How Do You Treat Stomach Dumping Syndrome

Posted by johnclick @johnclick, May 3, 2023

I was extremely anxious about this condition which was causing a lot of discomfort
and embarrassment. My research found that Mayo Clinic was treating about 2,000
cases every year, so I looked up their suggested treatment, mostly dietary, which
including avoiding sweet foods. I am bedridden and had a habit of keeping a
package of mints composed of sugar. at bedside and dissolving in my mouth all day.
I have eliminated this habit and have started a diet, which includes drinking lots of water and stopping the consuming of carbonated beverages. I am confident about this planned treatment and happy to find the information.

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@johnclick how awful to have dumping syndrome. At lease you have a plan to deal with it. According to The Mayo Clinic, the problem should go away in a few weeks, if you follow the treatment measures.
The basics of what is recommended is to eat small meals, no liquids with meals, and try to avoid simple carbohydrates.
Did this just start suddenly for you? Have you met with your doctor to discuss what your plan is? I think you’ll do fine, because you’re obviously committed to fixing the problem!


Sounds like you did all of the right steps! How is your stomach dumping syndrome doing now? Has it improved?


I recommend that you send a few Al sample to a company that can use it to analyze your
Micro biome ( the good bacteria in your gut) The one I used was Viome. I really helped my digestive system. They tell what are your super foods, and what to avoid. In my case, I avoid purines and oxalates . I only follow their food advice, but they offer other tests and supplements.


Thanks for replying. Something in your memo may have
some vital importance: About a year ago, a mix-up caused
me to take a double dose of a strong antibiotics, resulting
in hospital test which revealed an absence of "good"
biotics in my digestion system. Much, much trouble
after that, so I will ask my doctor if this could be
related to my "Dumping Syndrome,"


Thanks for replying. Something in your memo may have
some vital importance: About a year ago, a mix-up caused
me to take a double dose of a strong antibiotics, resulting
in hospital test which revealed an absence of "good"
biotics in my digestion system. Much, much trouble
after that, so I will ask my doctor if this could be
related to my "Dumping Syndrome,"

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An aside, are you sure they know which gut bacteria are good and which aren’t?


I recommend that you send a few Al sample to a company that can use it to analyze your
Micro biome ( the good bacteria in your gut) The one I used was Viome. I really helped my digestive system. They tell what are your super foods, and what to avoid. In my case, I avoid purines and oxalates . I only follow their food advice, but they offer other tests and supplements.

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You can find all you need for "GUT HEALTH" in a couple of servings of yogurt! Save your money!
There are alot of Registered Dietitian at Mayo Clinc that police these boards. Asked one of them for help. Registered Dietitians have 6+years schooling!
Pat retired Dietitian.


A dietitian is one choice but I have been to dietitian and never got a good result like this. The micro biome research analyses the good and bad bacteria in your gut which a dietitian can not do. It takes a lab and data research to do. This was my choice and I will always tell people about it. There may be other companies out there so I’m not advertising them. . Your body, your choice!!! plenty of books out there on the micro biome !!!


What is Stomach Dumping Syndrome? I have never heard of this.


After 5 days, I had to stop the diet because it was doing more harm
than good. I had been very optimistic, so I felt really let down. It was my fault for trying to treat myself and making the wrong diagnosis. The doctor most likely was right in calling it ulcerative colitis (very
difficult to treat.) So now my only treatment is drinking lots of
water. Now, I am following up on a previous problem where I
Inadvertedly took too many antibiotics which killed all the "good".
bacteria in my intestines.


I have biotene, xylitol lozenges to help with dry mouth. I have not been diagnosed with stomach dumping, but I go through intermittent periods where it is present. My gastroenterologist prescribed Sucralfate, which I take at the first inkling of cramping and it often helps. But, I drink hot tea with many meals, particularly if there is fat (ie bacon, egg yolk) and eat small portions. Ice water is also a culprit. You might see if any of Terry Wahl's ideas resonate with you--her hypothesis is that your diet keeps your mitochondria in good shape. If you look up "GERD triggers webmd, there are other ideas, for general gastric woes. Keep a diary of foods that you eat, particularly if you have an episode.

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