How to help a cancer patient undergoing treatment with nutrition?

Posted by mh2023 @mh2023, Dec 27, 2023

Hello, family member is currently going through chemo and radiation but is barely eating anything at all due to nausea. Could anyone provide me with ideas on what I can do to help with this situation? Thank you.

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Oh gosh, @grammyd. That must've been frightening for you to see your husband lose so much weight and require a blood transfusion. How is he doing now? Did he have surgery? How are YOU doing?

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Colleen, he us doing much better. He still has the feeding tube but is now eating food by mouth and has gained 15 lbs back. We've been told he may be able to have the tube removed end of February as long as he maintains his weight.
I'm doing good as well. Looking back, we believe it all happened in God's perfect timing as the week in the hospital without radiation allowed his neck burns to heal some before continuing with the radiation. I believe the break and the feeding tube saved his life.


I had the sugar conversation with the nutritionist but still needed to take the high caloric shakes to get the weight stabilized. It's a decision that's not easy to make. My weight is coming back slowly so I am cutting down now on the high sugar food. But the point is well taken. I had the same questions.

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During treatment, I was told by the Mayo dietician to not worry about eating healthy during treatments. I was told to focus on daily input of 120 grams of protein and 2500 calories. I tracked these in a free app called myfitnesspal.

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