of all. The book Chronic Cough Enigma explains the damage from acid reflux to the nerves in the throat. I am not a doctor, but I think the ‘old’ tricyclics help w/nerve pain/damage.


I have had a severe cough for a number of years. I recently went to an ENT who increased my dosage of omiprizole and also put me famotadine. My cough has lessened and I don’t cough up phlegm nearly as much as I did before. I feel so much better since then. Try seeing an ENT who understands the effects of GERDS. I trust mine more than I do my Gastro.

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