How long can I stay on Prolia?

Posted by lynn59 @lynn59, Aug 30, 2023

I am 64 years old with a lumbar spine T-score of -3.1 (down 4.9% in 2 years) likely due to poor habits in the past two years as a primary caregiver for my recently deceased father. Until then my numbers were stable for the past 12 years, although still osteoporotic since menopause at age 47. My doctor wants me start Prolia. I’m worried I’m too young and wondering if I return to healthy eating and exercise if I can control it naturally. I’m worried I can only be on Prolia for 7-10 years and then worry about large decreases when I go off it.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.

I saw from another thread that you found Keith McCormick's excellent Aug 2022 OsteoBoston interview. You might also find his Feb2023 interview with Margie Bissinger re: osteoporosis medications helpful ( They discuss Prolia starting around 34:30 (minute:second). I recommend listening to the entire episode if you have time.

Personally, I find Prolia a scary medication, especially with its potential for a rebound effect if it is not prescribed or taken properly. I currently take Forteo (an anabolic medication, or bone builder) and will follow it later with Reclast, a bisphosphonate (which Fosamax is too, though Reclast is taken intravenously and Fosamax orally). It is my understanding the sequence of an anabolic (e.g., Forteo) followed by a bisphosphonate (e.g., Fosamax) is more effective than a bisphosphonate followed by an anabolic. I do not know if that changes depending how long ago you took a bisphosphonate before an anabolic.

I think you will find Dr. McCormick's "Great Bones" super helpful re: Prolia, e.g., starting at page 545 (it's a reference book, not leisure reading!) along with the resources teb and others have mentioned in various threads. If you have the financial resources, you may find a consult with Dr. McCormick very helpful too.


My doc won't use Prolia due to the problems when getting off and the tricky transition to Reclast. Can you ask your doc about Tymlos, Forteo or Evenity? As McCormick and others have said, the best sequence is a bone builder before Prolia or a bisphosphonate.


I am quite curious about your concern too. I took Fosamax from 2007 to 2012. My scores have lowered recently and I have been prescribed Tymlos. Does this make sense after Fosamax? I understand it is supposed to stop allowing bones to grow. Is this correct?
I also did not understand that you have to continue with another drug after 2 years of Tymlos or Forteo.
Any supplemental information would be most welcome.


I am quite curious about your concern too. I took Fosamax from 2007 to 2012. My scores have lowered recently and I have been prescribed Tymlos. Does this make sense after Fosamax? I understand it is supposed to stop allowing bones to grow. Is this correct?
I also did not understand that you have to continue with another drug after 2 years of Tymlos or Forteo.
Any supplemental information would be most welcome.

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@madeleine40 , I took Fosamax followed by 5 years of Reclast during 2000-2010. Dexa stayed stable with osteopenia until 2021 when it changed drastically to severe osteoporosis. Fearing fractures I followed by rheumatologist recommendation for Prolia. At that time I had not done any research into osteoporosis treatments. Anyway, in the 2 years I was on Prolia, I had 3 unusual pathologic fractures. So, 2 months ago I started on Tymlos as my only option now. My rheumatologist said that I will need to go back to Prolia as I have exhausted the amount of time for taking Reclast. However, he is not an osteoporosis specialist so I’m currently looking for someone.


@madeleine40 , I took Fosamax followed by 5 years of Reclast during 2000-2010. Dexa stayed stable with osteopenia until 2021 when it changed drastically to severe osteoporosis. Fearing fractures I followed by rheumatologist recommendation for Prolia. At that time I had not done any research into osteoporosis treatments. Anyway, in the 2 years I was on Prolia, I had 3 unusual pathologic fractures. So, 2 months ago I started on Tymlos as my only option now. My rheumatologist said that I will need to go back to Prolia as I have exhausted the amount of time for taking Reclast. However, he is not an osteoporosis specialist so I’m currently looking for someone.

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Thank you so much for your feedback ymv. Very annoying to take these drugs and still have fractures.
Research is key indeed. Good luck in your search.


I am quite curious about your concern too. I took Fosamax from 2007 to 2012. My scores have lowered recently and I have been prescribed Tymlos. Does this make sense after Fosamax? I understand it is supposed to stop allowing bones to grow. Is this correct?
I also did not understand that you have to continue with another drug after 2 years of Tymlos or Forteo.
Any supplemental information would be most welcome.

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@madeleine40 is a bone builder. It is not true that "
it stops allowing bones to grow."

I am finishing Tymlos and will do Reclast once or twice and then with monitoring, may take a break. Reclast "locks in gains" but may not have to be taken all the time.


I meant to say that fosamax may hinder further bone growth from its process to stop bone loss. This is information I read 10 years ago when I was on Fosamax. I do not know if this is a fact.
Thank you.


Sorry I left out the word "Tymlos" in my post!


I saw from another thread that you found Keith McCormick's excellent Aug 2022 OsteoBoston interview. You might also find his Feb2023 interview with Margie Bissinger re: osteoporosis medications helpful ( They discuss Prolia starting around 34:30 (minute:second). I recommend listening to the entire episode if you have time.

Personally, I find Prolia a scary medication, especially with its potential for a rebound effect if it is not prescribed or taken properly. I currently take Forteo (an anabolic medication, or bone builder) and will follow it later with Reclast, a bisphosphonate (which Fosamax is too, though Reclast is taken intravenously and Fosamax orally). It is my understanding the sequence of an anabolic (e.g., Forteo) followed by a bisphosphonate (e.g., Fosamax) is more effective than a bisphosphonate followed by an anabolic. I do not know if that changes depending how long ago you took a bisphosphonate before an anabolic.

I think you will find Dr. McCormick's "Great Bones" super helpful re: Prolia, e.g., starting at page 545 (it's a reference book, not leisure reading!) along with the resources teb and others have mentioned in various threads. If you have the financial resources, you may find a consult with Dr. McCormick very helpful too.

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Thank you so much for your reply and links. I looked up Dr. McCormick’s website and reviewed all the material he needs for an initial consultation. I’ll have to my clinic to see if those test were even done. I think the money is worth spending as my long term health and activity is well worth the $300 or so! I really appreciate all the advice and comments from this forum. Extremely helpful.


Yes, this forum is really great and helpful! I've learned a ton since joining it several month ago.
Best wishes, and remember: you've got this! 🙂

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